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Managing Escalating Behavior. The Objectives zIntroductions zEscalating Behavior zQuestions.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Escalating Behavior. The Objectives zIntroductions zEscalating Behavior zQuestions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Escalating Behavior

2 The Objectives zIntroductions zEscalating Behavior zQuestions

3 Anatomy of Escalating Behavior Cycles zstudent and teacher behavior escalate in intensity zstudent behaviors are followed by a consequence that becomes the antecedent for the next student behavior zas consequences become more severe, student behaviors become more intense zBREAK THE CYCLE

4 Phases of Escalation 1. Calm 2. Trigger 3. Agitation 4. Acceleration 5. Peak 6. De-escalation 7. Recovery

5 7 Phases zIndicators yAble to follow directions yAble to stay on task yAble to receive correction yAble to set goals and develop plans Calm zProcedures yArrange for high rates of academic and social success yUse positive reinforcement yTeach critical skills yCommunicate high expectations yTeach problem solving

6 7 Phases zIndicators yConflicts with other persons yContinued provocations yPressure yFacing consequences yContinued errors Trigger zProcedures yRemove from problem context yIncrease opportunities for success and reinforcement yPrompt what has been taught

7 7 Phases zIndicators yIncreased hand and eye movements ySpeech is intended to cut conversations short yDecrease in on-task behavior yEasily distracted from work Agitation zProcedures yMake structural or environmental modifications yProvide reasonable options and contingencies yInvolve in successful activities

8 7 Phases zIndicators yQuestioning, arguing provoking yVerbal abuse yIntimidation yDefiance, escape Acceleration zProcedures yRemove all distracting / competing environmental factors yFollow crisis management procedures yEstablish and follow through with bottom line yDetach from student yEscalation and self-control are negatively related yEscalation is likely to run its course

9 7 Phases zIndicators yPhysical abuse or aggression yPhysical abuse towards self yPhysical abuse towards objects ySevere tantrums, hyperventilation Peak zProcedures yFocus on safety / minimize the peak yContinue Acceleration phase procedures yRoom clear yRestraint

10 7 Phases zIndicators yConfusion (starting, stopping, moving) yAttempts to reconcile yWithdrawal yDenial yBlame projection yResponsive to concrete directions De-escalation zProcedures yFocus on removing excess confrontation yDon’t consequence yAvoid confrontation yDon’t force return yEmphasize starting over

11 7 Phases zIndicators yWillingness to resume work (w/o interaction) ySubdued behavior in group work or with teacher yDenial and defensive regarding the out of control behavior yReluctance to enter into discussions about the out of control behavior Recovery zProcedures yFollow through with consequences for problem behavior yReinforce displays of appropriate behavior yDebrief xFacilitate transition xDebrief after consequencing xGoal to increase more appropriate behavior

12 Let’s Look Again zCalm zTrigger zAgitation zAcceleration zPeak zDe-escalation zRecovery

13 Big Ideas zTeach appropriate behavior during the Calm; escalation time is not teaching time zWatch for Agitation and intervene zMinimize the Peak and focus on safety zAvoid confrontation in De-escalation zDebrief and follow-through during Recovery

14 Questions? National Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: National Center on Education Disabilities and Juvenile Justice: Resources

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