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SES Overview Supplemental Education Services. What is SES? Additional academic instruction that is provided outside of the regular school day Designed.

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Presentation on theme: "SES Overview Supplemental Education Services. What is SES? Additional academic instruction that is provided outside of the regular school day Designed."— Presentation transcript:

1 SES Overview Supplemental Education Services

2 What is SES? Additional academic instruction that is provided outside of the regular school day Designed to increase the academic achievement of eligible students in reading or mathematics Schools that do not meet AYP for two consecutive school years will be identified by the district as “in need of improvement”. Schools “in need of improvement” receiving Title I funds are required to offer public school choice to all their students. Services may include academic assistance such as tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions.


4 Responsibilities of District Must arrange for SES for eligible children from a provider on the state- approved list Make a good faith effort to administer an SES program in cooperation with ISBE, providers, schools and parents/guardians.

5 District Responsibilities Identify students who are eligible for SES. Notify parents/guardians annually and as soon in the school year as possible in a clear and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians can understand

6 Parent Notification Availability of supplemental educational services Approved providers whose services are available Brief description of the services, qualifications, and demonstrated effectiveness of each approved provider

7 Parent Notification Description of the services in a letter or accompanying publication should including: information on the grade levels and subject areas each provider will serve where and when each provider will offer its program the number of hours of service the pupil-tutor ratio the method of instruction whether providers operating off-site will offer transportation for students process the district will use to set priorities in order to determine which eligible students receive services.

8 District Outreach Strategy Districts must design and implement an effective outreach strategy to parents/guardians reflecting the following six communication goals: 1.Gain the attention of parents/guardians 2.Inform parents/guardians about their supplemental educational services options 3.Help parents/guardians understand how to obtain services 4.Motivate parents/guardians to take action to exercise their options 5.Encourage parents/guardians to follow and communicate with schools about their children’s progress 6.Influence parents/guardians to provide feedback regarding the impact and quality of the services their children receive.

9 District Outreach Strategy Schedule “provider fairs” or similar forums scheduled at times and locations that are convenient to parents/guardians. Provide teachers and principals with information about SES and approved local providers. Might also want to consider multiple avenues for providing general information including newspapers, internet, or less traditional means such as radio and TV advertisements or notices at venues parents may frequent.

10 District Responsibilities Make the registration process open and accessible Set timelines and deadlines for parents/guardians to respond in writing that they do or do not want supplemental educational services for their child(ren) Set budget and priority categories for students who qualify for and choose to receive the services.

11 District Responsibilities Determine whether providers will be allowed to use district facilities and, if so, arrange for this use. Contact providers selected by parents/guardians and enter into a contractual agreement on behalf of the student. Ensure that staff members employed by the provider have been processed through a criminal background check

12 District Responsibilities Ensure that SES are provided in accordance with all applicable Federal, state and local civil rights laws to students with disabilities or ESL Must disburse payments to providers in accordance with the district’s contract with the provider Monitor the progress of students receiving SES and the delivery of services by providers

13 Responsibilities of the School Assist in identifying and prioritizing students to receive SES With district formulate procedures and processes for provider meetings, parent/guardian education & notification, provider reporting, goal-setting sessions, and other components of the program. Determine which teachers/staff members will meet with parents/guardians and providers to establish learning goals and sign for the school on the Individual Learning Plan and Summary Report

14 Providers Must be approved by ISBE to provide SES, and must maintain this approval at all times during the delivery of services Report to parents/guardians and teacher(s) at regular intervals as specified in the student’s ILP and contract in an understandable and uniform format

15 Providers Responsibilities Must provide services on a regular basis for the duration of the contract Submit attendance and tracking data in a timely manner to the district and ISBE Retain qualified staff. Ensure that all employees who interact with students are first fingerprinted and cleared through a criminal background check. Providers will utilize curriculum and other components of program design as submitted to the state as effective (in other words, providers cannot change the curriculum/program design from that which was approved).

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