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Mars By: Micah Cluey. Mars ● Mars is the 4 th planet from the sun. ● Mars is the 2 nd smallest planet. ● Mars was named after the Roman god of war ● Mars.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars By: Micah Cluey. Mars ● Mars is the 4 th planet from the sun. ● Mars is the 2 nd smallest planet. ● Mars was named after the Roman god of war ● Mars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars By: Micah Cluey

2 Mars ● Mars is the 4 th planet from the sun. ● Mars is the 2 nd smallest planet. ● Mars was named after the Roman god of war ● Mars is often reffered to as “the red planet” for its reddish color. ● Mars is home to the second largest mountain in our solar system (Olympus Mons).

3 Mars ● Mars is a terrestrial (rocky) planet ● Mars has a thin atmosphere ● Mars has many impact craters ● Mars has two moons

4 Mars ● Mars orbit takes about 11 hours ● Mars is 230 million km from earth ● Mars axial tilt is: 25.19 degress ● Its orbital period takes 687 (earth) days ● Mars has an extremely cold atmosphere

5 Mars spacecraft ● Mars has currently/recently been home to 5 ships: Mars Odyssey, Mars Express,Mars Reconnaissance orbit, Oppurtuntiy, and Curiosity. ● High Failure rate has got in the way of many launches but that doesn’t stop scientists from trying ●

6 Valles Mariners ● Valles Mariners covers nearly 1/5 of Mars circumference ● It is a system of canyons that run about 2,500 miles ● At some points it can be as wide as 125 miles ● Regions can reach depths of 6 miles. ● Valles Mariners stretches east-west just bellow the martian equator ● The Valles Mariners system empties into the Chyrse region, one of the lowest regions on mars

7 Olympus Mons ● Largest volcano in the sloar system ● Found in the Tharsis Montes region near the martain equator ● It is roughly the size of Arizona ● Olympus Mons ruses three times higher then Mount Everest ● Olympus Mons is a shield volcano. Rather than violently spewing molten material, shield volcano’s are created by lava slowly flowing down the sides

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