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Mental Health. Mental Health - Having an overall positive outlook on life - Comfortable with yourself and others - Able to cope with life’s challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health. Mental Health - Having an overall positive outlook on life - Comfortable with yourself and others - Able to cope with life’s challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health

2 Mental Health - Having an overall positive outlook on life - Comfortable with yourself and others - Able to cope with life’s challenges and demands * Everyone’s mental health has its ups and downs. * In order to function at your highest level, you MUST feel good mentally as well as physically.

3 Mental Health is actually a choice! Signs of Good Mental Health –Realistic about their strengths and weaknesses –Responsible for their personal behavior –Avoid high risk behaviors, such as drug use –Are open-minded and flexible. –Are fun loving and able to relax alone or with others –Respect both their own and others needs –Resolves conflict through compromise –Express their emotions in way that do not hurt themselves or others –Invest time and energy into positive relationships –Put their talents and abilities to good use –Assertive communicator and active listener –View change as a challenge and an opportunity KEY POINTS: –You only have control over how you act –The only difference between a good day and a bad day is OUR ATTITUDE

4 Self Esteem/Self Image The confidence and worth that you feel about yourself It is directly related to your general level of wellness –How you feel mentally and physically determines how you take care of yourself. 2 main sources of Self Esteem : 1.Feedback 2.Self Talk

5 Feedback & Self Talk 1.Feedback- Messages from others that indicate who they think you are or what they think you are like. 2.self talk- messages you give yourself –Negative self talk can (and does) erode your self- esteem as much and sometimes even more than negative feedback from others. Is yours positive or negative? If negative: STOP then, CHANGE IT! When you make a mistake, accept it as part of being human and try to learn and grow from the experience.

6 Quiz: Are you too hard on yourself? Give yourself 5 points for Always, 4 often, 3 sometimes, 2 rarely, 1 never 1.If a friend and I get into a fight, I feel like I am the one who messed up. 2. When a crazy day at school makes me late for something (getting back to friends, doing homework, etc) I am furious with myself for not being good enough. 3.I call myself names I'd never, ever say to a friend - and use a tone that I would never use with a friend either. 4.In moments of frustration, I say to myself "I am the worst _____ (friend, student, athlete, etc) ever“ 5.Other people's Facebook posts make me feel bad about my lack of cool things happening in my life. 6.When I make a small mistake, the worst-case scenario plays out in my head (I didn't do well on that test, so now I am going to fail math and never get into college). Now add up your points….

7 What the points mean: 12 and under: healthy self-worth and perspective. your inner dialogue is usually constructive 13-18: you are a little tough on yourself. When you find yourself dwelling on so-called mistakes, call and friend to help get perspective and remember you are pretty great. 19-24: The more life gets crazy, the more you pick at yourself. Try to pinpoint when you're most negative and make some basic needs changes (more sleep, eat better) and practice better stress management 25-30: You are really too hard on yourself and it is not helpful. Please consider talking to your parent and/or a professional to start to change your patterns and help improve your life.

8 Ways to Boost Self Esteem List your assets or strengths. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people Find something that you love to do, and do it frequently Stop making life a contest Help someone else Keep trying


10 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Theory of Motivation Abraham Maslow organized human needs into a pyramid. Maslow states that although everyone has needs, some are more basic than others. **These lower needs must be satisfied before higher level needs can be met. ** **This is an ever- changing, LIFELONG PROCESS**

11 Personality- complex set of characteristics that makes you unique and sets you apart from everyone else. –It includes your emotional make-up, attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, and more. –Your personality began taking shape before you were actually born. 3 main factors of personality: 1.Heredity –Biological traits genetically pasted on from parents 2.Environment/Modeling –Copying behaviors of those around you/ learned behaviors 3.Behavior –THIS is where YOU have the MOST control –How you make decisions, what decisions you make, and what actions you take can make all the difference in the world in the quality of your life. –(see class website for a great online personality test)

12 Emotions Signals that tell your mind and body how to react. –But YOU are in CHARGE of HOW to HANDLE your reaction! –No aspect of our mental life is more important to the quality and meaning of our existence than emotions.

13 Family Physical Health Attitudes Neurochemistry Personal history Beliefs Expectations Experiences Values Sleep & diet SituationInterpretationEmotionBehavior

14 Functions of Emotions and Life Fear (survival mode)Fear (survival mode) –When you are in a dangerous situation can trigger the body and mind to protect you to run or fight for your life! Joy (bonds us together, relieves stress)Joy (bonds us together, relieves stress) –can prompt the release of brain chemicals that not only cause warm, happy feelings, but also promote mental health. Anger (keeps people away, damages health, expensive!)Anger (keeps people away, damages health, expensive!) –can cause rise in heart rate, perspiration, and tightening of the muscles of the stomach. If no emotional outlet is found for some of this tension, it builds up inside, eventually taking a toll on your health. Guiltone of the most destructive emotions (exhausting)Guilt is one of the most destructive emotions (exhausting) –it is important to get at the underlying source and address that issue. The sooner you take action, the better. One way of avoiding this vicious circle is by resisting doing something you know is wrong in the first place. SO, emotions can change the decisions we make! How can we deal with emotions in a way to help us?

15 Guilt: what’s so bad about it? Guilt is often associated with: –blame, –Shame –Self punishment “I feel badly….I don’t deserve good things, etc” –Unresolved guilt can lead to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, drug abuse, etc

16 Positive Emotions Positive emotions express an attempt or an intention to Include others. –Working on learning more viewpoints, interacting more with others, enjoying making things better. –Fueled by an underlying desire for enjoyment and unity. Examples: interest, enthusiasm, laughter, empathy, action, curiosity.

17 Negative Emotions Negative emotions express an attempt or intention to exclude. –Strengthening one's own position at the expense of others. –Keeping bad stuff away, destroying what is perceived as a threat. –Fueled by an underlying fear of the unknown, a fear of the actions of others, and a need to control them or stop them to avoid being harmed. Examples: apathy, grief, fear, hatred, shame, blame, regret, resentment, boredom, anger, hostility.

18 Handling Emotions Healthfully (step by step) 1.Look below the surface of your emotion. –Ask yourself: What is this feeling really about? –Do I have any control over what caused this feeling? –Consider whether or not this feeling or situation will really matter so much tomorrow, next week, or next year. 2.Remind yourself that feelings are just feelings, they are not facts. 3.Use strong feelings as useful signals. Listen to it while responding in a healthy way. –Use positive feelings to inspire you. Use upsetting ones to motivate you to change. –The stronger the feeling, the longer we should wait before responding 4.If the feeling does not go away, seek help from a trusted person, or professional.

19 Brief Personality Test Who are you? Let’s take this test to find out!

20 What does it all mean? See handout Peacock: “the communicators” –Social, friendly, humorous, enthusiastic, expressive, want respect and acceptance Lion: “the doers” –Direct, honest, confident, leaders, active, strong- willed, doesn’t mind conflict, independent Koala: “the listeners” –Listen more than talk, calm, emotionally steady, avoids conflict, want encouragement and support Owl: “the thinkers” –Detail-oriented, intelligent, accurate, private, serious, thoughtful, difficult to get to know

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