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MICE CM19 Synopsis Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion Research Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Video Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE CM19 Synopsis Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion Research Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Video Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE CM19 Synopsis Michael S. Zisman Center for Beam Physics Accelerator & Fusion Research Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory MICE Video Conference 105 November 1, 2007

2 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman2 Introduction After CM19 a number of items were identified for further work —this talk covers the main outstanding items o serves as reminder of what tasks are needed to make our schedule —original wrap-up talk should serve as primary reference to what is needed Now 80 days to target date for Step 1 —plenty still left to do, but we’re getting there

3 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman3 Present Priorities General —getting ready for beam in January 2008 o getting the hardware built, installed, and running o organizing the collaboration for running the experiment –shift leaders, system “experts”, operations manuals —next most important o get ready for cosmic test in November (detector shakedown) Beam line is “first up” —effort needed to: o get components installed, aligned, and operational o finalize optics design (making progress) –resolve Turtle vs. G4BL discrepancy –define tuning/correction schemes, incl. collimators and control algorithms –develop commissioning plans

4 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman4 Beam Line Issues (1) Practice taking out old target as if it is highly activated —Radiological Protection Assessment completed already Now have agreement from ISIS on DLC-coated target —how many pulses will be allowed? —decide on target orientation (along or normal to ISIS beam) Understand production rate vs. loss rate in ISIS —need agreement on acceptable ISIS loss rates —need “clean” target test where losses confined to last 1 ms of cycle (January run) Make sure diffuser mechanism safe under power failure —return to known state

5 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman5 Beam Line Issues (2) Fix misalignment in upstream beam line and target box (KT talk) Upstream magnets need lots of work —vacuum, water, power, alignment —D1 chamber is “too close to the edge” o looks like 10% loss of “good muons” (should this should be fixed?) —decay solenoid needs testing (paced by Linde refrigerator) Beam line review scheduled for November 16 at ICL —document need for correctors and collimators

6 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman6 Cooling Channel Issues (1) Magnets —develop operational procedures for all devices o spectrometer solenoids, focus coils, coupling coils, absorbers –document all force calculations —need final plan for magnetic mapping with field sensors o mapping must go from spectrometer to detectors —FC schedule looks marginal o promptly evaluate alternative conductor options H 2 R&D system —schedule has slipped to early 2008 due to other priorities –keep an eye on this one! Absorbers —design work almost done at KEK o need funding to provide the actual components (~$65K ea.)

7 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman7 Cooling Channel Issues (2) RF —define method to measure voltage at 1% level o will require beam-based measurements to achieve this —need further thought on required interlocks —consider NEG pumps for MICE —can we run CC and Lab G magnets together at MTA? o Green to evaluate force limitations —testing of high power amplifier to be done at Daresbury spring 2008 o making progress, but schedule slipping Miscellaneous —must update infrastructure needs for project o Chris Nelson will collect/update o need vacuum guru –interlocks, monitoring,... o need controls expert

8 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman8 Detector Issues (1) Understand 201 MHz RF backgrounds —MTA tests with Coupling Coil will tell us which regime we’ll be in o present indications are that we’ll be (barely) okay at 8 MV CKOV —(schedule) problem coating mirrors o do we need thicker aerogel? Tracker —get ready for cosmic ray testing —find “owner” for He windows and radiation shutter TOFs —need means to align in situ o ±1 mm tolerance

9 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman9 Detector Issues (2) KL —good progress o expected at RAL in December SW calorimeter —Trieste/Rome/Fermilab/Geneva group (Pietro Chimenti) has taken on o review cost and schedule when ready Spectrometer solenoid —verify that quench forces on end plate have been accounted for —need to fiducialize magnets for alignment purposes o NIKEF should send someone to FNAL for initial measurements –delayed until January 2008 o must test radiation tolerance of sensors at MTA —who “owns” TOF cage? Check quench forces for ALL systems

10 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman10 Simulation/Analysis Issues Need to learn how to correlate particles with RF phase —could we use ISIS RF signal to develop/validate approach? Want specification of what field maps are needed —e.g., spectrometer solenoid Define and document alignment tolerances (under way) Can/should we keep TRD updated? —a parameter list would also be useful, especially to engineers Should we do a “blind” analysis?

11 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman11 Controls/DAQ Issues (1) Target software must be integrated with ISIS and MICE systems —need dip depth in our data stream Splitter sticking out of crate looks vulnerable to damage —repackage, provide cage, or buy collision insurance Send SS power supplies to Daresbury for testing with control system —use same supplies for FC module o possible in-kind contribution?

12 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman12 Controls/DAQ Issues (2) Need “guru” as liaison between technical systems and controls group —having one person from each group is impractical Need system manager to deal with keeping systems running, upgrades and backups,... —not full-time, but a critical role —could be a MICE contribution —pay from common fund?

13 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman13 Unresolved Issues Can we get funds for Ishimoto’s absorber work? —Japan group has major proposal in that would cover this —pushing for renewed US-Japan funds for this o next round of negotiations starts in December Do we have the “person-power” to cover experimental shifts? —and analyze the data in a timely way (“exploitation” phase) —several post-doc slots available but unfilled o keep looking!

14 October 10, 2007Wrap-up and Action Items-Zisman14 Summary We continue to make progress —the rush to get everything built and installed continues o we have had a few setbacks and continue to recover gracefully There is still a lot to do —January commissioning will focus on o target o beam line o detectors Welcome to Richard Apsimon and Andy Nichols —please cooperate with their requests in a complete and timely fashion

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