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I VANE J AVAKHISHVILI T BILISI S TATE U NIVERSITY Promotion Tour Tbilisi, Yerevan, Kiev, Luhansk November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "I VANE J AVAKHISHVILI T BILISI S TATE U NIVERSITY Promotion Tour Tbilisi, Yerevan, Kiev, Luhansk November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 I VANE J AVAKHISHVILI T BILISI S TATE U NIVERSITY Promotion Tour Tbilisi, Yerevan, Kiev, Luhansk November 2013

2 HERMES Humanities Education Revitalized through Mundus ExperienceS

3 T HE P ARTNERSHIP Bulgaria Estonia Germany Greece Italy Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Ukraine EU countriesThird Countries (Lot 5)

4 EU U NIVERSITIES  St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria  Tallinn University, Estonia  European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece  Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy  University of Salerno, Italy  Linköping University, Sweden

5 N ON -EU UNIVERSITIES  Gavar State University, Armenia  Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Armenia  Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan  Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus  Shota Meskhia State Teaching University of Zugdidi, Georgia  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia  Crimean University for the Humanities, Yalta, Ukraine  Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine

6 C OORDINATION  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens(UoA)  Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU)

7 I NDICATIVE LIST OF SUBJECTS  Classics  Philosophy  History  Archaeology  Medieval Languages & Literatures  Modern Languages & Literatures  General and Comparative Literature  Linguistics  Music and Musicology  Performing Arts (Dance, Theatre & Film Studies)  History of Art

8 R ELATED SUBJECTS FROM THE S OCIAL S CIENCES AND OTHER AREAS  Translation, Interpretation  Theology  Education & Teacher Training  Psychology, esp. Educational Psychology  Communication and Information Sciences  Law

9 T ENTATIVE DISTRIBUTION BY COHORT Type of MobilityCohort 1Cohort 2 total Undergraduates 23 46 Masters 171633 Doctorates 14 28 Post-doctorates 347 Staff 111021 Total 6867 135

10 T HIRD COUNTRIES Country StudentsStaffTotal Georgia 21 425 Armenia 16 319 Azerbaijan 10 212 Ukraine 21 425 Belarus 23 427 TOTAL 91 17108


12 S CHOLARSHIPS PER C ATEGORY Undergraduates46 Graduates68 Master’s students33 Doctoral students28 Postdoctoral students 7 Academic Administrative Students (114) Staff (21)


14 E LIGIBILITY Third country (non-EU) Students  must be nationals of one of the non-EU countries in Lot 5  must NOT have resided or carried out their main activities (e.g. studies or employment) in an EU country for more than a total of 12 months during the last five years (this rule does not apply to TG3 candidates)  must have adequate knowledge of the language required by the host university

15 I NFORMATION Contains  Information on the universities and their academic offerings  Links and contact persons’ e-mails  The opening and closing date (deadline) of application submission (to be announced )

16 O N - LINE APPLICATION  Applications will only be submitted on line.  There will be a link to the platform on the website  There will be detailed and simple instructions  Applicants can ask the contact persons of their home university for help (or, for TG2 & 3, the contact persons of the university through which they are applying)

17  Applicants can apply to one or two universities  They can ask the contact persons of their target universities for information on courses etc.

18 S ELECTION P ROCEDURE  The Home University will check the eligibility of candidates and will send all eligible applications to the Host Universities  The Host Universities will make their selection on criteria of academic merit and list the applications in order of preference  Their lists will be forwarded to the Selection Board

19 T HE S ELECTION B OARD will make the final decision based on  Academic merit  Balance among home and host universities  Percentages of Target Groups  “Cross-cutting issues” (sex balance, financial considerations, disability issues)


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