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1ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentations Diana Adorno.

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Presentation on theme: "1ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentations Diana Adorno."— Presentation transcript:

1 1ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentations Diana Adorno

2 2ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Agenda Unit Information Assignment Presentations Introduction to technical writing

3 3ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Unit Information Updated Unit Information document Assignment FTP site

4 4ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentations What is a poor presenter What is a poor presentation? What is a good presentation? What is a good presenter

5 5ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentation skills Planning and organising Delivery or performance skills

6 6ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Planning and organising skills Develop clear objectives Analyse and understand the audience Collect relevant data, ideas, material Arrange the material in a sequence that is clear and matches the situation Select the best visual aids Arrange the room to suit your needs

7 7ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Delivery or performance skills Being comfortable and confident with a variety of audiences Using movement, gestures and other non- verbals Deliver effectively Handling questions and comments skilfully Rehearsing your presentation

8 8ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Activity Present yourself Name Title Hobbies (secret skill) Presenting experience Areas to improve

9 9ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 9 Steps 1.Audience Analysis 2.Set objective 3.Collect information 4.Structure 5.Visual aids 6.Read from audience perspective 7.Rehearsal 8.Do it 9.Review

10 10ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentation marking guide Come up with a marking guide for a presentation Compare with your neighbour Choose the top 3 items

11 11ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Present Present those top 3 items

12 12ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 What can go wrong? What is the worst thing that could happen in your presentation? What would you do about it?

13 13ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 9 Steps 1.Audience Analysis 2.Set objective 3.Collect information 4.Structure 5.Visual aids 6.Read from audience perspective 7.Rehearsal 8.Do it 9.Review

14 14ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Audience Analysis Who is the audience Their style – your style Direct Analytical Social Political Shy/ Introvert Extrovert/ Knows your subject

15 15ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Audience Analysis What do they want to know What will they do with the information What will influence/impress them How much do they want to know How much do they already know Are they conservative or innovative What ideas, feelings, experiences do we have in common Are there things that should not be said Are there key words Etc.

16 16ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Sourcing information Where can you find information about your audience?

17 17ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Set objective Set the objective of your presentation Should be: Practical Sensible Attainable Example Get a decision on a proposal (go ahead?) Inform of a new idea – request for funding

18 18ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Collect information Internet Journals Annual reports Personal Assistants Other colleagues, associates Competitor analysis Physical appearance (staff, office) Corporate/ Organisation image (printed material) Customers, clients

19 19ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Structure Impromptu talks Say it structure Say what you are going to say Say it Say what you said Short presentation Subject Agenda Body Summary Conclusion

20 20ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Structure: Informative Opening remarks Creative opening Subject Agenda item 1, 2, 3 Lead into Body 1, 2, 3 Summary 1, 2, 3 Conclusion

21 21ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Structure: Persuasive Opening remarks Creative opening Recommendations Agenda item 1, 2, 3 Lead into Body 1, 2, 3 Summary 1, 2, 3 Restate recommendation, ask for approval, benefits for an early ‘yes’

22 22ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Order of preparation Subject/ Topic/ Recommendation Conclusion/ Main point/ Recommendation Agenda Body Summary Opening Transitions

23 23ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Openings/ Closing Opening Acknowledge that everyone is present Welcome Purpose Admin Check that all can see the visual aids Closing Summarize what took place Summarize any key conclusions Thank participants for their time Acknowledge success if appropriate

24 24ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Creative openings Relevant anecdote Analogy or example Strong quote Get the audience to do something Ask the audience a question Use an imaginary situation Use a real, dramatic or humorous situation Refer to a topical or current event A controversial opening (quickly clarified)

25 25ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Visual aids Why use them? To help the audience remember To add interest To save time Add emphasis and clarity To help you stay organised To help your audience stay organised To provide another area of focus and attention Help a nervous presenter

26 26ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Types of visual aids Powerpoint Overheads Handouts Physical objects

27 27ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Common mistakes What are the common mistakes?

28 28ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Style Tips Use of images only when appropriate Use clipart sparingly, if at all Google image library is a good source. - click ‘Images’ Build up complex diagrams Though not too slowly

29 29ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Example diagram build up

30 30ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

31 31ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 A Model for Evaluation of Learning Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project

32 32ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 A Model for Evaluation of Learning Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data

33 33ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

34 34ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Diagrams Alternative way to handle complex diagrams Use banding Ensure that the audience has a copy so they can follow it

35 35ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Specific Evaluation Questions Broad Evaluation Questions Evaluation Framework Innovation/ project Evaluation Matrix Participants Stakeholders Sources of Data Analyse and Interpret Data Choose Techniques Devise 'Instruments' Generate Data Reflection and Review A Model for Evaluation of Learning

36 36ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Drawing tips Use a sans serif font inside shapes Line up shapes For different size shapes, line up the tops or outer edges Control the angle of the lines – make them 90 or 45 degrees (Shift + drag) Consider the contrast of the fill colour to the content Use the nudge feature for micro-adjustments Ok Better Ok Better Ok

37 37ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Read from audience perspective Ask why the would care about the material

38 38ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Rehearsal Prepare your material Language Body language Movement Voice Management of the visual aids

39 39ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Do it Marking guide

40 40ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Review What can you learn from that experience Work out from your last presentation what you can improve this time.

41 41ICT 421 IT Professional Practice Semester 1, 2005 Presentation marking criteria On time – 20 minutes Overheads Legible Good title/opening Synopsis included Clear background Simple slide transition Spell-checked Structure Meets requirements listed in assignment instructions Content organisation Style Voice volume Eye contact Face audience Content Knowledge of subject Appropriate depth

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