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How to get the most from InstantAtlas Desktop Andrea Kirk| Support Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "How to get the most from InstantAtlas Desktop Andrea Kirk| Support Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to get the most from InstantAtlas Desktop Andrea Kirk| Support Consultant

2 Taylor the design and functionality to meet the needs of your audience: What kind of charts? Explaining texts? Additional buttons? Contextual layers and background mapping? Further information needed (metadata, data download)? Accessibility (colour contrast, button sizes)? Who is your Audience ?

3 Perth and Kinross Council State of the Environment Google query: ‘instantatlas perth kinross story’

4 Office for National Statistics Local profiles

5 Arizona Dept of Health Designation mapping Google query: ‘instantatlas arizona story’

6 How to get the most from InstantAtlas Server Pierre Jenkins | Support Manager

7 Edward Tufte

8 Relevant data Guidance Updates Digital Marketing Performance Champions

9 “It means we can go out and ask people what sort of information they would like to see. Creating a place where users across the authority can access council data easily and presented to them in a simple to use and understand way”. Stephen Croney, Information Mananger

10 Presenting the data in such a way that anyone without any specialist knowledge can understand has also taken time – but Gareth believes the end result is worth it. “We are keen to support the localism agenda so we have included an InstantAtlas feature that allows users to input their postcode,” he says. “The website hasn’t been live for long but feedback has been good and people who have seen it are very impressed. Gareth Hughes, Senior Research Officer

11 Executive Councillor for Transformation and Resources Alex Williams explains that at the core of the project was a desire to make non personal data and statistics based around the delivery of public services available to the public so they could engage with the outcomes of council decisions on services. That meant creating a user-friendly interface. Citizens in Trafford are better informed and represented – they can understand what it happening in their local areas.


13 Nottingham Insight User Survey October 2011 Promoted on the Intranet 56 responses 70% council employees A wide range of reasons for using the system




17 The results indicate most users describe their statistical knowledge as reasonable (42.9%), and only 25.0% would describe themselves as having a sound statistical knowledge. There is a possible need to review how users access the site. Could it be possible to direct those users with limited statistical knowledge to different areas of the site? Wendy Conibear, Senior Mapping Officer at Nottingham City Council



20 There has been a rise in the development of local information systems; however little research exists on users’ perspective of the value they obtain from these systems. Such research is essential if the full potential of these systems is to be realised and to identify how such systems may better meet the needs of their users. Alefiyah Oakford, Systems Analyst at Milton Keynes Council (2009)

21 MKi User Survey August (?) 2009 Survey sent to 377 registered users of Mki 52 responses (14%) 25 responses (48%) from the Council Wide range of Council services represented




25 … users are experiencing difficulty in finding data and information and in the use and interpretation of statistical and mapping data. The findings also reveal there is a lack of awareness into the importance and use of metadata associated with resources in the system. Alefiyah Oakford, Systems Analyst at Milton Keynes Council (2009)

26 LIS User Profiles Novice Users Skilled Users Very Statistical Not Statistical Analysts in Partner Agencies Journalists Policy Makers IAS Team Citizens Trained Users

27 IAS Outputs|Statistical vs Technical Easy to generate Difficult to generate Very Statistical Not Statistical Profiles that display confidence limits Quick Profiles that use descriptive text and images Data views accessed via advanced wizard Data views that use simple maps and charts Data views that use bubble or funnel plots Data views that use spine or radar charts Profiles that display ranks or scores Simple profiles accessed via advanced wizard Complex profiles accessed via advanced wizard Profiles that use tables and charts




31 @InstantAtlas m/ +InstantAtlas +David E Carey


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