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Digital Cable Records Management System (A solution for Cable Records management using Geo Enabled Surfing on Customer Access Network (gSCAN)) An initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Cable Records Management System (A solution for Cable Records management using Geo Enabled Surfing on Customer Access Network (gSCAN)) An initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Cable Records Management System (A solution for Cable Records management using Geo Enabled Surfing on Customer Access Network (gSCAN)) An initiative of BSNL, Kerala Circle

2 Digital Cable Records Management System Why DCRMS? 1.To Reduce Access Network Fault Rectification Time. 2.To enable Focussed/Location based Marketing. 3. Make Spare Pair Availability information on Finger Tip. 4.To Check the feasibility of new connections at Junction Points. 5.To Know the Customer Location and Link from MDF to Customer Premises. 6.Preparation of Cable Diagram with Google Map How it is different from Conventional CRMS Systems? 1.Integrated with CDR data to fetch maximum information on Cable Terminations. 2.Geo Enabled Interfaces will enable the Geographical Area View during data entry. 3.Multi-Tier architecture for Data Entry in a Phased Manner.

3 Digital Cable Records Management System Three Tier System Architecture 1.Cable Network Termination Nodes Capture Module 2.Cable Network Termination Mapping Module 3.Cable System Mapping Module

4 Digital Cable Records Management System Multi Tier Data Capture DCRMS 1. Customer Transfer from CDR 2. Master Data Capture from CDR 3. Master Data Entry/Edit by Exchange 4. Cable Terminations Mapping 5. Cable Network Entry 6. Cable System Mapping

5 Digital Cable Records Management System Data Sources 1.CDR Data 2.MDF Diagram 3.Primary Cable Diagram 4.Distribution Cable Diagram 5.Other sources

6 Digital Cable Records Management System Data Capture 1. Customer Transfer from CDR 2. Master Data Capture from CDR 3. Master Data Entry/Edit by Exge 4. Cable Terminations Mapping 5. Cable Network Entry 6. Cable System Mapping CDR/IT 1Customer Master 2Termination Details 3Main Locality 4Sub Locality IT 1Pillar 2DP Exchange 1Cable Routes 2Locations 3Pillar Locations 5DP Locations 4DP Termination Size Exchange 1MDF-Pillar Mapping 2Pillar-DP Mapping Exchange 1Cable Along Routes Exchange 1Mapping of Cables at MDF, Pillars and Joints

7 Digital Cable Records Management System Main Locality Sub Locality Cable Routes CDR Locations DCRMS Roads in which Cables are Laid Locations of Pillars, DPs, Joints and Diversions Concept of Main Locality, Sub Locality, Routes and Locations

8 Telephone Exchange 1Exchange Location 2Exchange Area 3Cable Exit Face Line 4Zoom Factor (Default 16) Step 1 : Exchange Entry in CRMS Digital Cable Records Management System

9 Cable Routes It is the route along which the cable is laid in the Main Locality. This is Mandatory. Two Interfaces are available 1. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Master Data=> Cable Route Details Entry 2. Graphical Mode Interface in gSCAN

10 Telephone Exchange 1Route Name 2Route Type 3Route Start LatLon Step 2 : Routes Entry in CRMS/gSCAN Digital Cable Records Management System Vayalar Statue-PMG Bose Statue Road Nandancode Road Moscat Hotel Road

11 Digital Cable Records Management System Locations It is a point where Pillars, DPs, Joints etc are situated in a sublocality. This is mandatory. Two Interfaces are available 1. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Master Data=> Location Details Entry 2. Graphical Mode Interface in gSCAN

12 Telephone Exchange 1Route 2Sub Locality 3Location Name 4Location Marked Side 5Location LatLon Step 3 : Locations Entry in CRMS/gSCAN Digital Cable Records Management System Pillar DPs Joints Diversions Devarajan Statue Kanakanagar LMS Jn PWD Office Corporation Office Hera Flat

13 Digital Cable Records Management System Pillar Edit Pillar Data with Pillar No and Name will be Made available from CDR. Pillar Name and Pillar Size can be edited. Location and Side should be added Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Master Data=> Pillar Details Entry

14 Telephone Exchange 1Pillar Name 2Pillar Number 3Pillar Size 4Pillar Location 5Pillar Side Step 4 : Pillar Edit in CRMS Digital Cable Records Management System Pillar LMS Jn

15 Digital Cable Records Management System DP Edit DP Data with DP No and DP Name will be Made available from CDR. DP Name, DP Size and No of DP Terminations can be edited. Location and Side should be added Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Master Data=> DP Details Entry

16 Telephone Exchange 1DP Name 2DP Number 3DP Size 4DP Terminations Size 5DP Location Step 5 : DP Edit in CRMS Digital Cable Records Management System DPs PWD Office Corporation Office

17 Digital Cable Records Management System MDF-Pillar Mapping MDF Tags and Pillar-In Tags can be Mapped using this Interface. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>MDF-Pillar Mapping MDF No Pillar CTBox Tag From Tag To Vertical CT Box Tag From Tag To

18 Digital Cable Records Management System Pillar-DP Mapping Pillar Out Tags and DP Tags can be Mapped using this Interface. Jumpering on PillarIn - PillarOut will happen automatically. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Pillar-DP Mapping CTBox Tag From Tag To Pillar DP Tag From Tag To

19 Digital Cable Records Management System Cable Network Entry Cable Laid along routes can be added through this module. 100% Data to be collected and recorded in the system. Two Interfaces are available 1. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Cable Network Entry 2. Graphical Mode Interface in gSCAN

20 Telephone Exchange 1Cable Size 2Cable Name 3Start Termination 4Starting Location 5Ending Location 6Cable Road Side 7MDF Exit 8Cable Laid Type Step 6 : Cable Entry in CRMS/gSCAN Digital Cable Records Management System Joint Kanakanagar Hera Flat

21 Telephone Exchange Step 7 : Cable Diversions in CRMS/gSCAN Digital Cable Records Management System Joint Kanakanagar Hera Flat SFS Flat Jn Convent School Jn Petrol Pump Jn Exchane Jn

22 Digital Cable Records Management System Cable Network Mapping This is the Mapping of Cable Pairs with MDF Tags, Pillar Tags, DP Tags and Other cable pairs in joints. 100% Data to be collected and recorded in the system. Pair Status as “Working” or “Spare” will be automatically recorded by the system using CDR Data. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Cable Network Mapping

23 Telephone Exchange Step 8 : Cable System Mapping in MDF using CRMS Digital Cable Records Management System Joint Kanakanagar Hera Flat SFS Flat Jn Convent School Jn Petrol Pump Jn Exchane Jn Cable Name Pair FromPair ToMDFVerticalCTBox 1200/0.5110112001182 CTB Pair From CTB Pair To Tail EndC 1100Joint In MDF

24 Telephone Exchange Step 9 : Cable System Mapping in Joint using CRMS Digital Cable Records Management System Joint Kanakanagar Hera Flat SFS Flat Jn Convent School Jn Petrol Pump Jn Exchane Jn Cable Name Head End Pair From Head End Pair To Head End Cable Head End Pair From Head end Pair To 1000/0.590110001200/0.511011200 Terminated In Joint

25 Digital Cable Records Management System Feasibility Check Using this interface, feasibility can be checked if any of the following is known. 1. DP Number/DP Name 2. Location 3. Sub Locality 4. Nearest Telephone Number of Applicant System will give the feasibility report from MDF to DP. If required, the pair can be marked as a reserved pair. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Feasibility Check

26 Digital Cable Records Management System Add-Ons Phone Number Edit If required, any terminations regarding a Phone Number can be edited through this link. Text Mode Interface DCRMS=>Phone Number Edit Status Change The status of Spare Tags can be changed through this interface. DCRMS=>Status Change.

27 Digital Cable Records Management System Action Plan 1.The rollout date needs to be decided and to be inputted by the concerned SSA for each set of exchange. 2.The action plan and rollout progress will be coordinated centrally by Circle office (OP Section/ L2 DCRMS – L2 Team) 3.For any queries / support, field unit may contact only through (IT Cell-L3 Team) 4.Field units may ensure correctness of data extracted from CDR (Pillar / DP / Locality / TAGs / Verticals) before operating DCRMS. 5.Field units may ensure the synchronization of termination data in both CDR and DCRMS simultaneously, whenever it occurs.

28 Digital Cable Records Management System Thank You

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