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Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Your Topic School Policies/Class Policies FFA EmblemFFA/ActivitiesAgriculture/Cu rrent Events SAEs 200 400 600 800 1000.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…. Your Topic School Policies/Class Policies FFA EmblemFFA/ActivitiesAgriculture/Cu rrent Events SAEs 200 400 600 800 1000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

2 Your Topic School Policies/Class Policies FFA EmblemFFA/ActivitiesAgriculture/Cu rrent Events SAEs 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

3 School Policies: 200 Question: What happens on your 4 th tardy to class? Answer Referral, parent contact, 1 day ISS

4 School Policies: 400 Question: What happens on your 1 st offense for using a cell phone/Ipod/other device during class? Answer Referral, must come to office to pick up item

5 School Policies: 600 Question: Name one reward for good classroom behavior. Answer Positive note or call home, free time, etc.

6 School Policies: 800 Question: What are the four categories for a citizenship grade in this class? Answer Tardies, Participation, Behavior, Preparation

7 School Policies: 1000 Question: What happens on your 8 th tardy? Answer Parent conference, increased ISS, possible referral to SARB/DAHP

8 FFA Emblem: 200 Question: What does the owl stand for? Answer Knowledge and wisdom

9 FFA Emblem: 400 Question: What does the cross section of the ear of corn stand for? Answer Unity

10 FFA Emblem: 600 Question: The rising sun means what? Answer A new day, new opportunities, progress

11 FFA Emblem: 800 Question: Females were allowed in the FFA in what year? Answer 1969

12 FFA Emblem: 1000 Question: What year was the national FFA started? Answer 1928

13 FFA: 200 Question: Name one thing you can do for an FFA check. Answer Chapter meeting, fundraiser, sell a California ag plate, sectional activity, etc.

14 FFA: 400 Question: What is the FFA motto? Answer Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve

15 FFA: 600 Question: Describe official FFA dress. Answer FFA Jacket, white shirt/blouse, FFA tie/scarf, black pants/skirt, black shoes, etc.

16 FFA: 800 Question: What is the FFA? (I know it’s the Future Farmers of America, that answer doesn’t work) Answer A national youth organization for youth involved in agriculture. Agriculture experience and leadership skills are gained.

17 FFA: 1000 Question: Name four FFA degrees. Answer Greenhand, Chapter, State, American

18 Ag: 200 Question: What state produces the most beef cattle? Answer Texas

19 Ag: 400 Question: Define agriculture. Answer the planning, implementation, production, management, processing, and/or marketing of agricultural commodities and services, including food, fiber, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal services.

20 Ag: 600 Question: Name some factors that may contribute to less feeder cattle being available for feedlots. Answer Drought in Texas Plains area, high corn prices, hot weather in Midwest

21 Ag: 800 Question: Why is it cheaper to ship hay from here to China than it is from here to Fresno? Answer Shipping containers often go back empty, hay fills the space and there is high demand from other countries

22 Ag: 1000 Question: What is the difference between farming and agriculture? Answer Farming is the production of food and fiber. Ag includes this but also natural resources systems.

23 SAE: 200 Question: What does SAE stand for? Answer Supervised Agricultural Experience

24 SAE: 400 Question: Name an example of a good SAE project. Answer Any valid answer...

25 SAE: 600 Question: What type of SAE would be getting a pig and raising it for the fair? Answer Entrepreneurship

26 SAE: 800 Question: What type of SAE would it be if you had a job at a dairy? Answer Placement

27 SAE: 1000 Question: Name four types of SAEs. Answer Entrepreneurship, Placement, Improvement, Supplemental, Exploratory

28 Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: How many members attend the national FFA convention every year? Answer Around 60,000

29 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

30 The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

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