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The Practicum 2010/2011 TO ORIENTATION EDUC 0106 TEACHING.

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Presentation on theme: "The Practicum 2010/2011 TO ORIENTATION EDUC 0106 TEACHING."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Practicum 2010/2011 TO ORIENTATION EDUC 0106 TEACHING

2 Why Have A Placement The 30 hour placement associated with EDUC 0106 is an opportunity for students to get a ‘taste’ for teaching and to orientate themselves to the profession.

3 Finding A Placement It is the responsibility of the student to secure a placement. Should not be concerned with getting a placement in division. Prefer that students have one host teacher but sometimes this is not possible (e.g. high school placements, class sharing) Can complete hours during University breaks or throughout the year. Please Note: You will not be able to complete 30 hrs during October or February break. An extra day will be required for you to finish your placement.

4 What Is Expected of Me? No Teaching, marking, being left on your own in the classroom, taking on role of a substitute teacher. Observation of classroom routines, management, teaching techniques etc… Actively assist students and teachers where necessary. Can lead reading groups, one on one student assistance etc… Learn more of the school environment; converse with other teachers. It is optional if you choose to volunteer with after school activities. This time WILL NOT be counted toward your 30 hours.

5 Practicum Profile Form This form, included in your package, must be handed in when you have done the following: Approached a school principal and/or teacher. Can use the principal/ host teacher memo as an introduction to the program. It is not necessary that you speak in person. Can contact school by phone, email, fax. If interested in a placement in a board requiring direct approval (York Region, Simcoe Muskoka, Bluewater), bring the profile form to Sandra Minor by October 3, 2010, completed with school of interest and teacher (if known).

6 Practicum Profile Form Once placement is confirmed complete Practicum Placement Form and return to office Rm F206 no later than Friday October 29, 2010. You can bring form to Sandra Minor, BEFORE you receive your Police Check. You will then print from Oliver Ridler’s website, the Host Teacher Kit to take to your host teacher on first scheduled day of your practicum. Host Teacher Kit has the Statement of Practicum Experience Form. Teacher is to return this form to Sandra Minor when your 30 hrs are complete. It is NOT to go to the student. Hours to be completed by APRIL 1, 2011.

7 What Criteria Am I Evaluated? Students are evaluated by their host teacher on six criteria: 1.Punctuality and school attendance 2.Attitude and flexibility 3.Initiative in classroom 4.Ability to relate to students 5.Ability to interact professionally with the school teaching staff 6.Overall potential to be a teacher Students are rated Not Acceptable, Satisfactory, or Outstanding.

8 Criminal Reference Check : Visit your local station to obtain police check if you have done so. You need to have a vulnerable sector screening. Most stations will require that I complete part of the Vulnerable form. Bring to me or send by fax. I will either fax back to station (if allowed) or I can complete and return the form if you drop it at my office. Once you have received your PBC, please bring the original and copy to my office. I will keep the copy and you will keep the original to take to practicum. YOU MAY NOT BEGIN PLACEMENT UNTIL I HAVE SEEN YOUR POLICE BACKGROUND CHECK!

9 REMEMBER… Get your Police Background Check if you have not done so already. Always correspond with me through Nipissing email. Forms and further information posted on Olive Ridler’s website. Get in the habit of checking your Nipissing email weekly. Bulletin Board outside F201 will have OTT information posted (i.e. class schedule) Placement Profile Form due Friday October 29, 2010. Mark in your calendar!

10 NEED ASSISTANCE? Practicum Assistance: Sandra Minor Practice Teaching Placement Coordinator Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Room F206 474-3461 ext 4224 Course Assistance: Olive Ridler For Class and Placement Updates and General Information: Check Olive Ridler’s website:

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