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Energy and Metabolism Chapter 8. Energy Metabolism All the chemical reactions carried out by the cell.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Metabolism Chapter 8. Energy Metabolism All the chemical reactions carried out by the cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Metabolism Chapter 8

2 Energy



5 Metabolism All the chemical reactions carried out by the cell

6 Metabolism Catabolic reactions: Break down large molecules into smaller substances Exergonic: Releases energy

7 Metabolism Anabolic reactions: Synthesis of large molecules from smaller substances Endergonic: Requires energy

8 Metabolism Biochemical pathways: Reactions in a cell Occur in sequence Product of one reaction Becomes substrate in the next Pathways are highly regulated & coordinated Feedback inhibition: End product of a reaction blocks the pathway from producing more.

9 Energy

10 Bioenergetics: Analysis of how energy powers activities of living systems Growth, order, reproduction, responsiveness & regulation

11 Energy Energy: The capacity to do work Kinetic energy: Energy of motion Potential energy: Energy of position or stored energy

12 Energy Kinetic energy: Potential energy:

13 Energy Thermodynamics: Study of energy “heat changes” Most work done by living organisms Transformation of PE to KE

14 Energy Sun main source of energy Combines smaller molecules Make larger molecules Energy is stored in the chemical bond

15 Energy Redox(oxidation-reduction) reactions: Transfer of an electron or electrons Important in the flow of energy in biological systems An electron is passed from one atom to another energy is passed

16 Law of thermodynamics Laws of thermodynamics govern all energy changes in the universe. First law of thermodynamics: Energy cannot be created or destroyed Change from one form to another. (potential to kinetic) Total amount of energy stays the same

17 First law In living organisms: Eating transfers energy from the bonds in food to organism PE is transferred to KE

18 First Law Heat: Random motion of molecules Heat can be lost in the system during conversions Sun replaces energy lost as heat

19 Second law Second law of thermodynamics: Transformation of PE to heat (random motion of molecules). Entropy (disorder) in the universe is increasing

20 Second law Energy transformations tend to proceed spontaneously Convert matter from a more ordered state to a less ordered More stable state.

21 Second law Entropy(s): Disorder in a system Enthalpy (H): Heat content Free energy(G): Amount of energy available to do work in any system. Amount of energy available to break and then make other chemical bonds

22 Second law G=Gibbs free energy  G =  H - T  S (T=Kelvin temp)  G is positive Products have more energy than reactants More energy in the bonds or less randomness Endergonic reaction


24 Second law  G is negative Products have less energy than reactants H is lower (bond energy) or S is greater- more randomness Exergonic: Reaction that releases energy

25 Exergonic reaction

26 Exergonic reactions

27 Activation Energy Energy needed to initiate a reaction All reactions require activation energy. Reactions with higher AE tend to move forward more slowly

28 Enzymes Catalyst in living organisms Large three-dimensional globular protein Ribozymes: RNA catalysts are specific & speed up reactions


30 Enzymes Substrate: Molecule that is going to undergo the reaction Active sites: Specific spots on the enzyme that substrates binds Enzyme-substrate complex: Enzymes bind to substrates with a precise fit. Induced fit: Substrate causes the enzyme to adjust to make a better fit E+S ES E + P


32 Fig. 8-17 Substrates Enzyme Products are released. Products Substrates are converted to products. Active site can lower E A and speed up a reaction. Substrates held in active site by weak interactions, such as hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. Substrates enter active site; enzyme changes shape such that its active site enfolds the substrates (induced fit). Active site is available for two new substrate molecules. Enzyme-substrate complex 5 3 2 1 6 4

33 Enzymes Only small amounts are necessary Can be recycled Specific Speeds up the reactions Different types of cells have different enzymes Determines course of chemical reactions in the cell

34 Enzyme examples Lipase, protease Carbonic anhydrase –CO 2 + H 2 O H 2 CO 3 Lactate dehydrogenase –Lactate to pyruvate Pyruvate dehydrogenase –Enzyme that starts the Kreb cycle

35 Enzymes Factors that affect the rate of enzyme 1. Concentration of enzyme & substrate 2. Factors that affect 3-D shape of the enzyme Temperature, pH, salt concentration and regulatory molecules

36 Enzymes Inhibitor: Binds the enzyme Prevents it from working Occurs at end of a pathway to stop reactions Two types of inhibitors Competitive Noncompetitive

37 Fig. 8-19 (a) Normal binding (c) Noncompetitive inhibition (b) Competitive inhibition Noncompetitive inhibitor Active site Competitive inhibitor Substrate Enzyme

38 Enzymes Allosteric site: On/off switch for the enzyme Usually at different location than the active site Allosteric inhibitor: Binds at the allosteric site Stops the enzyme activity Activators: Binds & increases the activity


40 Enzymes Cofactor: Assists enzyme function such as Zn, Mg, Cu Coenzymes: Organic molecules that are not proteins Help transfer electrons & energy associated with the electrons Vitamins are coenzymes NAD + important coenzyme

41 Energy

42 ATP ATP powers the energy requiring processes in the cell 1. Chemical work (making polymers) 2. Transporting substances 3. Mechanical work Muscle movement, cilia

43 ATP Structure of ATP Ribose sugar Adenine 3 phosphate attached in a row

44 ATP

45 ADP Losses a inorganic phosphate Hydrolysis 7.3kcal/mole of energy is released.

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