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Staffing Chapters 5 - 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Staffing Chapters 5 - 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staffing Chapters 5 - 7

2 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
To identify and attract job applicants from outside the organization Application #1 – Improving a college recruitment program

3 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Organizational Issues: In-house or external agency Individual v. cooperative alliances Centralized v. decentralized

4 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Administrative Issues Requisitions Number of contacts Types of contacts Budget Recruitment guide Select, train and reward recruiters Maintain flow records

5 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Recruiting strategies Open v. targeted What are the factors to consider in targeted recruitment? (P. 212)

6 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Recruiting Sources Where do you find good candidates?

7 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Recruiting Sources The authors mention several, a few are: Walk-ins (unsolicited) Referrals and networks Advertisements Online… Etc.

8 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
On-line recruiting… Application #2 – Internet recruiting

9 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Criteria to be used to select which sources are most appropriate for each search: Quantity of labor Quality of labor Availability Etc. (P. 228)

10 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
The recruitment message Realistic v. Employment Brand (i.e., Attractive) v. Targeted

11 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Your Turn… Create a few descriptive messages about the following job using one of the types of messages… Delivery person/driver for produce co. Works 10 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., some weekends, health/dental benefits and bonuses. Physically demanding, must be able to pack trucks, heavy lifting, carrying, walking, and bending. Work directly with customers.

12 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Communication Medium What medium would you use for the delivery person/driver job? (beginning p. 233) Discuss this with your team members and be prepared to share your ideas with the class.

13 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Applicant Reactions Recruiters Recruitment process

14 Chapter 5 – External Recruiting
Legal Issues Who is an applicant? AAP Electronic recruitment Job ads Fraud and mispresentation

15 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
To identify and attract applicants from among individuals already holding jobs with the organization.

16 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Organizational Issues Mobility paths Traditional v. Innovative

17 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Administrative Issues Requisitions Coordination Budget Recruitment guide Note: difference between internal and external administration

18 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Recruiting strategies Closed Open Targeted

19 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Recruitment sources Job posting Skills inventory Nominations Employee referral In-house temp pools Succession plans Intranet and intraplacement

20 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Succession Planning Application #2 – Succession Planning for a CEO

21 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Criteria to be used to select recruitment sources: Quantity of labor Quality of labor Budget constraints Legal obligations/contracts

22 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
The recruitment message Typically job description Supervisors, HR, peers Be careful, grapevine is a strong and effective communication tool!

23 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Applicant Reactions Organizational justice and perceived fairness Procedural Distributive justice

24 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Application #1 – Recruitment in a changing internal labor market

25 Chapter 6 – Internal Recruiting
Legal Issues AAP Seniority systems Glass ceiling and other barriers to mobility

26 Chapter 7 – Measurement Process of assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of an attribute of the objects. What does that mean ?

27 Chapter 7 – Measurement Use of measures in staffing:
Choose and define attribute Develop measure of the attribute Measure and determine score Make evaluation and decision

28 Chapter 7 – Measurement Your Turn …
Using Exhibit 7.1, select an attribute for the following job and describe a useful measure… Manager of a clothing store.

29 Chapter 7 – Measurement Developing “good” measures…
Standardization (3 properties) 1. identical content 2. identical administration 3. rules of assigning numbers is clear

30 Chapter 7 – Measurement Levels of Measurement
Nominal – no order or level Ordinal – rank order representing differences Interval – differences between scales points are equal Ratio - differences between scales points are equal and there is a logical zero point

31 Chapter 7 – Measurement Scoring Central tendency (Interval level data)
Mean (average) Median (middle) Mode (frequent)

32 Chapter 7 – Measurement Scoring Variability:
Range (spread of scores from lowest to highest) Standard deviation (average amount of deviation of individual scores from the average score)

33 Chapter 7 – Measurement Scoring Percentiles (% scoring below)
Standard scores (controlling variability)

34 Chapter 7 – Measurement Scoring – Correlation
Relationship between two scores as shown by the correlation coefficient Positive and negative (r), + or – 1. Practical and Statistical significance

35 Chapter 7 – Measurement Quality of the measure
Reliability (coefficient alpha) Coefficient alpha (α) Interrater agreement Test-retest reliabilty Intrarater agreement Measurement error Deficiency error Contamination error

36 Chapter 7 – Measurement Validity
Accuracy of a test; is the selected attribute measured Criterion-related validity – is the criterion job-related and predictive of job performance Content validity – does the test represent the job criterion sufficiently

37 Chapter 7 – Measurement Evaluating assessment methods…
Application #1 – Evaluation of two assessment methods

38 Chapter 7 – Measurement Administering measures/tests Paper – pencil
PC and web based testing American Psychology Assoc. and National Council on Measurement: Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing

39 Chapter 7 – Measurement Legal Issues
Measurement is used to judge an organization’s compliance with EEO/AA requirements Measurement must be standardized and valid

40 Chapter 7 – Measurement Application #2 – Conducting empirical validation and adverse impact analysis

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