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Presented By: Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, IAS District Election Officer-cum-District Magistrate Nalanda, Bihar.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, IAS District Election Officer-cum-District Magistrate Nalanda, Bihar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Sanjay Kumar Agarwal, IAS District Election Officer-cum-District Magistrate Nalanda, Bihar

2 Police Personnel Management Polling Personnel Management Critical Polling Stations Police Deployment Randomization CPF Mixing with local police Polling Personnel Roll Criticality Index Election

3 Background Constraints of Police & Polling Personnel Optimum utilization of available different type of security forces. Best Possible Deployment of CPMF. Randomization of Police Personnel Deployment. Minimizing subjectivity in selection of Most Critical (Hyper Sensitive) Polling Stations. Proper weightage to all past records of polling stations. Preparing Election personnel Roll To Create confidence in the minds of Candidates, Voters and political parties.

4 Police Deployment Randomization Randomization of Police personnel like Polling Personnel. Database of all eligible police personnel were maintained in electronic format, which facilitated computerized randomization. In order to avoid any allegation of collusion among the police personnel in favour of any candidate or political party and to instill confidence in the minds of Political Parties and candidates about free and fair elections, proper mixing of police personnel at the time of formation of a police party was ensured.

5 Police personnel randomization was done with the help of the software provided by CEO office. The final Randomization exercise was done in the presence of the D.M. & S.P. The actual polling station allotted to individual police personnel were disclosed just before the police party actually left the dispersal centre. Printed duty slips were given to each police personnel.

6 Mix of CPF with local police personal Generally CPF provides 8 to 12 sections of forces. So it can cover only 8 to 12 Polling stations. We have provided our 20 police personnel to each CPF company to supplement their strength. By this way, they have agreed to provide extra 4 to 5 sections by including 1 or 2 local police personnel in each section.

7 Election Personnel Roll To Eliminate the extra influence of second “D.E.O.” of the district. To avoid shortage of polling personnel. To get a better mix of polling personnel by randomization. To ensure the name of all Eligible Employees in Election personnel list. To avoid name of Retired, Dead, Transferred and Handicapped persons in Election duty list. To avoid mismatch of photos on appointment letter. To avoid aged employee for election duty in remote and difficult area polling station. Why ?

8 Draft Publication of Election Personnel Roll Draft Publication as per the Personnel list available of last election. Every DDO(Office) is allotted one unique no. like part no. Draft roll is forwarded to DDO for its verification and authentication. DDO’s are supposed to certify the list. If any addition, modification and deletion is required DDO shall submit the details within specified period and format.

9 Important information for polling personnel Blood group details Mobile/Telephone No. Electoral Roll serial no. and Part no. Photograph Age Central/State Govt. Disability status. Date of Retirement

10 OFFICE NAME Name of the Officer DesignationphotoSex (M/F) Age as on 01- 01-2010 (years) Grade Pay Basic pay Posting Block Posting Place Assembly segment Category (central/ state) Home Block Home Assembly Segment Part No. Sr. no. in Electoral Roll Blood Group Contact No. Handicapped (y/n) Date Of Retirement Personnel Details

11 Criticality Index Factors Epic Coverage Analysis Above 75% turnout in last election Above 75% Votes to one Candidate Missing Voters Analysis Past Election Repoll Analysis Past Violence Analysis Vulnerability Mapping

12 Epic Coverage Analysis An analysis of the polling station wise number of voters with EPIC and without EPIC (Non EPIC voters) was made. The polling stations were sorted in descending order in terms of number of non-EPIC voters in order to prioritize. Identified the polling stations where Non EPIC Voters were more than 45%.

13 Vulnerability Mapping Identified villages/ hamlets and segments of electorate vulnerable to any threat, intimidation or interference with the free exercise of electoral right was taken up polling station wise.

14 Past Elections Repoll The polling stations that went for re-poll during the previous elections due to reported electoral malpractices Polling stations that witnessed any sort of Electoral Violence were identified. Missing Voter without Family link Survey of missing voters under two categories i.e. missing voters with family links and missing voters without family links.

15 Past Election Result Analysis The polling station wise election results available in Form 20 with reference to the past Election were analyzed. All such Polling Station where percentage of poll recorded is more than 75% were identified All such Polling Stations where more than 75% of votes have been recorded in favor of one particular candidate were identified.

16 Details of Critical Booths Sl. No. Polling Station No. Booth NameAbove 75% turnout and Above 75% Votes one Candidate Percentage of Non EPIC more than 40% Missing Voters above 15 Vulnerabl e Booth RepollTOTAL C 161PRIMARY SCHOOL NEVARI C/91C-C-3C 280COMMUNITY HALL KAMALPUR C/88--CC3C 324UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL MANIYARI C/80-C--2C 443 UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL DEVDHARA -C-C-2C 562PRIMARY SCHOOL PUNAHDA ---CC2C 663 COMMUNITY HALL SUKANA BIGHA C/76---C2C 787 UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL AANKOPUR C/83--C-2C 897 MIDDLE SCHOOL RAMPUR (EAST PART) -C-C-2C 9108 UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH BHAGAWANPUR C/90---C2C

17 Details of Critical Booths assembly wise (critically Index) 36-Jehanabad Parliamentary Constituency 218-Makhdumpur Assembly Constituency Sl. No.Polling Station No.Booth NameTotal C (Critical Index) 161PRIMARY SCHOOL NEVARI 3 280COMMUNITY HALL KAMALPUR 3 324UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL MANIYARI 2 443UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL DEVDHARA 2 562PRIMARY SCHOOL PUNAHDA 2 663COMMUNITY HALL SUKANA BIGHA 2 787UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL AANKOPUR 2 897MIDDLE SCHOOL RAMPUR (EAST PART) 2 9108UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH BHAGAWANPUR 2 10126PANCHYAT BHAWAN SERTHUA 2 11131URDU UPG MIDDLE SCHOOL BAGWARA (NORTH PART) 2

18 Details of Critical Index 36-Jehanabad Parliamentary Constituency Sl. No. No. and Name of Assembly Constituency C-0C-1C-2C-3 Total No. of Critical Booths Total Polling station 1216- Jehanabad 14895262123271 2217-Ghoshi 100844910143243 3218-Makhdumpur 1356712281216 Total :- 3832468714347730

19 Action Taken for Most Critical P.S. The presence of CPF to safe guard the polling station. Digital camera / video camera were positioned in the polling station. Presiding Officer were specially briefed to ensure that the EPIC/approved identification document, if any are properly verified and reflected in the remarks column of Form 17 A. The list of such polling stations were given to the Commanding/Assistant Commanding Officers of CPF so that they can also keep an eye on such polling stations. Deployment of a micro-observer inside the polling station.



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