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Techno Autobio (a slice) Laura Carroll. A technology journey– Oxford 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Techno Autobio (a slice) Laura Carroll. A technology journey– Oxford 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Techno Autobio (a slice) Laura Carroll

2 A technology journey– Oxford 2011

3 No phone service/3G made me more present for moments like these,

4 sparked my imagination,

5 and meant we read more.

6 However, access to technology allowed me to document fun moments, blog about them, and share them with others.

7 It also allowed me to stay connected to people I missed and helped me feel less lonely.

8 And, yet questions If I had not been in Oxford only for a season, would technology have kept me too tethered to “home” and prevented me from connection to people there? (As Maushart did with Perth.) When I got back home, why did I so easily fall back into old habits of distraction? How does one find the balance between the benefits and trappings of technology? The ability to connect (sometimes deeply) and the way it stymies connection?

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