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Teacher and Principal Evaluations and Discipline Under Chapter 103.

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1 Teacher and Principal Evaluations and Discipline Under Chapter 103

2 Four Assurances:  Standards and Assessment (NYS Common Core Standards adopted January 2011 )  Great Teachers and Leaders (Comprehensive Teacher and Principal Evaluation System adopted May 16, 2011)  Data Systems to Support Instruction (in progress)  Turning around the lowest-performing schools (federal school improvement grants 1003g funds)

3 Comprehensive Evaluation System  20% - student growth on state assessments  20% - locally selected measures of student achievement that are determined to be rigorous and comparable across classrooms  60% - Other measures of teacher/principal effectiveness -40pts must be classroom observations -20 pts can be other local measures (portfolios, self and/or peer assessment, surveys, etc.) -Goal setting (maximum 5pts) (Districts have the option to use state assessments as their locally selected measure resulting in it counting 40%) (100 Total Points)

4  If a teacher or principal receives an overall score of ineffective or developing, a TIP or PIP must be formulated and implemented (no later than 10 days after the date on which the teachers must report prior to the opening of classes for the school year.

5 Must include:  The needed areas of improvement  A timeline for achieving improvement  The manner in which improvement will be assessed  Differentiated activities to support improvement in those areas

6  Amended not replaced APPR regulations  Value-added growth model  New performance ratings (highly effective, effective, developing, ineffective)  Total composite score of 100  Includes Principal Evaluations  Student results will be a component of the evaluation  Evaluator training required  Multiple classroom observations required  New Improvement Plan (TIP and PIP) requirements  New rules for expedited disciplinary proceedings in certain limited cases.  Tailored professional development

7  Focus on the components in the 60%, other measures of teacher and principal effectiveness in the APPR regulations  Build a complete understanding as an administrative team and teaching staff of the new NYS Teaching Standards (released January 11, 2011)  Form an APPR committee (including collective bargaining members) to align the local measures (classroom observation tool, parts of the APPR summative, portfolios, etc.) to the NYS Teaching Standards.  Put both the “What” and the “How” in place  Collaborate with each other…Share observation tools, feedback forms, strategies, tips, etc.

8  Knowledge of Students and Student Learning  Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning  Instructional Practice  Learning Environment  Assessment for Student Learning  Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration  Professional Growth All 7 New York State teaching Standards need to be assessed annually (pg. 22 Guidance Document).

9 District Decisions:  Appeals Procedure  Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) Process  Classroom Observation Tool  Determining a local scale score for the 60pts.  Assessing all 7 NYS Teaching Standards  Providing an effective feedback process to teachers

10  NYS Race to the Top Resources NYS Race to the Top Resources  Engage NY Engage NY  NYS Teaching Standards NYS Teaching Standards  The Wallace Foundation The Wallace Foundation  Other States’ Teacher and Leader Evaluation Systems Other States’ Teacher and Leader Evaluation Systems

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