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Web application for detailed real-time database transaction monitoring for CMS condition data ICCMSE 2009 The 7th International Conference of Computational.

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Presentation on theme: "Web application for detailed real-time database transaction monitoring for CMS condition data ICCMSE 2009 The 7th International Conference of Computational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web application for detailed real-time database transaction monitoring for CMS condition data ICCMSE 2009 The 7th International Conference of Computational Methods for Science and Engineering Friday October 2 Salvatore Di Guida, Michele de Gruttola, Vincenzo Innocente, Antonio Pierro

2 Outline What are CMS condition data? How are CMS condition data handled by PopCon? What is PopCon monitoring? Why PopCon monitoring? GUI: – PopCon from different users’ perspectives; – Example of different users’ perspectives and different reports (table, error, chart). Architecture. Results. Upgrades and improvements. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida2

3 What are condition data? Configuration data: needed to bring CMS in running mode: – Voltage settings of power supplies, – Parameters for front-end electronics; Condition data: describing the state of any detector sub- system: – High-low voltages, – Magnet currents, – Needed online for post mortem analysis of detector errors and for HLT, while offline for data quality monitoring and proper event reconstruction. Calibration data: describing the calibration of different sub- detectors, mainly evaluated offline: – Pedestal offsets, – Drift velocities, – Alignments, – Needed online for HLT, and offline for reconstructing properly physical quantities coming from collision events. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida3

4 What is PopCon? PopCon (Populator of Condition Objects tool): – is an application package fully integrated in the overall CMS framework intended to transfer, store, and retrieve condition data in the Offline Databases; – Assigns metadata information (tag and IOV). CMS relies on three ORACLE databases for the condition data. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida4 OMDS (Online Master Database System) ORCON (Offline Reconstruction Condition DB Online System) ORCOFF (Offline Reconstruction Condition Database Offline System) PopCon CMS Compact Muon Solenoid

5 PopCon UML Diagram ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida5

6 Central Population of Condition Databases Centralized procedure using an account and a dedicated machine in the online network, where a set of automatic jobs was deployed: ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida6 Populate ORCON accounts for each sub- detector, Monitor any transactions towards them.

7 Central Population of Condition Databases Two possibilities for each sub-detector: – Run automatically the so-called O2O application that reads from any online source, assigns tag and IOV and uploads data in the dedicated ORCON account (condition data); – Dropbox (calibration data): users copy data in SQLite format into a dedicated folder, then these data are automatically exported to the sub- detector’s ORCON account. PopCon transfers data into the DB accounts: – Creates log information stored in a DB account. Watchdog to monitor automatic jobs’ status: – Monitoring information stored in the DB. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida7

8 Offline Dropbox ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida8 The user uploads sqlite files containing calibration data and fills in metadata information Automatic HTTP request for obtaining the next Run to be processed at PromptReco level The calibration data are exported to ORCON using ssh tunneling, then streamed offline to ORCOFF Infrastructure that, using Web applications inside Virtual Machine technology, allows the exportation of calibration data to offline databases

9 What is PopCon monitoring? Open source web based service for heterogeneous DB server performing large data transfers, providing HW and SW monitoring: – DB status and history of all DB transactions: Aborted, committed, pending; – Error monitoring reports: Identify any mistakes made by users, application failures, unexpected networks shutdowns, etc.; – Reports from different users’ perspectives: Personal views for: Oracle database administrator, CMS detector manager, CMS sub-detector manager, End user. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida9

10 Why PopCon Monitoring? We might use the existing web monitoring tool for our purpose, but we need to fulfill the challenge requirements of CMS experiment: – Usage of CMSSW standards: Generic CMSSW component to feel comfortable developers and end-users in building and using new package in CMSSW; – Monitoring the heterogeneous software environment: Oracle DBs, CMSSW framework and other open source packages; – Open source product; – CERN Participation in Oracle Technology Beta Programs: We need a flexible architecture to handle unexpected error; – Maximize the performance: Stress test of CMSSW infrastructure and HW components, Avoiding bottlenecks due to Huge Data Access (history and current data). ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida10

11 PopCon from different users’ perspectives ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida11 The ORACLE DB Administrator and PopCon Developer The central CMS detector manager The CMS sub-detector manager End - users Personal reports, and the trend of self-monitoring to check the status of his own jobs Overview and full report of sub- detector to check all transaction done in a dedicated account Log Inspection for deep scan, security checks, performance issues Overview and full report for all detectors’ subsystems

12 GUI (I) – Table Reporting Recent activity recorded from sub-detector RPC (Resistive Plate Chambers) Manager point of view: – General view of last transactions towards a DB account, useful to keep track of all the new data transfers for a specific sub- detector. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida12

13 GUI (II) – Error reporting The Central CMS Detector Administrator Error Reporting view: – General view of DB transaction status, useful to identify the different running jobs and spot quickly problems in DB transactions. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida13 Data transaction at 11:00 is missing

14 GUI (III) – Error reporting The ORACLE DB Administrator Error Reporting view: – Log report to display information about primary key violation and inconsistencies in mapping between data members of C++ objects and schema objects. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida14 destDB: oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_PIXEL, inputtag: GainCalib_TEST_hlt, tag: SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt, from 111740 to, user comment: craft09gains2 logDB: oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_POPCONLOG CORAL/RelationalPlugins/oracle Error ORA-00001: unique constraint (CMS_COND_31X_PIXEL.METADATA_PK) violated (Executing the statement) error ---- Conditions BEGIN addMapping: metadata entry "SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt" already exists ---- Conditions END destDB: oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_PIXEL, inputtag: GainCalib_TEST_hlt, tag: SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt, from 111740 to, user comment: craft09gains2 logDB: oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_POPCONLOG CORAL/RelationalPlugins/oracle Error ORA-00001: unique constraint (CMS_COND_31X_PIXEL.METADATA_PK) violated (Executing the statement) error ---- Conditions BEGIN addMapping: metadata entry "SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt" already exists ---- Conditions END

15 GUI (IV) – Chart reporting PopCon activity history: – A multiple line chart view of transaction DB, useful to have a general view of the status of DBs usage for the central CMS detector manager and The ORACLE DB Administrator. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida15 Number of DB transactions Date

16 Architecture ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida16

17 Results Since the transaction status web monitoring was introduced: – The percentage of transaction failure decreased From 28.9% to 15.2%; – Peak in January due to the introduction of the new tool: Many users not yet familiar with it. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida17 Introduction of transaction status monitoring % of failure

18 Upgrades and improvements Storing and monitoring logs of quota information for the online account: – DB backend set up, web interface ready to be deployed. SMS/email alert system for end-user in case of transaction failures and DBA- developer in case of hardware/network problems. Automatic error resolution in a heterogeneous software environment – See Antonio’s talk. ICCMSE 2009Salvatore di Guida18

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