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Vi får Norge til å gro! Making Norway Grow A Short Presentation of The Norwegian Farmers’ Union.

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Presentation on theme: "Vi får Norge til å gro! Making Norway Grow A Short Presentation of The Norwegian Farmers’ Union."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vi får Norge til å gro! Making Norway Grow A Short Presentation of The Norwegian Farmers’ Union

2 The Norwegian Farmers’ Union NFU NFU - one out of two farmers’ organisations Recognized by the Government as one official party in annual negotiations 49 000 farmers in Norway 62 000 members - direct membership Approx. 31 000 agricultural producers are members Approx. 32 % women Average age 50

3 The member organisation (1) The objective is to unite all who are, or feel attached to agriculture and work for common interests. Anybody who supports our objective can become a member. A membership implies both rights and obligations.

4 The member organisation (2) Local branches (580) Local interest groups and constitute the main meeting ground for colleagues in the local farming sector Engages and influences local authorities, especially in matters concerning land management and business development The local annual meeting is open to all members and gives each member the right and possibility to influence the policies and workings of the organisation

5 The member organisation (3) County departments (18) Engages and influences authorities at county level Promotes agriculture in the media Active toward politicians, both MP’s and representatives for county based governments and party organisations. Regional business development Helps and supports the local branches Elects county leaders and delegates to the annual national assembly

6 The member organisation (4) The Norwegian Farmers' Union Annual meeting highest authority Annual meeting, board of directors and committee of repr. are main policy-makers The work is directed towards –the members –the government – annual negotiations (support and prices) –coops –the private business sector Proactive in focusing on agriculture in the national media – Open Farms, “The Green School”, campaigns Service and assistance for members

7 Organizational structure 62 000 members Local branches (580) Annual meeting Board (5) County branches (18) Annual meeting Board Administration (3-5) Nat. level Annual meeting (170) C. of representatives (47) Board Secr. general 60 employees 5 departments

8 How policy is formed Norwegian Agricultural Policy: Parliament establishes framework (2001) Annual negotiations concerning support schemes and prices Laws and regulations NFU and other interest groups Ministry of Agriculture Political parties Parliament Farmers

9 The NFU - a wide engagement Frameworks and farming policies Our objectives To secure the overall framework for farm based activities for our members To ensure sufficient income in farming to create and maintain attractive jobs and business development in agriculture To ensure local ownership and local control of resources To develop an active policy for maintaining a decentralised population and employment opportunities in rural areas

10 Membership advantages Agricultural policy-making, framework, legislation, rules and regulations Individual help and support - covered by membership fee Direct personal advantages - at self-cost Socio-vocational environment - locally Local interest-organization and pressure groups Membership fee: 1.750 NOK average

11 Direct personal advantages Farmers Weekly (“Bondebladet”) Insurance Accountancy- services and book-keeping Discount prices (fuel/energy, telecommunication, cars, etc) Assistance in legal matters Health/Safety/Work-environment Publishing Company Self-study - groups

12 International activities International interest-organisations –IFAP (International Federation og Agr. Producers) –COPA (EU-farmers’ organizations) –NBC (Nordic Farmers’ Central Org.) Relations to the EU –Mainly trough Min. of Agriculture, The Norwegian Delegation to the EU –Observation post in Brussels - one person - serves both the NFU and the Norwegian coops. WTO –Doha-round, crucial for agricultural policy and Norwegian farmers –Ongoing negotiations – NFU: every country’s right to it’s own food production

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