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Paola Neira N.. Philology Study of languages Describes a common acestor PROTO Original form Source of modern languages Indian Sub-continent (INDO) Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Paola Neira N.. Philology Study of languages Describes a common acestor PROTO Original form Source of modern languages Indian Sub-continent (INDO) Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paola Neira N.

2 Philology Study of languages Describes a common acestor PROTO Original form Source of modern languages Indian Sub-continent (INDO) Europe (EUROPEAN) PROTO-INDO-EUROPEAN


4 COGNATES Connection between different languages Common ancestor in the Proto-Indo-European Close similarities In languages. Words with similar form and meaning in different languages English German Mother – father - friend Mutter – vater - freund

5 Comparative Reconstruction To reconstruct the proto-form in the common ancestral language Principles Mayority Most natural development Retains the original sound Minority changes through time Sound changes Are common


7 OLD ENGLISH Early form of the English languages (angles, saxons and jutes tribes) Anglo- saxons (PAGAN) CHRISTIANITY Religion (LATIN) Vikings Old norse

8 Middle English Norman French arrived in England The ruling class EnglishFrench Lower class’ language Official language of England

9 Spoken since the Great Vowel Shift Quality of vowel sounds Modern English

10 Sounds Changes Quality of vowel sounds Metathesis Epenthesis Prothesis Reversal en position of two adjoining sounds Addition of a sound to the middle of a word Addition of a sound to the beggining of a word

11 Syntactic change Differences between the structure of sentences Loss of a large number of inflectional affixes Old English Middle English Word order V-S-O S-V-O

12 Lexical Changes BroadeningNarrowing Dog (all breeds) Docga (particular breed) Hund (any kind of dog) Hound (specific breeds)

13 Process of change Changes caused by wars, invasions, and others. Process of cultural transmition Types of variation DiachronicallySynchronically Historical perspective of change through time Study of a language at a given point in time

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