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Introduction to Enzymes

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1 Introduction to Enzymes
Biological Catalysts

2 Life Process = Chemical Reactions
Enzymes A B C D E F Enzyme 1 Enzyme 2 Enzyme 3 Enzyme 4 Enzyme 5

3 Chemical Reactions Spontaneous and Fast Spontaneous but Slow

4 Types of Reactions Spontaneous Reactions: thermodynamically or energetically favorable Kinetically Unfavorable Reactions Requirement for Catalysts Protein Catalysts: Enzymes RNA Catalysts: Ribozymes Perform the same function as chemical catalysts (ie increase reaction rate, are not used up in the rxn etc) but they do it better!

5 General Properties of Enzymes
Higher reaction rates (catalytic power) Milder reaction conditions Greater reaction specificity Capacity for regulation

6 Higher Reaction Rates Carbonic Anhydrase
105 molecules CO2 per enzyme molecule per second 107 x uncatalyzed reaction

7 Catalytic Power of Some Enzymes
1 but still orders of magnitude higher than chemical catalysts Table 11-1

8 Mild Reaction Condition
Physiological pH = ~7.3 Temperature = ~37°C 2. ch. Require high temp and pres.

9 Greater Reaction Specificity
3. Very specific products from very specific reactants. Rarely has side reactions Table 11-1

10 Capacity for Regulation
Allosteric (Regulatory) Enzymes Covalent Modification Irreversible Reversible Non-covalent Modification 4. Substrate availability of course controls enzyme rate, but many other things can influence enzyme rate as well (allosteric regulators, covalent modification, and control of expression)

11 Enzyme Classes Oxidoreductases: oxidation-reduction reactions
Transferases: transfer of functional groups Hydrolases: hydrolysis reactions (cleavage and introduction of water) Lyases: group elimination to form double bond Isomerases: isomerization (intramolecular rearrangements Ligases (synthases): bond formation coupled with ATP hydrolysis

12 Enzyme Nomenclature (Usual usage: often use suffix –ase)
Common Name: Useful but sometimes ambiguous Examples: Urease/Arginase Exceptions to the –ase suffix: Trypsin/Chymotrypsin Systematic Name: Substrate(s) Type of reaction-ase

13 Enzyme Nomenclature (Common Name versus Systematic Name)
Hydratase = addition or removal of water Aconitase Aconitate Hydratase EC

14 Enzyme Nomenclature (Common Name versus Systematic Name)
Hydratase = addition or removal of water Aconitase Aconitate Hydratase EC

15 Enzyme Nomenclature (Common Name versus Systematic Name)
Lactate Dehydrogenase L-Lactate:NAD Oxidoreductase

16 Enzyme Nomenclature (Common Name versus Systematic Name)
Lactate Dehydrogenase L-Lactate:NAD Oxidoreductase

17 Enzyme Catalysis

18 Reaction Pathway (Coordinate)

19 Transition State Diagram

20 Stabilizing the transition state

21 Catalysts

22 Pathway of Enzyme Catalysis

23 Substrate Specificity
Active Site Lock and Key Model Induced Fit Model Stereospecificity: 3-point attachment Geometric Specificity: e.g. trypsin and chymotrypsin

24 Principle of Complementarity
Geometric (physical) complementarity Electronic (chemical) complementarity

25 Enzyme-Substrate Complex
Binding Site Shape of active site is geometric complementarity, +/- is electronic complementarity.

26 Models of Complementarity
Induced Fit Lock and Key

27 Enzymes are Stereospecific
Geometric and electronic complentarity allows for stereospecificity.

28 Aconitase Reaction Prochiral Substrate Chiral Product Page 325

29 Stereospecificity in Substrate Binding
Figure 11-2

30 Enzymes Vary in Geometric Specificity (Alcohol Dehydrogenase)
Ethanol ——> Acetaldehyde Methanol ——> Formaldehyde Isopropanol ——> Dimethylketone RATE: Ethanol > Methanol > Isopropanol Although this is rare most enzymes are fairly specific for their substrates.

31 Trypsin and Chymotrypsin

32 Trypsin Long positively charged side chain

33 Chymotrypsin Aromatic side chain

34 Some Enzymes Require Cofactors

35 Cofactors Simple Proteins (no cofactor) Protein plus Cofactor
Apoenzyme: protein only Holoenzyme: protein plus cofactor Apoenzyme + cofactor Holoenzyme (inactive) (active)

36 Transiently Associated
Types of Cofactors Organic Cofactor Coenzyme: organic cofactor Cocubstrate Transiently associated (bound and released during catalytic cycle). Prosthetic Group: tightly bound cofactor Permanently associated, often covalently. Transiently Associated Permanently Associated Figure 11-3

37 Metal Ions This is why trace elements are essential (like Se and copper) there are essential enzymes that require them for function. Also why heavy metals are toxic, they are bind in place of the cofactor, but can’t perform catalysis. Metal ions are stabiliy associated with enzymes (not bound and released during catalytic cycle)

38 Coenzymes: Cosubstrates [NAD(P)+ ——> NAD(P)H + H+]
Figure 11-4

39 NADP+


41 Coenzymes: Cosubstrates (Alcohol Dehydrogenase)
Binds with the substrate; participates in catalysis and then is released Page 327

42 Coenzymes: Prosthetic Groups (Cytochromes)

43 Coenzymes Must be Regenerated
Alcohol Dehydrogenase Cytochromes Cosubstrates by other enzymes Prosthetic groups during catalytic cycle Cosubstrate: Different enzyme Prosthetic group: Same enzyme

44 Control of Enzyme Activity

45 Irreversible Covalent Modification
Zymogen Activation Proteolysis Lysosomes Proteosomes (ubiquitin)

46 Zymogen Activation

47 Reversible Covalent Modification

48 Non-covalent Modification
Effectors or Ligands

49 Negative Effectors

50 Positive Effectors

51 Allosteric Proteins

52 General Properties of Enzymes
Biological Catalysts Not used up in the reaction (Regenerated) Higher reaction rates (catalytic power) Within a biologically relevant time frame Milder reaction conditions Biologically appropriate conditions Greater reaction specificity Capacity for regulation Control of substrate and product availability

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