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Galaxy clustering II 2-point correlation function 5 Feb 2013.

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1 Galaxy clustering II 2-point correlation function 5 Feb 2013

2 The 2-point correlation function The two-point correlation function ξ (r ): One way to describe the tendency of galaxies to cluster together If we make a random choice of two small volumes V 1 and V 2, and the average spatial density of galaxies is n per cubic megaparsec, then the chance of finding a galaxy in V 1 is just nV 1. If galaxies tend to clump together, then the probability that we then also have a galaxy in V 2 will be greater when the separation r 12 between the two regions is small. We write the joint probability of finding a galaxy in both volumes as if ξ (r ) > 0 at small r, then galaxies are clustered, whereas if ξ (r ) < 0, they tend to avoid each other. Sparke & Gallagher 2007

3 We generally compute ξ (r ) by estimating the distances of galaxies from their redshifts, making a correction for the distortion introduced by peculiar velocities. Observationally it has been found that on scales r<=10h −1 Mpc, the 2- point correlation function takes roughly the form ξ (r ) ≈ (r/r 0 ) −γ, γ > 0 r 0 is the correlation length When r < r 0, the probability of finding one galaxy within radius r of another is significantly larger than for a strictly random distribution. Since ξ (r ) represents the deviation from an average density, it must at some point become negative as r increases. Sparke & Gallagher 2007

4 The two-point correlation function ξ (r ) for galaxies in the 2dF survey. The correlation length r 0 ≈ 5h −1 Mpc – 6h −1 Mpc for the ellipticals, which are more strongly clustered, – smaller for the star-forming galaxies The slope γ ≈ 1.7 For r 0 >~50h −1 Mpc, which is roughly the size of the largest wall or void features, ξ (r ) oscillates around zero: the galaxy distribution is fairly uniform on larger scales. Ellis et al. 2002, MNRAS The correlation function is not very useful for describing the one-dimensional filaments or two-dimensional walls. If our volume V 1 lies in one of these, the probability of finding a galaxy in V 2 is high only when it also lies within the structure. Since ξ (r ) is an average over all possible placements of V 2, it will not rise far above zero once the separation r Exceeds the thickness of the wall or filament (use of three-point and four-point correlation functions?) We do not yet have a good statistical method to describe the strength and prevalence of walls and filaments.

5 Power spectrum The Fourier transform of ξ (r) is the power spectrum P(k) so that small k corresponds to a large spatial scale. Since ξ (r ) is dimensionless, P(k) has the dimensions of a volume. The function sin(kr)/kr is positive for |kr| < π, and it oscillates with decreasing amplitude as kr becomes large so, very roughly, P(k) will have its maximum when k−1 is close to the radius where ξ (r ) drops to zero.

6 Variance Another way to describe the non-uniformity of the galaxy distribution is to ask how likely we are to find a given deviation from the average density. We can write the local density at position x as a multiple of the mean level ρ(x) = [1 + δ(x)] Let δ R be the fractional deviation δ(x) averaged within a sphere of radius R When we take the average δR over all such spheres, this must be zero. Its variance measures how clumpy the galaxy distribution is on this scale.

7 Three simple model calculations of 2-point correlation function A more practical way of defining the 2-point correlation function is where N p (r) is the number of pairs of galaxies whose separations r lie in the interval (r -Δr, r + Δr), and N p Poisson (r) is the number of pairs corresponding to a Poisson distribution for the same volume considered. when a distribution of N points of density n(r) in a spherical volume is analysed, the number of pairs (for small distances) separated by r + dr will be ~ To obtain ξ, therefore, one divides by the number of pairs of the Poisson distribution having the same number of points in the same volume. Combes et al. 2004

8 Simple model for a “pancake” Suppose we start with a homogeneous distribution of points in a sphere of radius R and density ξ(r) = 0 Imagine now that all the particles are 'sampled' to form an infinite, flat disc (a pancake) of the same radius and surface density Then, from the definition of ξ(r): Simple model for a “filament” An analogous calculation in the case where the particles are 'sampled' according to a diameter (a filament) of density θ and radius R Power-law Combes et al. 2004

9 Simple model for hierarchical structure Consider a sphere of radius R Place in this N spheres of radius R/λ In each of these place Ν spheres of radius R/ λ 2, and so on to L levels At the final level L there are thus N L points in N L-1 spheres each of radius r 0 =R/λ L-1 The scale of clusters at the level K (counted from the scale r o ) will be r~r ο λ Κ and contain Ν Κ particles. The mean density in each of these clusters is thus Power law Combes et al. 2004

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