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PARTNERSHIP FOR CHANGE A Partnership Approach to School Improvement How Guiding Principles Can Influence Our Practice January 2013 Statewide Albany, NY.

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Presentation on theme: "PARTNERSHIP FOR CHANGE A Partnership Approach to School Improvement How Guiding Principles Can Influence Our Practice January 2013 Statewide Albany, NY."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARTNERSHIP FOR CHANGE A Partnership Approach to School Improvement How Guiding Principles Can Influence Our Practice January 2013 Statewide Albany, NY Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

2 Professional Learner Center Today’s Activities: Readings from Jim Knight’s book, Unmistakable Impact Discussion around how Motivation and Guiding Principles influence our practice Connecting back to your practice - “Postcard”

3 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

4 Professional Learner Center Where have we been?  The Key Principles of Change: What facilitates change? What are the characteristics of successful change? What are successful strategies to influence changes?  Your Own Success Stories of Change: What did all of your stories have in common? What were the supporting structures in these stories? What is the role of the network in facilitating this success?

5 1/28/2013Professional Learner Center Where are we going?  Your stories of success guided us: Your stories revealed a pattern – “implicit” guiding principles Common themes: leadership, relationships, communication, reflection, collaboration, vision, and trust  The Role of GP’s in School Improvement: Today will give opportunities to learn more about the role of “explicit” GP’s in the school improvement process And opportunities to connect this research to your own practice.

6 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

7 Partnership Activity Guide Introductions – 5 minutes Assign Roles – 3 minutes Facilitator Reflector Recorder Time Keeper Review Materials for this session Task 1 card Task 2 card Task 3 card Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

8 Task #1 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

9 Task 1: Partnership Activity (30 Minutes) The Simple Truths about Helping Others and Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Read page 20 to top of page 28 -10 minutes Discuss as a group the two questions on your task card – 20 minutes Table Recorder – be sure to follow the instructions on the task card Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

10 Guiding Principles “Any principles or precepts that guide an organization throughout its life in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or the top management.” Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

11 Why Guiding Principles? Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

12 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

13 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

14 Seven Partnership Principles Task #2 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

15 Task 2: Seven Partnership Principles (65 Minutes) Materials Needed Pages 28-45 from Jim Knight’s book, Unmistakable Impact 7 Principles of Partnership Worksheet – Connections to You and Your Practice Directions All read page 28 to top of page 29 – 5 minutes Divide group into jigsaw readers and then share main points of Principles (see next slide for page numbers) – 30 minutes Complete worksheet and share with group – 20 minutes Sticky note on which Principle most connects with you – 5 minutes Gallery walk – 5 minutes Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

16 PrinciplePage # Equity29-31 Choice31-34 Voice34-36 Reflection36-38 Dialogue39-42 Praxis42-44 Reciprocity44-45 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

17 Task #3 Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

18 Task 3: Praxis: Application to your work (20 Minutes) Materials needed: Postcard List of Jim Knight’s 7 Principles of Partnership Examples of Partnership Principles in Practice Directions Complete postcard by filling out your mailing address and completing the questions on the back of the card – 10 Minutes Group sharing of how you will connect the Principles to your work. This part of the activity is voluntary but it is hoped that you will feel comfortable sharing your thoughts. – 10 minutes Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

19 Summary: Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, affect our work. Guiding Principles are supported by practice based research. Our work is directed by specific Guiding Principles. Professional Learner Center1/28/2013

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