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The Age of Discovery. Reasons for European Exploration GLORY – European countries wanting to expand their territory GOLD - Europeans want to get rich.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Discovery. Reasons for European Exploration GLORY – European countries wanting to expand their territory GOLD - Europeans want to get rich."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Discovery

2 Reasons for European Exploration GLORY – European countries wanting to expand their territory GOLD - Europeans want to get rich by: 1.Getting gold and new natural resources from new lands they discovered 2.Trading spices GOD - Europeans wanted to spread Christianity

3 Technological Improvements Astrolabe – used to determine latitude at sea Caravel – mast ship that was larger, faster, and more maneuverable Mercator projection – good map for sailing b/c it shows true direction

4 Astrolabe (Muslims) Allowed sailors to determine how far north or south of the equator they were based on the stars

5 Caravel Mutliple masts and a new kind of rudder in the rear enabled sailors to steer into the wind

6 Mercator Projection (1569)

7 Portuguese Explorers

8 Prince Henry the Navigator

9 Portuguese Exploration Organized a school of exploration - new technology & mapping info. Created a navigation school where mapmakers, shipbuilders, scientists and captains could exchange information Sent expeditions to explore coast of West Africa to create ports of trade & eventually reach India

10 Bartolomeu Dias

11 Portuguese Exploration 1487-Sailing for India, Dias is caught in an awful storm. Gets to southern tip of Africa first – he named it “Cape of Good Hope” Out of food and resources, decides to return home

12 Vasco da Gama

13 Portuguese Exploration Sailed around Africa to western coast of India Dangerous but highly profitable voyage Buys spices and sells for 4,000x original price

14 Spanish Explorers

15 Spanish Exploration Christopher Columbus Wanted to find trade route to India but instead landed in West Indies – thought he was in INDIA! dies/famoushistoricalfigures/christ ophercolumbus/

16 Spanish Exploration Ferdinand Magellan First expedition to circumnavigate (circle) the globe Claimed Philippines for Spain

17 French and English: Jacques Cartier – French explorer claimed Canada for France Sir Francis Drake – He is famous for leading the first English circumnavigation of the world, from 1577 to 1580. Friend of Elizabeth I – defeated Spanish Armadacircumnavigation

18 Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 Agreement between Spain & Portugal Line of Demarcation divides “New” World” Portugal gets Brazil & East Indies Spain gets Central America, most of Caribbean & So. America


20 Processing Activity – one fact and one image (not their picture) that represents them Left-side opposite today’s notes Explorers web: Prince Henry the Navigator Bartholomeu Dias Vasco de Gama Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan Jacques Cartier Sir Francis Drake

21 Conquistadors and Consequences of Exploration es/worldhistory/conquistadors/

22 Spanish Exploration Hernan Cortes - conquistador who arrived in Mexico in 1519 Aztecs believed he was a God Defeated Aztecs Superior weapons Used enemies to help Disease

23 Cortes and Montezuma

24 Aztec Empire ps: un: bedford 75ffdeb2e528&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US 75ffdeb2e528&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US

25 Spanish Exploration Francisco Pizarro Conquistador who arrived in Peru in 1523 Captured Atahualpa, Inca Emperor Spanish eventually conquered Incan Empire, taking over lands from Ecuador to Chile

26 Pizarro and Atahualpa

27 Inca Empire

28 Reasons for Conquistadors’ Success 1. Epidemics of disease led to a decline in population 2. Alliances w/other tribes that resented Aztec or Inca power 3. Superior military technology 4. Religious fears 5. Horses (new to warfare)

29 Europeans R.A.C.E.D to conquer the Americas R – rigid class system and dictatorships in Latin Am. A – Africans brought as slaves C – colonies imitate culture of parent country E – Europeans immigrate to Americas D – diseases killed native peoples

30 Impact of Exploration on Indigenous (Native) People 90% of indigenous (native) population died b/c of enslavement, overwork, or diseases : Smallpox Measles Influenza

31 Labor intensive plantations Encomienda system – right to demand labor from the natives living in a certain area African slavery – b/c most natives died under encomienda system- needed new workforce

32 Spanish Colonial Rule Council of the Indies in Spain passed laws for colonies Viceroy, or royal governor, administered strict control over natives & those living in colonies

33 Social Classes in Spanish America Peninsulares – born in Spain Creoles – American-born descendents of Spanish settlers Mestizos – Native & Spanish descent Mulattoes – Spanish & African descent Native Americans African slaves

34 Processing Activity – Left-side opposite today’s notes Write a letter from the perspective of a native person in South America. The Spanish have arrived and conquered your lands. Discuss your new social position and what it means to you. Also discuss other experiences you may encounter as a result of Spanish domination

35 The Portuguese in Brazil Cabral claimed Brazil for Portugal Nobles given land grants; shared profits with king in Portugal Turned to plantation agriculture (esp. sugar) and livestock raising 5 million + Africans brought into Brazil as slaves

36 Mercantilism Country’s Wealth is measured in gold & silver. Aimed at strengthening economy of mother country (MC) in Europe MC wants to export more than it imports Colonies exist to provide raw materials & resources Colonies must buy high-priced finished goods when sold back to them from MC

37 New Ventures Overseas business ventures often too expensive for individual investors Investors began pooling money in joint- stock companies A New Business Organization

38 Columbian Exchange Transfer of plants, animals, and disease b/n the Western and Eastern Hemispheres

39 Impact of Columbian Exchange The Introduction of New Diseases Native Americans had no natural resistance to European diseases Smallpox, measles, influenza, malaria killed millions Population of central Mexico may have decreased by more than 30 percent in the 10 years following first contact with Europeans

40 Different Foods Exchange of foods, animals had dramatic impact on later societies Over time crops native to Americas became staples in diets of Europeans Foods provided substantial nutrition, helped people live longer Economics Activities like Texas cattle ranching, Brazilian coffee growing not possible without Columbian Exchange- because cows, coffee native to Old World Traditional cuisines changed because of Columbian Exchange

41 Columbian Exchange Led To: Transfer of plants, animals, and disease b/n the Western and Eastern Hemispheres CROPSCROPS

42 C. Cash crops grown in Americas Europeans need lots of workers

43 R. Racial slavery (Africans) Europeans used African slaves to work the lands Q: Why couldn’t they use Native Americans?

44 O. Oh, cash crops Tobacco Coffee And Sugar

45 P. Plantation system to grow cash crops

46 S. Slaves from Africa Used the Middle Passage to transport slaves

47 Triangular Trade and The Middle Passage

48 Triangular Trade Atlantic slave trade began in 1500s by Europeans, need labor force to work in Americas Native in Americas were dying Middle Passage was the horrible journey across the ocean where nearly half the slaves died

49 Triangular Trade

50 Means of Diffusion of Christianity Migration of Europeans to colonies Influence of Catholics and Protestants who carried their faith, language, and cultures to “new” lands Conversion of indigenous peoples: sometimes harsh & brutal; punished for practicing indigenous religion

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