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To watch these slides Dr. Carey, I am not sure these 8 th grade students are paying much attention or care!

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2 To watch these slides

3 Dr. Carey, I am not sure these 8 th grade students are paying much attention or care!

4 Slots, you are just being old and grumpy – these students care and want to do well on their exam. Right 8 th graders?

5 What’s the word? The policy of a powerful country seeking to control the economic and political affairs of a weaker country.

6 Imperialism

7 What’s the policy? John Hay sent a letter to European countries regarding trade in China that would free the spheres of influence to allow the U.S. to trade

8 Open Door Policy

9 Read All About It… Sensationalized news story – a leading cause of war fought in 1898

10 Yellow Journalism

11 For what event do Americans want revenge?

12 Sinking of the USS MAINE “Remember the Maine” You will see the mast of the Maine on our Washington trip!

13 “It was a splendid little war” How did most Americans die?

14 Disease IF you said poison gas then you need to study!!! Wrong war!!!

15 Who Am I? I took the canal zone I carry a BIG stick but speak softly I reissued the Monroe Doctrine giving the U.S. right to intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order

16 Do they know I am As sweet as a Teddy

17 Hey Dr. Carey – this student has no head?

18 Slots, relax – this is not a student in Pleasantville

19 How about some WWI

20 What event?

21 Zimmermann Telegram

22 These posters are...

23 U.S. War Propaganda

24 What are the FOUR MAIN causes of WWI?

25 M = Militarism A = Alliance System I = Imperialism N = Nationalism

26 I was the SPARK who was assassinated to set off WWI

27 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

28 TWO Questions 1.Who am I? 2.If people were throwing one tomato at me for each one of my points – how many tomatoes are thrown

29 TWO Questions 1.Woodrow Wilson 2.14 Points

30 How many did YOU get correct?

31 Tomorrow we have shortened periods for the assembly program – so no questions tomorrow.

32 To be ready tomorrow for the assembly program

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