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Reactive Database Access in Scala with Slick 3

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1 Reactive Database Access in Scala with Slick 3
Ihor Mielientiev AUGUST 3, 2015

2 AGENDA What is Slick? 1 Introduction To Slick 2 Reactive Slick 3 3
Reactive Streams in Slick 3 4 Advices 5 Pros & Cons (Summary) 6 Q&A 7

3 WHAT IS SLICK? Slick is database query and access library for Scala Slick IS NOT ORM it's Functional-Relational Mapper Brings relational model to Scala (not hidden) Natural fit (no impedance mismatch) Stateless

4 Minimal Configuration

5 /resource/application.conf

6 Mapping

7 Slick Mapping

8 No XML, no Annotations, no “magic”
Slick Mapping Do mapping in Scala Type Safe No XML, no Annotations, no “magic”

9 Scala collection-like API

10 Slick Querying Get users with age > 20 OR

11 Slick Querying Slick Generate Next SQL (H2):

12 Slick Querying (Insert)
Inserting Batching Insert or update

13 Slick Querying (Insert 2)
Insert and return object Batching with returning object

14 Slick Querying (Update / Delete)
A query for an UPDATE statement must resolve to a comprehension with a single table Delete A query for deleting must only select from a single table.

15 Joins Cross Join Inner Join

16 Joins Left Join Right Join Full Join

17 Joins It's too simple... Lets consider more complex example. Get all users' addresses, who subscribed on “New York Times“ and has age > 18 and lives in USA

18 Joins

19 Joins (for-comprehension)

20 Joins Generated SQL Applicative join Monadic join

21 Joins Generated SQL If changes 'filter' order in applicative joins... Be careful, and look at generated SQL

22 Transactions - Transactions disabled by default - To enable transaction just add .transactionally

23 Transactions

24 Pre Compiled Queries

25 Plain SQL - Slick allows you to write your own SQL - Plain SQL queries in Slick are built via string interpolation using the sql, sqlu and tsql - sqlu is used for DML statements which produce a row count instead of a result set.

26 Plain SQL - sql is used for statements which produce a result set. - For mapping sql result to Model, you need to implement GetResult

27 Type-checked SQL - Ability to type check hand-written SQL statements Add annotation: Use it (tsql):

28 Type-checked SQL Bad syntax:

29 Type-checked SQL Incorrect type:

30 Type-checked SQL Table doesn't exist: Field name error:

31 - Compilation depends on running DB
Type-checked SQL (Issues) - Compilation depends on running DB - Increase compilation time - Limited IDE support

32 Supported Databases - DB2 (via slick-extensions) - Derby/JavaDB - H2 - HSQLDB/HyperSQL - Microsoft SQL Server (via slick-extensions) - MySQL - Oracle (via slick-extensions) - PostgreSQL - SQLite

33 Reactive Slick 3

34 Reactive Streams In Slick 3
- Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. - Reactive Streams is a “protocol” for efficiently passing data between two independent units of execution (producer & consumer) in an asynchronous, non-blocking and bounded fashion.

35 Advices 1. Always view on generated SQL 2. Try to get data you actually need in that moment (Query granularity) 3. Stay tuned with updates 4. Learn SQL

36 Pros Cons Summary - Generated SQL is far from perfect + Full Control
+ Type Safe + Composable Queries + Reactive + Minimal Boilerplate - Generated SQL is far from perfect - Not always intuitive - DSL has limitations

37 Thank you Questions?

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