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Digital Dictation Pilot within CMHT Anton Faulconbridge Rantmedia.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Dictation Pilot within CMHT Anton Faulconbridge Rantmedia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Dictation Pilot within CMHT Anton Faulconbridge Rantmedia

2 Hello!

3 About Rantmedia Digital Product Studio Innovative & Strategically Important Digital Products Mobile focus

4 Healthcare is great Significant interventions Everyone is a stakeholder Vast untapped potential

5 SSSFT (not that SSSFT) Project overview Pilot project 20 clinicians

6 Key Questions Reduction in time before entering notes Reduction in time spent entering notes Increase in accuracy/readability

7 Components of the system Mobile app Transcriber interface (web) Security

8 What does it look like? Let’s take a look…

9 App Icon

10 Checking user is valid and approved on the system

11 Patient Reference Number Select Priority Level Begin Recording Name of clinician

12 Patient Reference Number Select Priority Level Begin Recording Name of clinician

13 Visual Waveform Tap ‘Save’

14 Saved Recording Tap ‘Edit’

15 Tap ‘Additional Notes’

16 Record, then tap ‘Save’

17 Playback with ‘scrub’ Tap ‘Upload’

18 Recording is encrypted

19 Uploading in progress


21 Backend 2

22 What were the results? Very interesting! Overwhelmingly positive Backed our suppositions

23 “I have found the dictation to be extremely useful as it enables me not only to increase my clinical time but it also enables me to reflect more on the content of my sessions.”

24 “Where the dictation increases my efficiency is where I am unable to access RiO from remote areas”

25 “As I got used to dictating, the time taken to complete has decreased. I found that I am able to keep notes more up to date. Also I am not having to complete as much work at home or after my working hours”

26 “Enabled the utilization of time in the car between appointments to upload progress notes. This has lead to less time spent later typing numerous different visits and remembering events from earlier in the day. This leads to more accuracy in memory recall, potentially less travel time driving to a location to use a laptop, and notes being entered timely when unable to access a laptop. This has reduced the hours I spend typing progress notes and allowed me more quality time to support clients. This has also reduced stress due to dictation being less time consuming than finding location of a computer, logging on, and then typing. I’ve been able to offer more time to clients when needed, complete required training, read emails, have lunch break, and generally keep up to date with work load”

27 “Staff have reported being less stressed. More staff have been able to finish work within contracted hours rather than hours after usual finish time. Almost all staff have been overwhelmingly positive about the service and the value it has made to timely notes and accurate records which are well written and grammatically correct”

28 “Given me more time to complete other admin, or phone calls to GPs, patients. Also more time to plan for other client sessions”

29 “… Assessments are written for the rest of the team to see if needed”

30 “This has personally caused me less stress as I do not like having notes not completed”

31 “Dictating the notes immediately after sessions helped to reduce the time spent trying to remember details of the session.”

32 “I have obtained more time to catch up on training, to see more service users, and to reduce stress levels when dictating especially when out in the community. Information from my visits was immediately available for colleagues on the wards and crisis team to see. I have reduced telephone contacts as well, as colleagues can read up information.”

33 “Please keep it!”

34 Thank You Any questions?

35 Anton Faulconbridge @rantLtd

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