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FFA History  1917: Congress passed Smith-Hughes Act established agriculture classes for boys that were interested in farming.  1925: Future Farmers of.

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1 FFA History  1917: Congress passed Smith-Hughes Act established agriculture classes for boys that were interested in farming.  1925: Future Farmers of Virginia formed by Henry Groseclose, Harry Sanders, Walter S. Newman, and Edmund C. Magill.  Henry Groseclose is called the “Father of the FFA”

2  1926 American Royal in Kansas City invited vocational agriculture students to judge livestock FFA History

3  1928 Future Farmers of America is established in Kansas City, Mo.  1st National Convention in Kansas City’s Baltimore Hotel 33 delegates from 18 states attended 1st President - Leslie Applegate 1st Nat. Advisor - Dr. C.H. Lane Dues set at $0.10

4 FFA History  1929 Carlton Patton of Arkansas was named the first American Star Farmer  National Blue and Corn Gold adopted as the official colors  1930 FFA Creed was adopted The creed written by E.M. Tiffany  1933 The blue corduroy jacket was adopted as the official dress

5 FFA History  1935 New Farmers of America founded in Tuskegee Alabama for African American boys.  1939 National FFA Center located on part of the original estate of George Washington in Alexandria, Virginia

6 FFA History  1944 National FFA Foundation Formed non-profit fundraising part of FFA private donations fund awards Foundation raises $6 million annually  1947 National FFA Band performed at the national convention  1948 National FFA Chorus and Talent program held at national convention First FFA week celebrated during the week of George Washington’s birthday

7 FFA History  1948 National FFA Supply Service Formed Official Jackets Awards Anything FFA  1950 President Harry S. Truman granted a federal charter, public law 740 to FFA  1952 First issue of The National Future Farmer magazine was published

8 FFA History  1953 President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to speak at a national convention  1957 Former president Harry S. Truman spoke at the national convention  1965 New Farmers of America merges with the FFA

9 FFA History  1969 Girls admitted to FFA  1969 First Star Agribusiness award goes to Ken Dunagan of Arizona  1973 FFA official dress standards were established  1974 Fred McClure is the first African- American elected to national office

10 FFA History  1976 Julie Smiley is the first female elected to national office  Alaska became the last of the fifty states to obtain a national charter  1982 Jan Eberley becomes the first female national president  1988 Name of the organization was changed to National FFA Organization.

11 FFA History  1989 Name of The National Future Farmer magazine was changed to New Horizons.  1999 National FFA Center moved from Alexandria, VA, to Indianapolis, IN.  1999 The National FFA Convention was moved to Louisville, Kentucky.  2002 Karlene Lindow becomes first female Star Farmer

12 FFA History  2003 Javier Moreno from Puerto Rico elected national FFA president  What mark will you make in FFA history?

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