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FFA Traditions

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Presentation on theme: "FFA Traditions"— Presentation transcript:

1 FFA Traditions

2 FFA Traditions Official Dress Colors Creed Motto Chapter Officers
Emblem FFA Salute

3 Explore Find the FFA Time Line.
List ten important dates. Tell why they are important. Make them into a time line using the paper and supplies provided. List important dates in your life. Why are they important to you? Make those into a time line.

4 Official Dress Professional clothing all FFA members are required to wear to formal FFA events. Different standards for female and male members. Requires the FFA Jacket. Neat and clean Display your pride and respect for FFA Traditions

5 FFA Jacket A symbol of FFA Wear it with pride and respect
First introduced by Dr. Gus Lintner of Fredrickstown, Ohio, in 1933 Jacket is the most important item Collar turned down, cuffs buttoned, zipper to the top No more than 3 pins on the jacket Highest degree earned Highest office held Highest award earned Official Dress

6 FFA Colors National blue – represents our nation’s flag
Corn gold – represents ripened corn grown in every state Traditions

7 Chapter Officers Students that are responsible for running the chapter. Based on teamwork Choose and office and report on the following: Office, responsibilities, where they are stationed. Opening Ceremonies Traditions

8 Motto Learning to do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve
Traditions Listen to the FFA song by clicking on “Motto” How does the song America We are the FFA relate to the motto?

9 FFA Emblem Cross section of the Ear of Corn Eagle Rising Sun Plow Owl
Agricultural Education and FFA Traditions

10 Cross Section of the Ear of Corn
Stands for our common interest in agriculture. Represents unity FFA Emblem

11 Eagle Is symbolic of the national scope of the FFA Represents Freedom
FFA Emblem

12 Rising Sun Represents progress in agriculture FFA Emblem

13 Plow Symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil. FFA Emblem

14 Owl Represents knowledge and wisdom FFA Emblem

15 Agricultural Education and FFA
The words Agricultural Education surround FFA This tells us FFA is an important part of Agricultural Education. FFA Emblem

16 The Creed Written by: E.M. Tiffany
Adopted at the 3rd National Convention in 1930 Revised at the 38th and 63rd National Conventions. Traditions Double Click on the image above to view the movie

17 The FFA Salute The Pledge of Allegiance Traditions

18 FFA Creed This video is an FFA member reciting the creed. The Creed

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