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The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Data From Sustrans, a charity that promotes sustainable transport in the UK Responsible for planning and delivering.

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Presentation on theme: "The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Data From Sustrans, a charity that promotes sustainable transport in the UK Responsible for planning and delivering."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Data From Sustrans, a charity that promotes sustainable transport in the UK Responsible for planning and delivering the National Cycle Network 107 automatic counters - #bikes per hour, many operating for over 5 years

2 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Usage profiles

3 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Clustering Try to find common shapes. How do we assess dissimilarity? Hierarchical clustering

4 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Result 4 shapes Schools Commuter Leisure Hybrid

5 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Clustering

6 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Relate to explanatory variables Responses to Sustrans information about the locality of a counter Baseline category logit model to “predict” classification. Response probabilities

7 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Example classification ~ Trafficfreeroute + Lessthan3miles + Lightingno commuter hybrid leisure schools 0.06165034 0.35577006 0.50244144 0.08013816

8 The Statistics of Cycling Matthew Arnold Conclusions Confirmed Sustrans notion of 4 types of usage profiles using data-driven methods. Examined relationship between usage at a counter and the locality of the counter. Experienced problems due to limited data.

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