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Unit 1 – setup and operate a digital audio workstation.

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1 Unit 1 – setup and operate a digital audio workstation.

2 D.A.W is a computer program used for recording, editing and producing audio files Digital audio workstation. (D.A.W)

3 FL studio. Propellerheads Reason. Apple Garageband Pass.

4 A D.A.W is a recording system that music producers use to record, edit and produce music. Merit

5 Apple garbage band comes free with apple products but is very basic so it limits what you can and can’t do. However a program e.g. like FL studios or Propellerheads Reason can do more but cost money. Distinction

6 Open up the start menu. Look for Cubase if its not there click on all programs, music, Cubase

7 Then start recording. Click more then empty

8  Midi is short for musical instrument digital interface.  Midi is a simple way for a single person to control multiple electronic instruments at the same time.  You would set up a MIDI instrument to a computer.  The computer must be on a D.A.W  MIDI files are tiny often 10k or less  Starts music immediately Midi

9 Guitars, microphones, drums. Audio is sound within the acoustic range available to people. With midi you can change something if you mess up,and audio you would have to start again. Audio

10 Audio components Usb ports Audio entrance Microphone audio Instrument audio

11 Midi components Usb port Midi drums Midi guitar

12 Midi preferences 1.First I selected a midi track 2.Then I selected the instrument 3.And then I changed the midi input 4.After that I recorded 1. 2. 4. 3.

13 Audio preferences This is how you setup an audio device in cubase you must remember to enable the audio track for the recording to work.

14  Pass.  Merit.  Distinction. Sequencing project.

15 I.To ad a track right click and select track. To delete ether hold shift and delete or right click on the track and remove track Sequencer tracks

16 Opening different projects (recording/ production)

17 AudioMIDI How to import Audio and MIDI files

18 Unit 1.2

19  Audio: audio is sound recorded live.  Midi: midi is information that plays sound that is not recorded live.  Software instrument tracks: software instrument tracks are midi information that plays audio. Different types of tracks

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