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Understanding & Identifying Depression & Suicide Risks in Children & Teens 1.

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1 Understanding & Identifying Depression & Suicide Risks in Children & Teens 1

2 Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds (according to the CDC) and is surpassed only by accidents and homicide. Surprisingly, an estimated 75 - 80% of suicide victims mention their intent before their suicide. Nearly 60% of all suicides in the US are committed w/a gun. 2

3 Suicide rates differ between boys & girls—girls think about & attempt suicide about twice as often as boys. Girls tend to THINK about and ATTEMPT suicide by OD or cutting themselves. Boys DIE from suicide about 4x as often as girls. They tend to utilize more lethal methods such as firearms, hanging or jumping from heights. 3

4 Approximately 95% of people who die from suicide have a psychological disorder @ the time of death. Contrary to what you have heard, holidays are not the peak time for suicide, late Spring and early Summer are. Mood Disorders tend to make it MORE LIKELY that an individual will attempt suicide. 4

5 5 211 1-800- SUICIDE Big Bend Hospice Caring Tree 878-5310 National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK

6  Can be complex  More rare among children but rates increase tremendously during adolescence  Untreated mental illness TEENS MOST LIKELY TO TAKE THEIR LIFE:  84% have a step-parent  72% have @least 1 parent absent  20% are alcoholics  70% are first born  16% have an alcoholic parent  22% have suicidal mothers  42% have witnessed physical abuse b/t family members  30% have school-related problems  52% leading to an attempt is related to their parents’ marital issues 6

7  Those with a psychological disorder  Feelings of distress, agitation or irritability  Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness (repeated failures @ school, isolation from peers, heightened problems @ home)  Genetic Disposition  Previous attempts  Exposure to physical or sexual abuse  Lack of a pro-social support system  Poor relationship w/peers or isolation  Homosexuality / Sexual identity confusion 7

8  Talk about DEATH or SUICIDE  Talk about “GOING AWAY”  Talking about feelings of “hopelessness” or “guilt”  Isolation from typical patterns  Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly  Loss/increase of appetite/change in sleep patterns  Self-destructive behaviors  Drastic drop in grades  Plan making (giving away of possessions)  Unexpected rage or anger  Experience of a sudden MAJOR loss 8

9  Unrelenting low mood  Pessimism  Hopelessness  Depression  Anxiety  Psychic Pain/Inner Tension  Change in sleep patterns  Fatigue/low energy  Isolation/Withdrawal 9

10  Observe the teen carefully  Listen  Take their concerns/feelings seriously  Suggest a safe/neutral adult for your teen to talk to or schedule an appointment with a Mental Health Professional  Ask questions  Keep communication line OPEN  Recognize that teens function on a different time frame than adults---  DO NOT ACT SHOCKED @ what might be shared  Affirm your love and support of your teen  Make special weekly alone time with your teen  DO NOT ARGUE ANYONE OUT OF SUICIDE 10

11  Acknowledge your child’s feelings by listening  Utilize community supports for your child, their school and their friends  Encourage your child to talk to about any suicide ATTEMPTS by friends……there is no right or wrong way to feel……. 11

12 GOD WILL EQUIP US & WORK THROUGH US IN REGARDS TO OUR CHILDREN GOD WILL GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO ENDURE CHALLENGES (including our kids) As Parents: Philippians 4: 13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” WE SHOULD PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN TO LEARN TO PRAY & HEAR HIS VOICE WE SHOULD PRAY THAT OUR CHILD(REN) HAVE AN UNWAVERING DESIRE FOR THE THINGS OF GOD. Praying for our kids to Hunger for the things of God: Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” 12

13 DELIVER OUR CHILDREN FROM ANYONE WITH AN UNGODLY CHARACTER TAKE OUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM LONLINESS OR LOW SELF- ESTEEM Praying for our children to have Godly Friends: Proverbs 24:21-22 “My son, Fear the Lord and the king; do not associate with those given to change; for their calamity will rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin those two can bring?” THE ENEMY LIKES TO MINGLE IN OUR GOD-ORDAINED RELATIONSHIPS AND TRY TO DESTROY THEM FAMILIES BONDED IN THE LORD LEAVE SPIRITUAL INHERITANCE FOR GENERATIONS. Pray for Maintaining Healthy, Strong Family Relationships: Psalm 133:1 “Behold how good and how pleasant it is to dwell together in unity!” 13

14 MEDITATE ON THE RECORD OF GOD’S GOODNESS AND ALMIGHTY PRESENCE. HELPS TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE PRESENT AND PROVIDES HOPE. Battling Depression Psalm 42: 5-6 “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, My Savior and my God.” PAUL REMINDS US THAT EVEN WHEN WE THINK WE ARE “AT THE END OF OUR ROPE” WE NEVER ARE. God never gives us more that we can handle 2 Corinthians 4:8 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 14

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