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You Can Measure the Benefits… Training Course SmartScan Setup & Configuration.

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1 You Can Measure the Benefits… Training Course SmartScan Setup & Configuration

2 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu  Password window  Enter the password code (716)  Single sensor Than  Main Menu Entering Main Screen

3 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Screen Main Menu

4 You Can Measure the Benefits… Selecting Indication  DIST – To indicate distance to target  LEVEL – To indicate Level of medium  FLOW – To indicate Flow in Open Channel application Main Menu -SmartScan 50

5 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu -SmartScan 50  Setting an indication mode enables you to toggle between other indications types as well, using BACK or NEXT buttons, as described in the table below Display Indication Modes IndicationIndication Toggle Option Distance/Level FlowFlow/Level/Distance/Totalization (High)/Totalization (Low) Totalization/ Auto toggling Totalization (High)/Totalization (Low)/Distance/Flow VolumeVolume/Level/Distance

6 You Can Measure the Benefits… For Solid/Liquid application:  METER  INCH  FEET For Flow application:  METER 3 /HOUR  GALLONS Per MINUTE Main Menu Measuring Units

7 You Can Measure the Benefits… Modes STORAGE I  Slow filling/emptying rate 0.2m/min  High accuracy Recommended Where:  Surfaces are wavy * Not suitable for measuring surfaces with foam Liquid

8 You Can Measure the Benefits… Modes STORAGE II  Twice as fast as STORAGE I 0.4m/min Recommended where:  Surface conditions are reasonable * Not suitable for measuring surfaces with foam Liquid

9 You Can Measure the Benefits… Modes Process  When a reliable reading is more important than precision 1m/min Recommended where:  Fast reading is required  Foamy top surface  There is presence of agitation  There is presence of vapor Liquid

10 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu  Includes 10 types of Flume/Weirs, each of them is offered for several sizes.  The measured units can be displayed as either GPM or M 3 per Hour.  The methodology used when setting up open channel: X – Particular flume/weir type E/U – Flume standard YY- Specific flume/weir dimensions Open Channel/Flow

11 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Flow measurement (SmartScan 50/25 Open Channel) The default code under PARSH.FLUM mode stands for custom flume and will lead you to an additional menu. Open Channel/Flow Main Menu

12 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Custom Flume Pr. 1 in the additional menu enables you to manually create an accordance table, which can be used for custom flume measurements. The table is used to manually insert up to 24 distance/custom flume measurement values. It is recommended to enter a minimum of 8 points. Open Channel/Flow - Custom Flume Measuring Flow

13 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu  Manual function allows a correction of the measured result, when the sensor is installed either above or below the tank’s cover.  This indication should be added to the measured result. Manual Function

14 You Can Measure the Benefits…  The correction value should be entered only in mm.  The value may be any figure between: -200mm to +200mm.  Manual function will correct the display result and current output. It has no influence on the value of data transferred via digital connection.  Note: Manual correction should be entered after the set up of the device. Main Menu Manual Function

15 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Defining interfering signals (Scan Distance process) “Static interference” is a well known phenomenon in ultrasound technology. Use Scan Distance function to “map” your tank from these obstacles and to memorize the interfering signals. Note: Measurement results appears as Level Main Menu Scan Distance

16 You Can Measure the Benefits…  SmartScan can locate and store up to 8 obstructions.  After storing 8 interference signals the memory acts as FIFO (first in first out), the eight signal will erase the first signal and so on. Note: Each obstruction will extend calculation time. Defining interfering signals is done while the tank is empty. Main Menu Scan Distance

17 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 25  You can set up to five relay switches for single ‑ sensor versions of SmartScan.  Each relay enables you to define open and close values for the switch, enabling its use for functions such as triggering an alarm. Note: The values for the relays should be set up as Level mode. Relays

18 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 25 The relay values function as follows:  Open value: (Default = 0) The relay opens if the level measured in the tank is higher than the entered open value.  Close value: (Default = 0) The relay closes if the level measured in the tank is lower than the entered close value. Note: The close value must be lower than the open value for each relay. Relays

19 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50  Relay setup by distance, volume, flow and totalization value (and not with level values only).  Assign an alarm relay for reporting on errors.  Assign a relay as totalization pulse output to send a pulse to a sample activator. The duration of this momentary closure is adjustable to meet different batch sample activators.  Each pulse represent a totalization of any value between 1 to 100,000M^3 or GPM  The width of the pulse can be any value between 20ms to 2000ms Relay features

20 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50  You can set the relays to five different configuration modes: Level, Distance and Flow (where applicable), Volume and Totalization.  The last two modes should be configured only after Volume/Totalization options were enabled in the Additional Menu). Relays Configuration

21 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50 Relays Setup Options  Following are the relays setup options. Relay values can be viewed in various indication modes according to the selected relay mode. For example, if the selected relay mode is FLOW, then relay values can be viewed in either, Flow, Distance or Level. Non Flow Application Flow Application Indication Mode Dist.LevelVol.FlowTotal. Relay ModeDist., LevelVol.Flow, Dist., Level Flow, Total.

22 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50  You can configure relay 4 to report errors or to remain in normal set-up mode. Relay 4 – Error Report Configuration

23 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50 Once relay 4 is configured to report error, the following messages will be shown in these cases:  F.F.F.F” - Whenever the level reaches up to 10cm inside dead zone or overflow occurred, “F.F.F.F” will appear on the MonoScan’s display.  “E.E.E.E” - Whenever the echo is not received by the transducer because of empty tank or when the measured distance is greater than permitted, “E.E.E.E” will appear on the MonoScan’s display. Relay 4 – Error Report Configuration

24 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50  You can choose to set relay number five (5) for flow totalization pulse indication or to remain in normal set-up mode.  Once relay 5 is set for this option, the relay will generate a pulse per Xm^3 or Gallons of flow depend on the value that you have selected from the following list of optional values (you can define the X value): 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000. Relay 5 – Totalization Pulse Indication

25 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu – SmartScan 50  The electrical pulse will be generated whenever the relay total flow value will be larger than the value selected from the list.  The pulse width varies between 20 to 2000 ms with a resolution of 10 ms. Relay 5 – Totalization Pulse Indication

26 You Can Measure the Benefits… Main Menu  SmartScan enables you to set height, volume or flow values to be used as 20 mA and 4 mA marks.  These values can be used for remote monitoring of tank level, volume or flow using an analog meter 4-20mA

27 You Can Measure the Benefits…  You can configure 4mA and 20mA parameters to volume values.  The value of volume should be entered in two separated screens for high and low numbers.  Five (5) - enables digits for ‘ low ’ numbers.  Four (4) - enables digits for ‘ high ’ numbers.  for a volume of up to 99,999 configure ‘ low ’ numbers only and leave ‘ high ’ numbers set to zero.  For volume above 99,999 (six digits required), the low five digits should be configured in the ‘ low ’ screen, and high numbers (starting the sixth digit) should be entered in the ‘ high ’ screen. Main Menu Configuring 4/20mA for Volume

28 You Can Measure the Benefits… Programs Additional Menu

29 You Can Measure the Benefits… Entering additional menu  Password window  Enter the password code (716)  Single sensor Than  Additional menu Additional Menu

30 You Can Measure the Benefits… Selecting an Indication Additional Menu SmartScan’s display can be modified to show the following indications:  Ind 1: Volume mode.  Ind 2: Totalization mode. (for SmartScan 25O and 50O).  Ind 4: Auto toggle (level, distance, flow, totalization)

31 You Can Measure the Benefits… Manually Inserting Strapping Table Values Additional Menu The Pr 1 function enables you to manually create a strapping table of distance points for either volume calculations or custom flume measurements.

32 You Can Measure the Benefits… Custom Tank Measuring Volume Measuring volume in tanks can be done in two ways:  manual (Pr. 1)  semi-automatic. (Pr. 2) In either way two parameters should be entered/programmed accordingly: one parameter to represent level (distance) and the other to represent volume. For accurate results you may enter up to 24 linear points. If you do not need all 24 points, you may exit at any stage. However, we recommend entering no less than 8 linear points.

33 You Can Measure the Benefits… Manual Mode Measuring Volume  By pressing or you can move from one point to another.  Press to insert distance and volume value corresponding to the entered distance.  Note: Volume should be entered in two steps: first the number before the decimal point, and then the number after the decimal point.

34 You Can Measure the Benefits… Semi-automatic mode Measuring Volume  This function is based on a “theoretical” calculation, and assumes that you know the corresponding volume for each (critical) distance point.

35 You Can Measure the Benefits… Inserting a Coefficient for Readings  The Pr 3 function enables you to enter a coefficient value, K, which can be used for three different options:  Measurement in kilograms  Alternative measurement unit  Default volume calculation  For each option, the entered K value is used by SmartScan in the following formula: X = K (Y) Y- calculated measurement Additional Menu

36 You Can Measure the Benefits… Erasing Strapping Table Values  The Pr 4 function erases all values entered in the strapping table using functions Pr 1 or Pr 2. Additional Menu

37 You Can Measure the Benefits… Defining 22mA/3.7mA Signal Error  Pr. 6 enables you to define whether signal error indications would be active when the current output reaches 22mA or 3.7mA.  F.F.F.F ” - Whenever the level reaches up to 10cm inside dead zone or overflow occurred, “ F.F.F.F ” will appear on the MonoScan ’ s display.  “ E.E.E.E ” - Whenever the echo is not received by the transducer because of empty tank or when the measured distance is greater than permitted, “ E.E.E.E ” will appear on the MonoScan ’ s display. Additional Menu

38 You Can Measure the Benefits… Defining 22mA/3.7mA Signal Error  To enable 22mA indications, select 0 and  To enable 3.7mA indications, select 1 and  To disable these indications, select 2 and  PR1 - SmartLite Additional Menu

39 You Can Measure the Benefits… Entering Factor for Gas Compensation  Function Pr.07 enables you to compensate for sound velocity changes in different types of gas.  You can enter the appropriate factor for each type of gas listed on the ‘Gas Factor Table (Appen.B in the User’s manual).  PR2 - SmartLite Additional Menu in SmartScan 25

40 You Can Measure the Benefits… Pr.8 Blocking distance shift – smart 25  “ Shift on blocking distance ” function is recommended in the following circumstances:  When the sensor is installed via a pipe, above the tank ’ s cover. (In such cases the device defines the pipe ’ s end as an echo)  Once the sensor ’ s auto-oscillation time is increasing. (In such cases it causes an inaccurate display of “ FFFF ” )  When there are several interferences signals in the first measured meters. (In such cases it is recommended to perform initially “ shift on ” followed by “ scan distance ” )  PR7 – SmartScan 50  PR3 - SmartLite Additional menu

41 You Can Measure the Benefits… “Shift blocking distance” permitted values:  When the sensor installed via pipe: SBD = h+10cm where: h – Distance from the sensor surface to pipe edge. Additional menu Pr.8 Shift Blocking Distance (SBD) Extension pipe SBD= h+10cm

42 You Can Measure the Benefits… Troubleshooting  Whenever an illegal value is entered, an error code will be displayed.  Wait till the marker on the bar graph changes from 0 to 100%.  Re-enter the desired values. The default is “ 000000 ”. SmartScan 25, 50 & SmartLite

43 You Can Measure the Benefits… Error list User’s Mode:  Err. 1 - the entered value is greater than the Max permitted value.  Err. 2 - the entered value is lower than the Min permitted value.  Err. 3 – the CLOSED value for relay is greater than its OPEN value SmartScan 25 and 50

44 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Err4 – 4 mA value is equal to 20mA value  Err5 -The selected function/option is not applicable for the SmartScan model in use.  Err7 – value entered in 4mA, 20mA or relay is greater than the tank height. SmartScan 25 and 50 Error list

45 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Err8 – The value entered in “ tank height” is greater than the height value of the specific unit.  Err9 - The measurement unit selected is not applicable for the SmartScan model in use.  Err10 - The Open value entered for the relay is greater than the Close value entered for the relay (in Distance mode). SmartScan 25 and 50 Error list

46 You Can Measure the Benefits…  Err11 - A strapping table was not entered under volume mode or a flume/weir type was not entered under flow mode.  EEEE - The value entered for the tank height is smaller than the actual height, as measured by SmartScan.  AUTO - If displayed at the base of the display screen, this indicates a problem with the current procedure, for example, acoustic interference. SmartScan 25 and 50 Error list

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