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Characterization presentation Winter 2009-10 Performed by: Tomer Michaeli 052792769 Liav Cohen 301242509 Supervisor: Shlomo Beer Gingold In collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization presentation Winter 2009-10 Performed by: Tomer Michaeli 052792769 Liav Cohen 301242509 Supervisor: Shlomo Beer Gingold In collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization presentation Winter 2009-10 Performed by: Tomer Michaeli 052792769 Liav Cohen 301242509 Supervisor: Shlomo Beer Gingold In collaboration with: characterization of synchronizers and metastability and metastability

2 Motivation In modern systems, there are several domains with different frequencies. To communicate between them synchronization is needed. Synchronization is achieved by means of a synchronizer’. Designing and building synchronizers is one of the main priorities of the most leading companies in the world because efficient synchronization system will enable significant power saving.

3 Project subject Manual measurements of synchronization Circuits and comparison to results on chip. Use the word direct instead of Manual Direct measurments

4 Project goals Learn the direct measurement method. Building and improving of a measurement system for synchronization to characterize performance of synchronizers.

5 Blocks Diagram f1 f2 FF scope FF scope f1 f2 FPGA Extra generator M.B --Test chip

6 Required equipment An oscilloscope that can create histograms FPGA board DLP daughter board. Signal generator Voltage regulator Test chip board PC, including Xillinx ISE, Visual Studio.

7 Test Environment Test Chip 65nm FPGA board Signal generator DLP socket (PC) MUX socket The test environment is composed by the FPGA board that generates control and data signals for the 65nm Synchronizer test chip.

8 Project Schedule DurationTask 7 weeksLearn the subject and build the measurement system 4 weeksGet the results and compare to the results from the chip 3 weeksAnalize the results

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