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Aztecs and Incas Toltec Empire Collapsed of the Toltec Empire

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1 Aztecs and Incas Toltec Empire Collapsed of the Toltec Empire
1,000 BCE 1150 1325 1350 1471 – 1493 Toltec Empire Collapsed of the Toltec Empire Aztecs established in Mexico “Tenochtitlan” Incas Cuzco Area * Inca’s Empire expanded under Pachacuti Moctezuma I Topac Yupanqui expanded/increased area Huayna Capac expanded into Ecuador

2 Aztec civilization Located in arid valley in central Mexico
Represented by Tenochtitlan Ruled by an emperor –”Nezhualcoyotl” Economy based on agriculture—sedentary people Polytheistic religion, based on warfare—Pyramids

3 Aztec Social Stratification /Social Gulf
Local life based on “capulli” or clans (7 clans that “founded” the Aztec) Capulli governed by councils of family heads Functions of capulli: 1. distribute land 2. organize labor 3. military unit 4. maintain schools/temples

4 Tributes had Economic and Political Functions
Political structure The emperor Prime Minister Governing Council Governing: A tribute Empire—city state that recognized the Aztec supremacy were left alone to pay tribute. Tributes had Economic and Political Functions Provided food/land & trade items for the calpulli City-state recognized whose in charge and prevented attacks; political dominance but not administratively

5 Economic Organization
Agricultural based “maize based economy” -creation of “chinampas” 2. Conquered area allowed to maintain their economy for tribute; sometimes land were redistributed. 3. Merchant class “pochteca” specialized in distant trading: cocao beans, gold, birds, turquoise, cotton, etc.

6 Incan civilization Located in the Andes Mountains of South America
Represented by Machu Picchu Ruled by an emperor “Pachacuti” ( ) -Cuzco Economy based on high-altitude agriculture Polytheistic religion Road system

7 Inca Social system “Inca Socialism”
Empire controlled by Inca “emperor/ruler” Nobilities were determined by the 10 royal ayllus (residents = nobles) Small communities-self sufficiency Society was neither patriarchal nor matriarchal; gender specific jobs but were seen as equal. Culture focused on cooperation between men and women Inequality = military service

8 Inca’s Political system
Complex Bureaucratic System Empire dived into 4 provinces headed by a governor Divided again into offices for adminstration Local levels: local rulers/headmen (“curacas”) System of “Reciprocity and Hierarchy” State control region; build roads/irrigation Incas rule Locals “reciprocate” by providing labor/loyalty

9 Polytheistic Religion Aztecs & Inca (Lots of gods similar to India’s)
1. God of creation “Viracocha” 2. Sun god “Inti” 3. Goddess of the moon “Mama Quilla” 4. God of the earth “Pachamac” 5. God of death “Supai” Aztec God of fertility “Tlaloc” God of creation “Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl” God of war “Huitzilopochtil” (the Sun GOD) Offering made to appease the Gods; Animals/people sacrificed

10 Comparative Imperial and military organization
Agricultural organization & state redistribution of goods Kinship based institution: Ayllu (Inca); Calpulli (Aztec) Nobles = personnel of the state Allowed local leaders to rule/display loyalty Both ineffective against nomadic tribes; focused on conquest of sedentary people Beliefs & social structure Differences: economic/trade –more prevalent in Aztec; Inca greater metallurgical skills Writing system Social definition

11 Cities in Meso-America
Teotihuacan Culhuacan Texcoco Tenochtitlan Tlacopan

12 Cities in Inca Empire Cuzco Chan Chan Tihuanaco Chichen Itza Cajamarca

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