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Choosing a University and a Course Steve Williams, Andy Sherlaw, Kirsty Hutchinson and Michael Knott Intro Song.

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing a University and a Course Steve Williams, Andy Sherlaw, Kirsty Hutchinson and Michael Knott Intro Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing a University and a Course Steve Williams, Andy Sherlaw, Kirsty Hutchinson and Michael Knott Intro Song

2 What is Higher Education? Programme of study at a higher level than A Level  3 year eg. BA, BSc also  2 year Foundation Degrees  4 year Masters courses and others You can study at University, Colleges of Higher Education or Further Education Colleges.

3 Choosing the Right Course  300 Universities / Higher Education Institutions  Over 50,000 courses available in Higher Education  Do you choose to study… A course which you are studying at AS/A2? A vocational course? A completely new course?

4 Most Popular Destinations Listed here are the most popular university destinations for Year 13 students in 2011:- Listed here are the most popular university destinations for Year 13 students in 2011:-  Northumbria University43 applicants  Leeds Metropolitan University 23 applicants  Newcastle University17 applicants  Sunderland University 10 applicants  Sheffield Hallam University7 applicants  Durham University6 applicants  Sheffield University6 applicants  Hull University5 applicants  Leeds University5 applicants  York University5 applicants  York St John University5 applicants Over 230 students have applied to University this year.

5 English Literature Physics Midwifery Mathematics Computer Science Engineering Law Drama Chemistry Psychology MedicineAccountancy Soil Science Wine Studies Internet Security

6 Types of Course  Single Honours  Joint Honours  Combined Honours  Foundation Degrees / HNDs  Sandwich Course - thick or thin

7 Other considerations - Course Structure  Compulsory vs optional modules.  Course Assessment.  Professional Accreditation.

8 Other considerations – Types of University  Campus University  City Centre University  Collegiate University  Traditional or Progressive?  Old or New?  Large or Small?

9 Useful Websites




13 Other Sources of Information  University websites, videos, CD-ROMS  Visit Days / Open Days / Taster Sessions  Parents / Friends / Teachers

14 Number of Choices  Students choose up to 5 courses  Students start receiving offers from October to March  Students choose two courses to hold One FIRM Choice One FIRM Choice One INSURANCE Choice One INSURANCE Choice

15 What do you think are common problems with students’ applications to University? Number Common Problem 1 2 3

16 What do you think are common problems with students’ applications to University? Number Common Problem 1 Getting offers only from Universities that students do not want to go to 2 Getting offers from Universities students have not visited. 3 Students being rejected by all of their choices

17 Avoiding the Problems  Check UCAS website and University Prospectuses.  Draw up a shortlist of Universities.  Contact Universities.  Visit Universities.  Look at Independent Guides e.g. Times Guide, Hotcourses & Heap’s Guide.  Be realistic!


19 Location, Location, Location  Accommodation Catered / Self catering halls? Catered / Self catering halls? Private accommodation? Private accommodation? Cost? Cost? Distance from University? Distance from University?  Distance from Home  Social Life - it’s not all work!!!  The feel of a place

20 Methods of Selection  UCAS form only or UCAS form and…  Interviews  Group Discussions  Examples of work  Additional Testing LNAT, UKCAT

21 How we deliver support and guidance Students have already completed sessions covering:-  Post 18 Opportunities  “What career is for me?” and CareerSoft  Personal Skills identification  Does University Pay?  Which degree and university should I pick via a large range of useful websites  The PARTNERS scheme via assembly  Useful resources in the library  Taking a GAP year

22 How we deliver support and guidance The following sessions are yet to come …  Higher Education Evening  Finance and University  Careers Day  Writing a successful Personal Statement  Online Applications  Improving Interview technique – General Studies / Critical Thinking / Discussion Group  Accepting and Rejecting Offers

23 How we deliver support and guidance Further support is offered through …  Personal Statement support sessions.  Connexions.  Mock Interviews.  General Studies and Critical Thinking courses.

24 KEY DATES September 2012  UCAS start to accept University Applications 15 th October 2012  UCAS deadline for Oxbridge, Dentistry, Medicine and Veterinary Science 15 th January 2013  UCAS Deadline for all other applications Mid March 2013  Most students will have received all of their offers (offers start from October or earlier)  Students select two offers to hold (Firm and Insurance)

25 September – October 2011 Each tutor completes a tutorial looking into options after Sixth Form including websites such as January 2012Students are actively encouraged to research courses and Universities whilst conducting wider reading in their interested area. January – June 2012 Tutorial tasks help students to make decisions on their next step. Students work on their personal statements aided by tutorial activities. June – July 2012 Students attend University Open Days – in chosen establishments only! July 2012Tutor checks personal statement for the last time August 2012Personal statements and CVs to be handed in during Year 13 enrolment. September- October 2012 Remainder of the form completed and checked by tutor. Interview to be arranged and completed with a Sixth form or Leadership team member. December 10 th 2012 Final interviews arranged before Christmas to guarantee applications will be sent. January 15 th 2013 Deadline for all applications to UCAS. Students can still apply after this date and it is up to Universities if they look at their forms.

26 Support Is Always Available Steve WilsonAssistant Headteacher Steve Williams Head of Year 12 Andy SherlawHead of Year 13 Michael KnottSixth Form Enrichment Co-ordinator Adam RuleSixth Form Guidance Tutor Faye RobinsonSixth Form Guidance Tutor Clare LaidlerSixth Form Guidance Tutor Kirsty HutchinsonSixth Form Guidance and Support Assistant Sharon Armstrong Pastoral Administrator Helen DavisonSixth Form Administrator Sheila ScoffhamSixth Form Administrator

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