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MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] PA (Safety & Mission Assurance) Activities for MMO ➢ MMO PA Plan was developed, and it will be distributed to MMO Contractors &

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1 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] PA (Safety & Mission Assurance) Activities for MMO ➢ MMO PA Plan was developed, and it will be distributed to MMO Contractors & Payload teams for review soon. ➢ JAXA will have a JAXA phase 0 Safety Review 24 March 2006. Hazards and their causes will be identified for this review. * JAXA will apply its System Safety Requirements (JMR-001B) and JAXA Launch Vehicle Payload Safety Requirements (JMR-002B) for Phase 0-1 Safety Review. * Launch Site Safety Requirements and Transportation Vehicle (Soyuz) Safety Requirements will be applied for the next MMO Phase 1 Safety Review scheduled 2007.

2 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] JAXA Phase 0 Safety Review Potential Risks related to Payloads *Extendible units :MAST, WPT & MEFISTO - Unintentional extension > ‘ Double switch, Triple CMD ’ Latch mechanism, etc. *HV units :MPPE, MSASI, TWTA - Electric shocks> No exposure of the HV electrode to outside of the spacecraftetc. - discharge accidents> ‘ Double switch, Triple CMD ’ etc. *Radioactive materials : as calibrators (eg. MPPE) *Access to the spacecraft at high positions : All instruments at ISAS / ESTEC / Kourou launch site

3 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] Extendible Antenna/Mast Probe Antennae ( WPT 、 MEFISTO) Extendible Masts Medium Gain Antenna High Gain Antenna

4 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] Reaction Control System: Tank tank

5 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] MMO-MPO Separation System ソフトリリース機構 マルマンランプ

6 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] Design Criteria: Update *Environment-Proof Design Criteria [MMO-C-EPDC] Mar. 2006 Mercury Environmental Specifications: Planetary Jan. 2006 Mercury Environmental Specifications: Environment Jan. 2006 *Electric Electronic Electromechanical Parts Criteria (MMO-EEEPC) [Ver.1.41]Jan. 2006 *Electromagnetic Compatibility Design Criteria (MMO-C-EMCDC) [Ver.1.11]Oct. 2005 Baseline is fixed by the discussion in MMO-EMC meeting in Oct 2005.

7 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] MMO Component Environment-Proof Design Criteria (MMO-C-EPDC) Version 0.3 [draft] Feb. 2006 Figure 5.4.1-1: Dose in Silicon as a function of spherical aluminium shielding for the three mission phases. (from Figure 6 of Sec. 4.7 in Mercury Environmental Specification (Part II)) Radiation Environment: Changed associated with new mission senario Cruise Mercury Total **** Updated in 2006 Feb ****

8 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] MMO Component Environment-Proof Design Criteria (MMO-C-EPDC) Version 0.3 [draft] Mar. 2006 Mechanical Environment: Tentative Proposal ~ Fixed after the selection of the ESA Prime contractor ~ Vibration Test Levels **** Updated in 2006 Jan ****

9 MMO-SWG #3[Mar 22 2006] Related INFO: FPGA Electric Electronic Electromechanical Parts Criteria (MMO-EEEPC) Informal Information from ESA FPGA WG recommendation “ 5. Dynamic post-programming burn-in activities at component level shall be required for FPGA (they should be equivalent to MIL-STD-883 TM1015). The current ECSS-Q-60 standard should be updated accordingly. Informal Information from ESA EEE division A strong recommendation on the Lisa-Pathfinder M-PDR to abandon the use of the subject Actel device in favour of the Actel SX device, where we at least have today a better understanding. Baseline is fixed by the discussion between JAXA & ESA EEE members.

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