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Communicating Effectively in the Workplace … for young professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Effectively in the Workplace … for young professionals."— Presentation transcript:


2 Communicating Effectively in the Workplace … for young professionals

3 Traits of a Healthy Relationship Cooperation Compromise Respect Acceptance Honesty Trustworthiness Dependability Loyalty Empathy

4 Communication Speaking skills “I” message Tone and pitch

5 Constructive Messages Activity “Debbie, stop bringing Krispy Kreme doughnuts to work! Are you trying to ruin my diet or something?”

6 Constructive Messages Activity “Robert, I’m fed up with you asking me to help you do your work! If you can’t handle your workload maybe you should just quit.”

7 Constructive Messages Activity “Mr. Stafford, it’s not fair that you always say no to me when I ask for vacation time! Carla always gets vacation time and she works half the hours I do!”

8 Communication Listening skills Hearing vs. Listening Active Listening Reflective Listening Clarifying Encouraging Empathizing


10 How the average person spends their communication time…

11 Non-Verbal Communication Body Language

12 Non-Verbal Communication Conveying Personality and Status Dress: style, tidiness, coordination Personal adornments: jewelry to watches to badges Office and desk space at work Items owned

13 Barriers to Effective Communication Unrealistic expectations Projecting a tough, superior image Prejudice Common fears

14 Acknowledgments and Compliments Acknowledgments Acknowledge a skill Show appreciation Compliments Selfless Self-effacing

15 Communication: What to do movie clip


17 Discussion What traits do you find most important when forming healthy relationship in the work environment?

18 Discussion What nonverbal communication do you use that may send others the wrong message at work?

19 Discussion What barriers to effective communication have you faced at the office?

20 Discussion What techniques can you start using to become an active listener?

21 Relationship Reflection Reflect on a healthy relationship: List 4 traits that make the relationship healthy Reflect on a strained relationship: List 4 traits that could make the relationship healthier


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