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 SRI Subcommittee members:  Ellen Boswell  Juan Dempere  Erick Erickson  Clark Germann  Jeffrey Lewis  Ruth Ann Nyhus  Mark Potter  David Sullivan.

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Presentation on theme: " SRI Subcommittee members:  Ellen Boswell  Juan Dempere  Erick Erickson  Clark Germann  Jeffrey Lewis  Ruth Ann Nyhus  Mark Potter  David Sullivan."— Presentation transcript:

1  SRI Subcommittee members:  Ellen Boswell  Juan Dempere  Erick Erickson  Clark Germann  Jeffrey Lewis  Ruth Ann Nyhus  Mark Potter  David Sullivan  Sheila Thompson  Jacob Welch  The SRI subcommittee met during Summer 2010.  Researched literature and peer institution best practices  Report includes 13 recommendations.  Report proposes a new instrument for student ratings of instruction

2 1. The course as a whole was: 2. The course content was: 3. The instructor’s contribution to the course was: 4. The instructor’s effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was: (Very poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent)

3 Section 1 1. The course as a whole was: 2. The instructor’s contribution to the course was: Following each item, students are asked to “Please provide reasons why you gave the above rating.”

4 Section II  Up to 5 Teaching Improvement Questions  Open-ended questions—phrased to elicit written responses.  Proposed bank of teaching improvement questions divided into 4 categories:  Instructional design  Instructional delivery  Instructional assessment  Student engagement and motivation

5 Section III  Supplemental Faculty Comment Form  Optional—to be used in the event of unusual circumstance or circumstances that may influence SRIs for a course.  To be submitted by the faculty member prior to the end of the semester when the course is taught.

6  Reports will include:  Mean, standard deviation, and confidence interval for the course.  Norm groups for comparison should be fair and appropriate.  We seek to avoid the use of ratings to make distinctions between instructors that cannot be supported by the data.

7  Validity study to ensure that Section I items are measuring teaching effectiveness.  Pilot study to ensure that we are producing intended consequences and avoiding unintended consequences.  Scaled pilots and continuous study began in summer 2010 and will continue throughout the current academic year.

8  Available at:  Click on “meetings”  Click on “Reports” for the SRI report, OR  Click on Resources for links to articles.

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