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PRIME MINISTER’S CHALLENGE ON DEMENTIA Delivering major improvements in dementia care and research by 2015 Dementia Action Alliance meeting – 30 May 2012.

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1 PRIME MINISTER’S CHALLENGE ON DEMENTIA Delivering major improvements in dementia care and research by 2015 Dementia Action Alliance meeting – 30 May 2012


3 Key Challenges Improvements in health and care Raising awareness and supporting dementia friendly communities Better research Three Champion Groups, some presenting today

4 Health and Care Increased diagnosis rates through regular checks for over-65s Dementia CQUIN Innovation Challenge Prize of £1m Dementia Care and Support Compact Local information on dementia services

5 Health and Care Champion Group Progress and key milestones First meeting held on 30 April 2012. Champion Group has identified 15 key areas of work, including: -reablement and intermediate care; -End of Life care; -housing. Detail of the “15 point plan” to be developed during a series of sub- group meetings in June. Other early milestones: -September 2012 – to launch pilots of dementia clinical networks; -September 2012 – to have engaged more organisations in the Dementia Care and Support Compact; -this summer – launch of the £1m Innovation Challenge Prize; -April 2013 – access to all CQUIN rewards to be dependent on delivering support for carers in line with NICE/SCIE guidance.

6 Dementia Friendly Communities and Awareness Dementia Friendly Communities across the country Support from businesses A major event over the summer Awareness-raising campaign

7 Dementia Friendly Communities Champion Group Progress and key milestones First two meetings held on 26 April and 24 May – the Prime Minister joined part of the second meeting. Online survey for the general public also launched on 24 May. Other early milestones: -on 24 May, the Prime Minister announced a scheme encouraging National Citizen Service graduates to work with older people; -this summer – three roundtable discussions on dementia friendly workplaces, dementia friendly villages and towns and dementia friendly products; -a group is meeting to discuss policies on dementia in the financial services sector; -work is progressing to launch a national campaign to raise awareness of dementia in the autumn.

8 Research Doubling overall funding for dementia research to over £66m by 2015. Major investment in brain scanning. £13m for social sciences research £36m for NIHR research Participation in high quality research.

9 Research Champion Group Progress and key milestones Builds on work that the Ministerial Advisory Group on Dementia Research (MAGDR) started on 2010, including the recent National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) themed call for research in dementia. Group will be co-chaired by Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, and Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust. Remit of the group is to provide: -oversight for the implementation of the key commitments set out in the Prime Minister’s Challenge document; -a wider programme of coordination and engagement focusing on research partnerships between research funders, research charities, universities, NHS Trusts, health and social care providers and the life science industry. First meeting to be held on 8 June 2012.

10 “I get the treatment and support which are best for my dementia and my life.” “I know what I can do to help myself and who else can help me. My community is working to help me to live well with dementia.” “I wanted to take part in research and was able to do so.” Dementia is one of the major health and social care issues of our time. Until recently it was also one of the most ignored. The National Dementia Strategy has made a good start ….. but we need to make more rapid progress. PM Challenge: conclusion


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