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1 Conservation Security Program 2008. 2 Conservation Security Program A voluntary conservation program rewarding those farmers and ranchers who are meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Conservation Security Program 2008. 2 Conservation Security Program A voluntary conservation program rewarding those farmers and ranchers who are meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Conservation Security Program 2008

2 2 Conservation Security Program A voluntary conservation program rewarding those farmers and ranchers who are meeting the highest standards of conservation on their operations.

3 3 Conservation Security Program Provides financial assistance to promote conservation on cropland, grassland, improved pasture, rangeland.

4 4 Conservation Security Program 2008 Watershed Little Lost (HUC 17040217)

5 5 Watershed Eligibility A majority of the operation must be within a selected watershed.

6 6 Changes to CSP There have been some significant changes to CSP for the 2008 Sign-up These changes are within the authority of NRCS to make through the “Sign-up” notice process in the Federal Register These changes are National in scope, not just in Idaho

7 7 Major Changes Both benchmark and new enhancements will be available at a uniform payment rate over the contract length rather than declining rates for benchmark practices Questions?

8 8 CSP in 2008 will not offer new practice payments – participants may wish to look at the Environmental Quality Incentives Program for new practice cost share opportunities Questions?

9 9 Contract improvement modification opportunities will not be offered to CSP 2008 participants This means that there will be no opportunities to add enhancements or to change Tiers Questions?

10 10 Category placement priority will be given to applicants requesting 5 year contracts for both Tier 2 and Tier 3 applications You may request Tier 2 and 3 contracts for 5 to 10 years in length but contracts longer than 5 years will receive a lower priority for consideration. Questions?

11 11 All information provided by the applicant to NRCS will be field verified and checked prior to making an initial contract payment. If false, inaccurate or different information is found, it may result in a modification or termination of the contract. Questions?

12 12 NRCS will substantiate control of the offered land and ag operation delineation for all applicants. Control and delineation must be consistent across all USDA programs. Questions?

13 13 Applicant Eligibility An applicant must share in the risk of producing any crop or livestock. Meet Soil and Water Eligibility Applicant has control of land for life of contract (includes leased land with written agreement) Be in compliance with Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) –(Contact FSA) Compliant with HEL/wetland provisions (Contact FSA)

14 14 Basic Eligibility Meeting water and soil quality: –Nutrient management based on soil tests –Pest management –Livestock and Forage Inventory –Grazing Plan –Feed and Forage Balance –Irrigation water management –Residue management –Erosion and sediment control

15 15 Basic Eligibility Keep written records to document ongoing conservation activities –(At least two years of records are needed for eligibility.) Consider wildlife, energy or other resource enhancements.

16 16 Producer Eligibility Cash Rent –Owners who cash rent are not eligible to be an applicant because they do not share in the risk of producing a crop. –Renters are eligible to be an applicant. Crop Share Rent –Owners are eligible to be an applicant –Renters are eligible to be an applicant

17 17 Eligible Land Cropland –Close grown crops, permanent hayland, orchards, forage in rotation, horticultural crops and vineyards. Pastureland –Improved pasture and silvopasture (normally includes introduced grasses)

18 18 Eligible Land Rangeland –Land not suitable for cropping that consists of primarily native vegetation that is grazed by livestock. Other Land –Production Areas: Areas for production related activities are eligible for enhancement activity payments only.

19 19 Eligible Land Incidental Forestland – Forest land that is adjacent to other eligible land that is 10 acres or less. –Should be included in the adjoining land use. –Can not comprise more than 10 percent of the contracted acres.

20 20 Ineligible Land Forest land that is used primarily for the production of timber and that is greater than 10 acres. Land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program. Public Lands Idled lands: Blocks of land that are not farmed, grazed, mowed or harvested for crops, forages or agricultural products.

21 21 AG OPERATION DELINEATION APPLICANT RESPONSIBILITY The applicant will delineate their agricultural operation on a map as an initial step in the application process.

22 22 AG OPERATION DELINEATION APPLICANT RESPONSIBILITY The applicant’s agricultural operation must include all land they control for the proposed contract period, whether contiguous or non-contiguous.

23 23 AG OPERATION DELINEATION NRCS RESPONSIBILITY Substantiate all applicants’: Control of land for the proposed contract period Agricultural operation delineation

24 24 AG OPERATION DELINEATION DEFINITION - AGRICULTURAL OPERATION [CPM 518.60 A(2)] All agricultural land, incidental parcels, other lands, and ineligible land, whether contiguous or non- contiguous, under the control of the applicant, and constituting a cohesive management unit that is operated with equipment, labor, accounting system, and management that are substantially separate from any other. The minimum size of an agricultural operation is a field.

25 25 Eligible applicant (individual or entity) will evaluate all associated land Do you own?Do you operate? PART OF AG OP Do you operate? DO YOU HAVE CONTROL FOR PROPOSED CONTRACT LIFE? Do you make decisions for the day-to-day management and operation of the land? DO YOU HAVE CONTROL FOR PROPOSED CONTRACT LIFE? Do you have possession of the land by lease or agreement? Do you make decisions for the day-to-day management and operation of the land? NO YES NOT PART OF AG OP NOT PART OF AG OP NOT PART OF AG OP PART OF AG OP

26 26 Tier Structure Tier I: water & soil quality on part of operation Tier II: water & soil quality on entire operation (& agree to address wildlife concerns) Tier III: all resources on entire operation (agree to additional activities)

27 27 CSP Payments 1)Annual base stewardship payment for existing conservation treatment 2)Annual payment for maintaining existing practices 3)Enhancement activity payment for exceptional conservation effort

28 28 CSP Payments Enhancements Stewardship & Existing Practices Tier 3 Tier 1 5 year contracts Tier 2 5-10 years

29 29 CSP Payment Limitations Stewardship Payment Limitations –Tier 1 $5,000/year –Tier 2 $10,500/year –Tier 3 $13,500/year Enhancement Payment Limitation –Tier 1 $13,750/Year –Tier 2 $21,875/Year –Tier 3 $28,125/Year Contract Limitations –Tier 1 $20,000/year –Tier 2 $35,000/year –Tier 3 $45,000/year

30 30 Enhancements Make up the majority of CSP payments A list to choose from, some of which you may already be applying Enhancement activities include: –Wildlife habitat- Grazing management –Pest management - Nutrient management –Energy management - Irrigation water management-Soil Quality Payments for adding resource benefits beyond the prescribed level

31 31 Eligibility & Application Tools Idaho CSP “Basic Eligibility Checklist” Factsheet Self-Assessment Workbook Idaho CSP Conservation Recordbook (all the resource information sheets to fill out a conservation plan) NRCS Idaho website: These are also available at your local NRCS office in Arco

32 32 Applicant To-Do List Go to FSA: –Verify HELC –Verify AGI status –All participants in the contract must be eligible (this includes all members of an entity, corporation, LLC or LLP … anyone with potential to receive funds).

33 33 Applicant To-Do List When the official CSP sign-up begins, schedule a verification interview with your local NRCS office. Bring: –Completed CSP Self-Assessment Workbook –Completed CSP Records Book (or equivalent) –Two years of records and documentation

34 34 Applicant To-Do List Two years of records for: –Nutrient/fertilizer management –Pest management –Pasture management –Grazing/range management –Animal waste utilization

35 35 Applicant To-Do List Compile all records & documentation: –Demonstration of control of all land for the entire length of the contract –Detailed and accurate maps of operation –Soil test records for each field – at least one test per field in the past five years

36 36 Sign-up dates: April 18 th Through May 16th

37 37 Self-Assessment Workshops The following workshops have been scheduled to assist you in working through your self assessments: April 16 th – Howe Community center

38 38 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). TARGET Center

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