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Multiple Integrals 12.

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1 Multiple Integrals 12

2 12.8 Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

3 Cylindrical Coordinates

4 Cylindrical Coordinates
Recall that the cylindrical coordinates of a point P are (r, , z), where r, , and z are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1

5 Cylindrical Coordinates
Suppose that E is a type 1 region whose projection D onto the xy-plane is conveniently described in polar coordinates (see Figure 2). Figure 2

6 Cylindrical Coordinates
In particular, suppose that f is continuous and E = {(x, y, z) | (x, y)  D, u1(x, y)  z  u2(x, y)} where D is given in polar coordinates by D = {(r,  ) |     , h1( )  r  h2( )} We know that

7 Cylindrical Coordinates
But we also know how to evaluate double integrals in polar coordinates. In fact, combining Equation 1 with the equation below, we obtain

8 Cylindrical Coordinates
Formula 2 is the formula for triple integration in cylindrical coordinates. It says that we convert a triple integral from rectangular to cylindrical coordinates by writing x = r cos , y = r sin , leaving z as it is, using the appropriate limits of integration for z, r, and , and replacing dV by r dz dr d. (Figure 3 shows how to remember this.) Figure 3 Volume element in cylindrical coordinates: dV = r dz dr d

9 Cylindrical Coordinates
It is worthwhile to use this formula when E is a solid region easily described in cylindrical coordinates, and especially when the function f (x, y, z) involves the expression x2 + y2.

10 Example 1 – Finding Mass with Cylindrical Coordinates
A solid E lies within the cylinder x2 + y2 = 1, below the plane z = 4, and above the paraboloid z = 1 – x2 – y2. (See Figure 4.) The density at any point is proportional to its distance from the axis of the cylinder. Find the mass of E. Figure 4

11 Example 1 – Solution In cylindrical coordinates the cylinder is r = 1 and the paraboloid is z = 1 – r2, so we can write E = {(r, , z) | 0    2, 0  r  1, 1 – r2  z  4} Since the density at (x, y, z) is proportional to the distance from the z-axis, the density function is f (x, y, z) = K = Kr where K is the proportionality constant.

12 Example 1 – Solution cont’d Therefore, from Formula , the mass of E is

13 Example 1 – Solution cont’d

14 Spherical Coordinates

15 Spherical Coordinates
We have defined the spherical coordinates (, , ) of a point (see Figure 6) and we demonstrated the following relationships between rectangular coordinates and spherical coordinates: x =  sin  cos  y =  sin  sin  z =  cos  Figure 6 Spherical coordinates of P

16 Spherical Coordinates
In this coordinate system the counterpart of a rectangular box is a spherical wedge E = {(, , ) | a    b,     , c    d } where a  0 and  –   2. Although we defined triple integrals by dividing solids into small boxes, it can be shown that dividing a solid into small spherical wedges always gives the same result. So we divide E into smaller spherical wedges Eijk by means of equally spaced spheres  = i, half-planes  = j, and half-cones  = k.

17 Spherical Coordinates
Figure 7 shows that Eijk is approximately a rectangular box with dimensions , i  (arc of a circle with radius i, angle ), and i sin k  (arc of a circle with radius i sin k, angle  ). Figure 7

18 Spherical Coordinates
So an approximation to the volume of Eijk is given by ()  (i )  (i sin k ) = i2 sin k    Thus an approximation to a typical triple Riemann sum is But this sum is a Riemann sum for the function F(, , ) = f ( sin  cos ,  sin  sin ,  cos )  2 sin 

19 Spherical Coordinates
Consequently, the following formula for triple integration in spherical coordinates is plausible.

20 Spherical Coordinates
Formula 4 says that we convert a triple integral from rectangular coordinates to spherical coordinates by writing x =  sin  cos  y =  sin  sin  z =  cos  using the appropriate limits of integration, and replacing dV by  2 sin  d d d. This is illustrated in Figure 8. Figure 8 Volume element in spherical coordinates: dV =  2 sin  d d d

21 Spherical Coordinates
This formula can be extended to include more general spherical regions such as E = {(, , ) |     , c    d, g1(, )    g2(, )} In this case the formula is the same as in (4) except that the limits of integration for  are g1(, ) and g2(, ). Usually, spherical coordinates are used in triple integrals when surfaces such as cones and spheres form the boundary of the region of integration.

22 Example 3 Evaluate where B is the unit ball:
B = {(x, y, z) | x2 + y2 + z2  1} Solution: Since the boundary of B is a sphere, we use spherical coordinates: B = {(, , ) | 0    1, 0    2, 0    } In addition, spherical coordinates are appropriate because x2 + y2 + z2 =  2

23 Example 3 – Solution cont’d Thus (4) gives

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