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UNIT 2: GEOLOGIC EVENTS 7 th Grade IB Science. U2: Geologic Events.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 2: GEOLOGIC EVENTS 7 th Grade IB Science. U2: Geologic Events."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 2: GEOLOGIC EVENTS 7 th Grade IB Science

2 U2: Geologic Events

3 U2: AHA Connections  Bell Work  Set up AHA Connections pages on pgs. 22-23 of your notebook.  The title is: U2: AHA Connections. NO DATE  Record the following question in the light bulb: How do people cope with things beyond their control?  Add these 3 questions in to the same area of pgs. 22- 23: What evidence supports continental drift? Why did scientists question the continental drift hypothesis? Which coastlines might once have been joined together?

4 U2:Trigger Activity Sept. 6, 2011  Objective: You will create 2 puzzles (one with small pieces and one with large pieces).  Put the title and date on pgs. 24-25 in your notebook.  Using 2 pieces of notebook paper, draw a simple picture.  Cut one picture into large puzzle pieces.  Cut the other picture into small puzzle pieces.

5 U2:Trigger Activity Sept. 6, 2011  Write a hypothesis in your notebook on pg. 25 about which puzzle will go back together with less trouble. “If I put together the puzzle with…then I will be able to get all the pieces to fit.”  Put pieces together.  Write a statement after your hypothesis to explain if your hypothesis was supported or not and why.

6 U2:Trigger Activity Sept. 6, 2011  Homework:  Look at a map of the globe and answer the following question on pg. 24 of your notebook: Which coastlines might once have been joined together?  Answer in a STATEMENT not a paragraph.  What evidence from today’s activity helped you answer this question?

7 U2: The Continental Drift Hypothesis 9-7-11, 9-8-11  Climate Clues  Read pg. 188 and take BRIEF notes on pg. 2 in your foldable.

8 U2: The Continental Drift Hypothesis, 9-7-11, 9-8-11  Fossil Clues  Read pg. 189 and take BRIEF notes on pg. 4 of your foldable.

9 U2: The Continental Drift Hypothesis, 9-8-11  Rock Clues  Read pg. 190 and take BRIEF notes on pg. 3 of your foldable.

10 U2: The Continental Drift Hypothesis, 9-9-11  Read pg. 191 and take BRIEF notes over the section: WHAT WAS MISSING? Take notes on pg. 5 of your foldable.

11  Amoeba People Pangaea’s Moving Farther Apart Again k&feature=related BBC e=related

12 How old is the Atlantic Ocean, 9-14-11  Copy the mini lab from pg. 197 onto pg. 31 in your notebook.  Choose a partner.  Work through the lab together.  Analyze and Conclude about the age of the Atlantic magnetic.htm

13 Rock Cycle, 9-29-11  ature=related ature=related

14 Rock Cycle, 9-29-11

15 

16 Types of Mountains 10-4 (NB44-45)  Folded Mountains  Examples: Rocky Mountains, The Alps  Created by compression at convergent boundaries main&playnext=1&list=PL957C73D6B68723E3  Fault-Block Mountains  Example: Basin and Range Province in western and southwestern U.S.  Created by tension at divergent boundaries – crust pulls apart to form a fault and large blocks of crust slide up or down d

17 Types of Mountains 10-4 (NB44-45)  Uplifted Mountains  Example: Sierra Nevada Mountains  Volcanic Mountains  Examples: Mt. St. Helens, Hawaiian Islands  Formed by sitting over a hotspot or by subduction of an oceanic plate

18  Transform Faults  Occurs when plates at a divergent boundary slide horizontally to each other, perpendicular to the ridge/rift  t&view=detail&mid=9052C44400F3A614F8499052 C44400F3A614F849&first=0&FORM=LKVR t&view=detail&mid=9052C44400F3A614F8499052 C44400F3A614F849&first=0&FORM=LKVR

19  Fault Zones  Occur when plates slide past each other, shearing and causing smaller faults to form perpendicular to the main fault

20  As you read through chapter 9, write questions on sticky notes (front table and back counter).  Imagine yourself teaching either earthquakes or volcanoes. What do you think is important for students to know? (Use this to guide your question writing).  Do you have any project ideas for this chapter that could help answer the BIG IDEA question (see your AHA Connections pages for Geologic Events)?

21 Types of Faults 10-17-11  Strike-Slip Fault  Forms at a Transform boundary (like the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, which has formed the San Andreas Fault Line) 

22 Types of Faults 10-17-11  Normal Fault  Forms at a divergent boundary when two plates (or blocks of crust) are pulled apart and one slides down the other  NR=1 NR=1  What type landform can a normal fault cause?

23 Types of Faults 10-17-11  Reverse Fault  Forms at a convergent plate boundary when two plates compress and one plate gets pushed up slightly  feature=related feature=related

24 Types of Faults 10-17-11  NR=1 NR=1  Which type of fault caused the Japan 2011 earthquake 80 miles off the east coast of the islands? Why do you think that?  Think-Write-Pair-Square

25 Comparing Earthquakes 10-18-11  How are responses of people in other nations different than and similar to the responses of people in our nation?  Learning from Chile’s Mega Quake setId=3e15863b-efe8-4c0c-a30d-14d030828777  Kobe Earthquake 1995 setId=742594a7-a776-4486-9be2-1d8eaa789f0b setId=742594a7-a776-4486-9be2-1d8eaa789f0b

26 Comparing Earthquakes 10-18-11  Subduction Earthquakes AssetId=5d4bb3e6-5766-4f9b-be3e- 431fb50313b0 Haiti Earthquake AssetId=946ab25a-c19c-4017-b980- 633d30980183

27 Seismic Waves and Mercalli Scale  P-Waves – Primary waves that hit the surface first  ure=related ure=related  S-Waves – Secondary waves that hit the surface second  ature=related ature=related  eature=related eature=related

28 Seismic Waves and Mercalli Scale  Love Waves – a transverse wave that is confined to the Earth’s surface  elated elated  Rayleigh Waves – a wave transmitted from epicenter that is confined to the surface  elated elated  GAgZU&feature=related GAgZU&feature=related  1 1

29 Seismic Waves and Mercalli Scale  Modified Mercalli Scale  I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII  Measures the damage to HUMAN structures Richter Scale Modified Mercalli

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