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Tennessee Valley Authority and the Social Security Act Two Successful New Deal Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Tennessee Valley Authority and the Social Security Act Two Successful New Deal Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tennessee Valley Authority and the Social Security Act Two Successful New Deal Programs

2 Map of the Tennessee Valley

3 The south 60 years after the Civil War Poverty Malnutrition Disease Illiteracy Over cut forests flooding

4 Sharecropper 1936

5 Evicted sharecropper 1936

6 Sharecropper’s shack

7 TVA to the rescue 38 dams that provided electricity, flood control, recreational facilities and jobs Other TVA projects for malaria and illiteracy Improved the standard of living for many Critics of the TVA said it gave the government too much power. Changed the south economically and socially

8 38 dams, recreation facilities and more

9 Social Security Act (1935) 1) unemployment insurance for workers who lost their jobs (funded by payroll tax on business) 2) pensions for retired workers over 65 3) payments to the blind, disabled and wives and children of male workers who had died (SSI)

10 FDR signs the Social Security Act of 1935

11 Social Security Cards

12 Social Security continued At first SS did not cover farmers, the self – employed or “domestic worker” – 60% of whom were African – American women But later, SS was broadened to cover nearly everyone.

13 Importance of the New Deal FDR probably saved capitalism by staving off a possible revolution Citizens looked to government to solve economic problems Provided the foundations for the modern welfare state – “The safety net” We have not had a major depression in over 60 years

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