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Positive Behavioral Supports: Secondary Interventions August 4, 2006 SLU, Hammond Shawn Fleming La. Dept. of Education (225) 219-7364

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2 Positive Behavioral Supports: Secondary Interventions August 4, 2006 SLU, Hammond Shawn Fleming La. Dept. of Education (225) 219-7364

3 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making 4 PBIS Elements

4 Targeted Interventions Identifying the Middle Part of the Triangle at your school –Using data to make decisions Setting Event Practices –Effective Classroom Management Practices –Non-Classroom Systems Approaches Practices that Support Students ‘at-risk’ –BEP –Interventions for Escalating Behaviors

5 Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Blended Initiatives 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students 5-10% Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students 1- 5% Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students Universal Interventions All students 80-90% Universal Interventions All students Dr. George Sugai, Co-Director Center on PBS

6 Non-classroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems

7 Average Daily Referrals by Month

8 Referrals by Location @ 45 min/referral = 16,000 minutes! Non-classroom Classroom Student School-wide

9 Referrals by Grade thru Nov. 2005

10 Referrals by Grade level (2005-06)

11 Referrals by grade in 2004-2005

12 8 th grade by location

13 Referrals by Teacher Mrs. X

14 Mrs. X by location

15 Mrs. X by Problem Behavior

16 Referrals by Location Non-class Classroom Student School-wide

17 Classroom Management Practices Non-class Classroom Student School-wide Classroom

18 Link classroom to school-wide –School-wide expectations –Classroom v. office managed rule violations

19 Teach social skills (just like academics) –Tell/model/explain –Guided practice –Monitor & assess –Give positive feedback –Adjust & enhance

20 Purpose Review critical features & essential practices of behavior management in classroom settings Goal: Review of basics & context for self- assessment

21 Classroom Management Challenges Informal & untaught Reactive & ineffective Disconnected from SW Lack of staff fluency Lack of durability Lack of instructional fluency

22 Essential Behavior & Classroom Management Practices Classroom Management Self-Checklist (7r) George Sugai, 2005

23 Activity: Rate Your Practices Consider a recent period teaching in your classroom. Rate yourself on the following items. –If you are administrator or support staff, rate a teacher that you recently observed.

24 1. Minimize crowding & distraction Design environment to elicit appropriate behavior: –Arrange furniture to allow easy traffic flow. –Ensure adequate supervision of all areas. –Designate staff & student areas. –Seating arrangements (classrooms, cafeteria, etc.)

25 2. Maximize structure & predictability Teacher routines: volunteers, communications, movement, planning, grading, etc. Student routines: personal needs, transitions, working in groups, independent work, instruction, getting, materials, homework, etc.

26 3. State, teach, review & reinforce positively stated expectations Establish behavioral expectations/rules. Teach rules in context of routines. Prompt or remind students of rule prior to entering natural context. Monitor students behavior in natural context & provide specific feedback. Evaluate effect of instruction - review data, make decisions, & follow up.

27 4. Provide more acknowledgements for appropriate than inappropriate behavior Maintain at least 4 to 1 Interact positively once every 5 minutes Follow correction for rule violation with positive reinforcer for rule following

28 5. Maximize varied opportunities to respond Vary individual v. group responding Vary response type –Oral, written, gestural Increase participatory instruction –Questioning, materials

29 6. Maximize Active Engagement Vary format –Written, choral, gestures Specify observable engagements Link engagement with outcome objectives

30 7. Actively & Continuously Supervise Move Scan Interact Remind/precorrect Positively acknowledge

31 8. Respond to Inappropriate Behavior Quickly, Positively, & Directly Respond efficiently Attend to students who are displaying appropriate behavior Follow school procedures for major problem behaviors objectively & anticipate next occurrence

32 9. Establish Multiple Strategies for Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior Social, tangible, activity, etc. Frequent v. infrequent Predictably v. unpredictably Immediate v. delayed

33 10. Generally Provide Specific Feedback for Errors & Corrects Provide contingently Always indicate correct behaviors Link to context

34 How did I do? 8-10 “yes” = Super 5-7 “yes” = So So <5 “yes” = Improvement needed

35 Example Action Plan Strategies +Build on SW System +Use school-wide leadership team +Use data to justify +Adopt evidence based practice + Teach/practice to fluency/automaticity + Ensure accurate implementation 1 st time + Regular review & active practice +Monitor implementation continuously + Acknowledge improvements

36 Non-example Action Plan Strategies -Purchase & distribute classroom management curriculum/book -Discuss at faculty meeting -Bring in CM expert for next month’s ½ day in-service -Observe in effective classroom -Observe & give feedback What is likelihood of change in teacher practice?

37 Action Plan Develop a plan to enhance the capacity of all teachers in effective classroom management practices –Training and Support Infrastructure –Ongoing Monitor and Evaluation plan

38 Non-classroom Interventions Non-classroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems

39 Non-classroom Settings Particular times or places where supervision is emphasized –Cafeteria, hallways, playgrounds, bathrooms –Buses & bus loading zones, parking lots –Study halls, library, “free time” –Assemblies, sporting events, dances Where instruction is not available as behavior management tool

40 Referrals by Location Non-class Classroom Student School-wide

41 5 minute activity Pick 1 problematic non-classroom setting you have experienced Identify 2-3 features of problem Identify 2-3 possible solutions Report (<1 min.) main features of your example Attention Please 1 Minute Spokesperson

42 Examples of Strategies Recess divided by grade level –Monitors know students Recess then lunch Random Recess Zip and Flip


44 5 minute activity Pick 1 problematic non-classroom setting you have experienced Identify 2-3 features of problem Identify 2-3 possible solutions Report (<1 min.) main features of your example

45 Classroom v. Nonclassroom Classroom –Teacher directed –Instructionally focused –Small # of predictable students Nonclassroom –Student focused –Social focus –Large # of unpredictable students

46 MANAGEMENT FEATURES Physical/environmental arrangements Routines & expectations Staff behavior Student behavior

47 Training Video: Systematic Supervision Steven Smith & Jeff Sprague –Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior –University of Oregon IRIS Media, Inc –Eugene Oregon –877-343-4747 – –

48 Basics “Supervision Self-Assessment” YES or NO

49 1. Did I have at least 4 positive for each negative student contact? Have more positive student contacts than negative Use variety of contact forms

50 ~10 positive : 1 correction


52 2. Did I move continuously throughout area? Obvious Positive Interactive Unpredictable

53 3. Did I scan frequently ? Head up Make eye contact Overt body position Scan distant areas

54 4. Did I positively interact with most students? Variety of interaction types –Social positives & SW acknowledgements Variety of students Quick Noticeable Publicly appropriate

55 “Good morning, class!” Teachers report that when students are greeted by an adult in morning, it takes less time to complete morning routines & get first lesson started.

56 5. Did I handle minor rule violations efficiently? Quickly Privately Neutrally Follow-up with positive Follow-up

57 6. Did I follow school-wide procedures for handling major rule violations? Quick By the book Business like Disengage Precorrect for next occurrence

58 Considerations What are “costs” of compliance? Can I follow-through with consequences? Have I taught & reinforced compliance? Disengage quickly

59 7. Do I know my school-wide expectations? Positively stated Small in number Easy Comprehensive Defined

60 8. Did I positively acknowledge at least 5 different students for displays of SW expectations? Individualized Informative Sincere

61 “Readers’ Digest” Guide 7-8 “yes” = Super Supervision 5-6 “yes” = So-So Supervision <5 “yes” = Improvement Needed

62 Why does everyone need to be involved? Staff outnumbered Adult presence –Prompts desired behavior –Deters problem behavior “Being a good citizen” –Contribute to school climate

63 15 minute activity Identify problematic nonclassroom setting(s) Identify factors that contribute to problem Review Self-Assessment & identify possible strategies for addressing problem If needed, build into Action Planning Provide 1 minute report Attention Please 1 Minute New Spokesperson

64 15 minute activity Identify problematic non-classroom setting(s) Identify factors that contribute to problem Review Self-Assessment & identify possible strategies for addressing problem If needed, build into Action Planning Provide 1 minute report

65 Example Supervisors’ Activities For each item on Self-Assessment share one specific strategy you try to use. Agree on one item that everyone will emphasize next week, & tell all staff. Complete Self-Assessment for one setting next week, & turn into Tom on Friday.

66 Active Supervision 15 minutes Review “Active Supervision Self-assessment” (8) & discuss possible practices/systems applications to your identified (or new) problem setting Report 2-3 “big ideas” from your team discussion (1 min. reports) Attention Please 1 Minute Spokesperson

67 Active Supervision 15 minutes Review “Active Supervision Self-assessment” (8) & discuss possible practices/systems applications to your identified (or new) problem setting Report 2-3 “big ideas” from your team discussion (1 min. reports)

68 Targeted Student Interventions Non-classroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems

69 Referrals by Student Non-classroom Classroom Student School-wide

70 Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Blended Initiatives 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students Targeted Group Interventions Targeted students 5-10% Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students 1- 5% Intensive, Individual Interventions Specific students Universal Interventions All students 80-90% Universal Interventions All students Dr. George Sugai, Co-Director Center on PBS

71 What is the “Middle Part” of the Triangle? ~15% of students Multiple referrals At-risk for developing more severe/chronic patterns of problem behaviors

72 Out of Proportion These students represent less than 25% of school enrollment They account for over 50% of behavioral incidents They consume significant amounts of time and resources

73 Skill Deficits

74 What it looks like… At Risk: –Disruptive –Talks out –Unprepared –Talks back to teacher –Uses inappropriate language –Tardy –Defiant –Refuses to do work –Difficulty taking turns –Refuses to share –Out of seat –Aggressive –Not dangerous or violent –May have low academic achievement Serious/Chronic: –Danger to self and/or others –Destructive General: – In line with expectations

75 In general these students have… Poor peer relations Low academic achievement Difficulty adjusting to school environment Difficulty with imposed structure and order Low self-esteem

76 Approaches to Intervention Behavior Education Program (BEP) Verbal De-escalation Training Social Skills Training Conflict Resolution Training Anger Management Training

77 Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program A comprehensive book by Deanne A. Crone, Robert H. Horner, and Leanne S. Hawken. Guilford Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1-57320-940-7; Cat. #0940 List Price: $27.00

78 The Behavior Education Program (BEP) All Teachers and Staff Check in/Check-out system Daily Positive adult contact Daily Behavioral Report Card –Increased feedback and attention to behavioral goals Home-School Partnership Across All School Settings

79 BEP: Student Selection Exceeds a minimum number of ODRs Problems across multiple settings Not a danger to self or others Adult Attention is reinforcing

80 Example Behaviors –Disruptive –Talks out –Unprepared –Talks back to teacher –Uses inappropriate language –Tardy –Defiant –Refuses to do work –Difficulty taking turns –Refuses to share –Out of seat – Difficulty following directions – Frequent peer conflict – Low-grade aggression (pushing, tripping, etc…)

81 Do Not Include: Dangerous/violent students Students who bring a weapon to school Students who injure/may injure themselves Students with a high number of referrals Students with referrals from only one setting, teacher, or time Students who find adult attention aversive

82 Data-Based Decision The BEP is indicated when… –High percentage of students with multiple referrals (>15%) –Problem behaviors are not dangerous or violent –Problem behaviors are found in multiple locations throughout school, from multiple staff

83 Referrals by Student Non-classroom Classroom Student School-wide A.B.

84 Student “A.B” X Location Multiple Settings

85 Student “A.B.” x Motivation Attention

86 Student “A.B.” by behavior ‘Low-level behavior’ 2005-06

87 Student “A.B.” by time of day

88 Does A.B. get Selected?  Exceeds a minimum number of ODRs  Problems across multiple settings  Not a danger to self or others  Adult Attention is reinforcing A.B. is a great candidate for B.E.P!

89 Catch them before they fall: Intervention before age 9 is more likely to succeed Severity, stability, and risk Substance abuse School dropout

90 Major Features of most Targeted Interventions Intervention is continuously available Rapid access to intervention (72 hr) Very low effort by teachers Consistent with school-wide expectations Implemented by all staff/faculty in a school

91 Major Features of most Targeted Interventions (cont’d) Home/school linkage Flexible intervention based on assessment –Functional Assessment Adequate resources (admin, team) –weekly meeting, plus 10 hours a week for coordination Student chooses to participate Continuous monitoring for decision-making

92 Student Recommended for BEP BEP is Implemented Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Bi-weekly SST Meeting to Assess Student Progress Exit Program Revise Program Check In Check Out (CICO) Meadowlark/ Buena Vista

93 HAWK Report Date ________ Student _______________ Teacher___________________ 0 = Not Yet 1= Good 2= Excellent Be Safe Be Respectful Be Your Personal BestTeacher initials Keep hands, feet, and objects to self Use kind words and actions Follow directions Working in class Class 0 1 2 Recess 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Lunch 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Recess 0 1 2 Class 0 1 2 Total Points = Points Possible = 50 Today ______________% Goal ______________%

94 Daily Progress Report

95 Why does BEP work? Improved structure –Prompts are provided throughout the day for correct behavior. –System for linking student with at least one positive adult. –Student chooses to participate. Student is “set up for success” –First contact each morning is positive. –“Blow-out” days are pre-empted. –First contact each class period (or activity period) is positive, and sets up successful behavioral momentum.

96 Why does BEP work? Increase in contingent feedback –Feedback occurs more often. –Feedback is tied to student behavior. –Inappropriate behavior is less likely to be ignored or rewarded. Program can be applied in all school locations –Classroom, playground, cafeteria (anywhere there is a supervisor)

97 Why does BEP Work? Elevated reward for appropriate behavior –Adult and peer attention delivered each target period –Adult attention (and tangible) delivered at end of day Linking behavior support and academic support –For academic-based, escape-maintained problem behavior incorporate academic support Linking school and home support –Provide format for positive student/parent contact Program is organized to morph into a self- management system –Increased options for making choices –Increased ability to self-monitor performance/progress

98 Logistics for Setting up a BEP program Faculty and staff commitment Is problem behavior a major concern? Are staff willing to commit 5 min per day? Is BEP a reasonable option for us? –More than 5 students need extra support –BEP is designed to work with 10-12% of kids in a school –BEP typically “works” with 67% of students. –BEP does NOT replace need for individualized supports. Team available Team leader BEP coordinator (morning, afternoon) Team (meets at least once every two weeks)

99 Logistics for Setting up a BEP program School-wide PBS in place School-wide expectations defined and taught Reward system operating Clear and consistent consequences for problem behavior Process for identifying a student who may be appropriate for BEP Student is not responding to SWPBS expectations –Request for Assistance Student finds adult attention rewarding Student is NOT in crisis.

100 Logistics for Setting up a BEP program Daily BEP progress report card Same expectations for all Common schedule All staff taught rules for accepting, completing and returning the card. Home report process Can be same as progress card Can be a unique reporting form

101 CICO Home Report Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________ ______ I met my goal today ______ I had a hard day One thing I did really well today was:_______________________ Something I will work on tomorrow is: _______________________ Comments: Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________ Comments:

102 Logistics for Setting up a BEP program Trading menu –Reward for collecting and turning in daily progress card –Reward for meeting daily goal –Exchange system for points earned Collecting, summarizing and using data –Daily updates –Weekly review by team –Referral to SBLC for individualized interventions.

103 Referrals by Grade level (2005-06) Mrs. X

104 Referrals by Teacher 5 th Grade Teachers

105 Action Plan to implement BEP Student Selection –Criteria of # of referrals And other criteria met Entire Campus vs. Subset (one grade level) –Selection criteria Roles of Staff –Coordinator –Check-in Staff selection –Training and meeting logistics Daily BEP Progress Report Reinforcement/Reward Structure Evaluation plan

106 Training Video: Managing Non-Compliance Geoff Colvin –University of Oregon IRIS Media, Inc –Eugene Oregon –877-343-4747 – –

107 Training Video: Defusing Anger and Aggression Geoff Colvin –University of Oregon IRIS Media, Inc –Eugene Oregon –877-343-4747 – –

108 Escalating Behavior Model As developed by Geoff Colvin and George Sugai, 1989 Revised 1994 and spring 2004 OSEP/PBIS

109 Understanding Escalating Behavior Assumptions Behavior is _________(function) Behavior is _________ (lawful) Behavior is escalated through __________ (practice) Behavior can be changed through an _____________approach (instructional) OSEP/PBIS

110 Sequence of Escalating Behaviors Student’s escalating behaviors typically follow a sequence. –I–It starts off relatively small and neutral –I–It intensifies and shifts to personal affront The teacher escalates with the student –S–Same sequence for teacher –S–Sequence is interactive If teacher would have backed off, the situation would not have escalated OSEP/PBIS

111 Seven Main Phases of Escalation Calm Trigger Agitation Acceleration Peak De-escalation Recovery OSEP/PBIS

112 Intensity of Behavior low high Time Escalation Model Peak Calm Trigger Agitation Acceleration De-escalation Recovery (Colvin & Sugai, 1989) OSEP/PBIS

113 Calm Phase Student is cooperative Accepts corrective feedback Follows directives Sets personal goals Ignores distractions OSEP/PBIS

114 Interventions in Calm Phase Interact positively with student Teach & communicate positive expectations Focus on prevention (what can we do before problem behaviors occur?) Arrange opportunities for high rates of successful academic and social interactions Provide positive feedback and reinforcements Teach to skill deficits: problem solving, relaxation strategies and self management OSEP/PBIS

115 Trigger Phase of Escalation Colvin and Sugai describe this phase as experiencing a series of unresolved conflicts –Repeated failure –Frequent corrections –Interpersonal conflicts –Timelines imposed –Low rates of positive reinforcement OSEP/PBIS

116 Interventions in Trigger Phase Focus on prevention and redirection Respond with empathic listening and care Reduce task requirement Reduce stress – remove or modify problem context Increase opportunity for success Reinforce what has been taught OSEP/PBIS

117 Agitation Phase Student exhibits an increase in unfocused behavior –Off-task –Frequent start/stop –Out of seat –Talking with others –Social withdrawal OSEP/PBIS

118 Interventions for Agitated Phase Focus on reducing anxiety…ask “how do I de-escalate and then re-introduce the task?” –Make structural, environmental modifications –Provide reasonable options and choices –Involve in successful engagements (alternative task) and allow de-escalation time, then –“Do you want to begin this…now or do you want 2 more minutes of time?” OSEP/PBIS

119 Acceleration Phase Escalation and self-control are inversely related Decision making deteriorates as you escalate Student displays focused behavior –Provocative –High intensity –Threatening OSEP/PBIS

120 Interventions for Acceleration Focus on safety Remove the trigger (disengage and have another adult take over if you are the trigger) Remove any factors maintaining the problem behaviors If crisis is developing, clear the room and follow crisis prevention procedures OSEP/PBIS

121 Peak Phase of Escalation Student is out of control and displays most severe problem behaviors. It will run it’s course now. Physical aggression Self injury Property destruction Escape/social withdrawal Physiological symptoms (increase heart rate, shallow, rapid breathing or hyperventilation, etc.) OSEP/PBIS

122 Intervention for Peak Phase Focus is on safety and crisis intervention. Follow your school’s crisis plan. OSEP/PBIS

123 De-escalation Phase Student displays confusion but there is a decrease in severe behavior –social withdrawal –blaming others –denial –bargaining –minimizing the problem OSEP/PBIS

124 Intervention for De-escalation Disengage and remove excess attention –allow time to reach recovery phase –don’t nag –don’t place demands – it can escalate again –avoid blaming –don’t force apology during this stage can use apology during calm phase save consequences until they will be effective and not before OSEP/PBIS

125 Recovery Phase Student displays eagerness to engage in non-engagement activities –may be social but not on task yet –non-cooperative in group activities –may attempt to correct the problem OSEP/PBIS

126 Interventions in Recovery Phase Focus on re-establishing relationship, routine and activities Positively reinforce appropriate behavior Follow through with consequences for problem behavior when student is stable and calm Engage student in problem solving to create a plan to prevent future escalation OSEP/PBIS

127 Problem Solving Process Have student identify problem behavior Have student identify trigger to escalating behavior –Ask the student to ask him/herself… What did I do that was problematic? Why did I do it? What triggered my behavior? Do I want to change my behavior?

128 Problem Solving Have student brainstorm alternative ways to cope with the trigger/s in the future –Ask student to ask him/herself… What could I have done differently? (name several alternatives) What else could I have done differently? What are the best ways that I calm myself when I’m upset? What are some other ways I could calm myself when I’m upset?

129 Continue Problem Solving Assist student in developing an informal plan to change behavior –Ask student to ask him/herself… What did I do well in this situation? What do I need to do next? Can I do it? What am I willing to do differently?

130 Complete The Plan Have student write down what he/she agrees to do differently in the future Have student and adult assisting the student in developing the plan sign the plan Date it Keep the original, give copy to student & parent

131 Complete The Plan Implement the plan Monitor progress Have student and adult implementing the plan evaluate effectiveness of plan Revise plan as needed

132 Action Plan to Train Staff Topics identified through prioritized problem behaviors Schedule of staff training Role playing scenarios Evaluation of skills –No stress –‘On the beat’


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