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Regulation Harmonization and MRA in THAILAND Progress 29 th APEC/VSHG Meeting Engineering and Safety Bureau Department of Land Transport THAILAND.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation Harmonization and MRA in THAILAND Progress 29 th APEC/VSHG Meeting Engineering and Safety Bureau Department of Land Transport THAILAND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation Harmonization and MRA in THAILAND Progress 29 th APEC/VSHG Meeting Engineering and Safety Bureau Department of Land Transport THAILAND

2 2 - Buses, Trucks, Trailers, etc. - Vehicle Certification System - Passenger vehicles, Pickup-trucks, Motorcycles, etc. - No Certification system DLT Land Transport Act, 1979 Motor Vehicle Act, 1979 Current Situation: Regulatory Framework Amend relevant law to empower DLT Set up a system and Improve regulations “Ministerial Reg. No. 22” “Type Approval Establishment Plan 2000-2009”

3 3 WG 1: Establishing Type-Approval System WG 2: Improving Vehicle Regulations WG 3: Considering Participation in WP.29 Agreements WG 4: Re-structuring ESB Nat’l Reg in line with UNECE Reg/ GTRs Reciprocal Recognition UNECE Reg/ GTRs Type Approval Establishment PLAN

4 4 Whole Vehicle Type Approval Concept for pass. cars, pickups, and motor cycles Procedure: Procedure: employed EC Directive as a model 70/156/ECPass. cars & Pickups 92/61/ECMotor cycles Min. Reg List: Min. Reg List: followed List of Requirements for the purpose of vehicle type-approval (Annex 4 of EC Directive 70/156, and Annex 1 of 92/61/EC) but tailored to suit country situation Technical Requirements & Test: Main:National regulations (improved in line with ECE Regulations or EC Directive where no ECE Regulations applied e.g. wheel guard) Alternative:ECE Reg. (& corresponding GTR)

5 5 - Approval authority/ Manufacturer - Documents for submission - Application - COP criteria - Etc. 35 Regulations for Pass. Cars/Pickups Admin. ProcedureMin. Tech. Reg. 20 Regulations for Motorcycles Criteria on COP, Testing, etc. Approval Authority Agency under Department of Land Transport (currently, Engineering and Safety Bureau) Technical Service Agency under DLT or Agency accredited by DLT (domestic or overseas) Equivalent Part/System TA 1.TISI approval based on ECE Reg. with same or higher stringency level 2.E-mark for ECE Regulations adopted by Thailand as a CP to 58 Agreement Type Approval Framework

6 6 - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Braking - Identification controls - Lighting installation - Headlamp - Engine power - Tyre - Speedometer - Audible warning device - Rear view mirror - Position/stop/direction indicator lamp/rear registration plate lamp - Retro-reflector - Exhaust emission (TISI) - Noise - Stand - Mass & Dimension - Registration plate space - Handholds - Fuel tank - VIN/Data plate - Door lock & retention - Braking - Seatbelt anchorage - Lighting installation - Rear protective device - Engine power - Seat belt (DLT: Installation) - Safety glazing (TISI) - Tyre - Steering device - Seat strength - Interior fitting (pass. cars) - Steering effort - Head restraint (pickups) - Speedometer - Audible warning device - Device for indirect vision - Radio suppression - Fuel consumption (except N1 internal combustion) - Fuel tank & installation - Headlamp - Rear registration plate lamp - Retro-reflective device - Direction indicator/ Hazard warning signal - Position lamp/ Tail lamp/ Stop lamp - Reversing lamp - Washer/ Wiper - Identification of controls, Telltale, Indicators - Wheel guard - Diesel smoke (TISI) - Diesel emission (TISI) - Sound level - Emissions - Mass & Dimension - VIN, Engine number, Vehicle plate - External projection MC (20 items) Pass. cars & Pickups (35 items) Technical Regulations Whole Vehicle Type Approval

7 7 Regulation Harmonization: Progress (R … ) = Reg. in plan Working GroupDLTStakeholdersDLT Study ECE Reg. & Draft Nat ’ l Reg. Review Draft Nat ’ l Reg. Prepare to circulate Circulate to the industry for comments Revise Draft T-GRE R112R48 T-GRRF (R79)R13H T-GRSG R28R46 Data plate and VIN T-GRSP (R21)R14R16, R17R11 T-GRPE &T-GRB R101R51 Motorcycle R113 R41, R75, R60, R81

8 8 ‘ 04 ‘ 0520062007 ‘ 08 ‘ 09 ‘ 10 ‘ 11 ‘ 12 ‘ 13 … Amended Ministerial Reg No.22 Empower DLT to issue Notifications on detailed requirements and type approval for Veh Parts & Systems WG 2: Improving Vehicle Regulations Revise & Prepare DLT Notifications (Reg. in 1 st Stage) Continue studying/drafting Nat ’ l Reg in line with ECE Reg New DLT Act Empower DLT to mandate Whole Veh TA WG 1: Establishing Type-Approval System Draft TA schemes M1, N1 and L3 Revise Draft TA schemes Prepare Technical Services, COP, Testing Facilities, etc. Amended by DLT WG Law Process (at least) Publish in Gazette xxx days to be effective Public Comments Merged LTA-MVA Law Process (at least) 1-yr Law effective = Eligible to issue Ministerial Reg/ DLT Notifications Issue DLT Notfctn. ‘12‘10 Obligate Existing Models Obligate New Models 2 yrs 4 yrs 2 yrs Issue Minist. Reg. New Models Finished Drafting R11, R13H, R16, R17, R41, R46, R48, R51, R60, R75, R81

9 9 10 Reg. + R14, R21, R28, R39, R43, R79, R85, R101, R112, and R113 Prioritized &. Studying Reg. Set up Type Approval System Establishment Plan (2000-2009) Implementation Plan 200 0 May 2007 20102010 onward 20+? already planned but also depends on the outcome of the previous step Finish drafting R11, R13H, R16, R17, R41, R46, R48, R51, R60, R75, R81 NOW In Summary 2008 Continue studying ECE Reg. & drafting Nat’l Reg. as planned Study Plan 10

10 Thank you for your attention Engineering and Safety Bureau Department of Land Transport THAILAND

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