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Canada GODAE UPDATE Andry William Ratsimandresy, F. Davidson, A. Lundrigan, D. Power, D. Wright, M. Dunphy, J. Loder, C.Hannah Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada GODAE UPDATE Andry William Ratsimandresy, F. Davidson, A. Lundrigan, D. Power, D. Wright, M. Dunphy, J. Loder, C.Hannah Fisheries and Oceans Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada GODAE UPDATE Andry William Ratsimandresy, F. Davidson, A. Lundrigan, D. Power, D. Wright, M. Dunphy, J. Loder, C.Hannah Fisheries and Oceans Canada

2 Working together CONCEPTS: Canadian Operational Network of Coupled Environmental PredicTion Systems –Global Coupled Assimilation and Prediction System –MSC, DFO, DND, Academia, Mercator COMDA: DFO Center for Ocean Model Development and Applications  CANOOS: CAnadian Network of Operational Ocean Systems (IML, BIO, NAFC, IOS, MEDS, …)  C-NOOFS: Canada-Newfounland Operational Ocean Forecast System -- pilot project in collaboration with Mercator University initiatives –CMEP: Center for Marine Environmental Prediction –GOAPP: Global Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction Project (CFCAS)

3 Seasons to decades Coupled ocean- atmosphere system Global Data assimilation Coupling Analysis methods Modes of variability Limits to predictability Value of forecasts Theme I Theme II Days to months Ocean only and coupled systems Regional to global CFCAS - prediction and predictability

4 Myers (UA) Boer, Flato, Fyfe, Merryfield (UVic) Tang (UNBC) Demirov (MUN) Derome (McGill) Gauthier (UQAM) Foreman, Hsieh (UBC), Ritchie, Thompson, Wright (Dal) Stacey (RMC) The Network Approach Institution Adjunct Academic Discipline Atmos Ocean Theme Theme I Theme II

5 GODAE Downscaling example NWA + Nested Zoom

6 C-NOOFS System CMC WIND GRIB frmt RadarSat Winds Wind Stress NETCDF Every 1/3 hr Restart file MERCATOR Output Initial State C-NOOFS BC’s Every 1 wk Observations Daily Report Validation NEMO | NEMO+AGRIF T,S,U,V,W Data products / plotting Analysis Every 24 hr

7 CNOOFS1 Cluster System: 5 Node, 2-way, 80 Gig, 20 cores Solaris, Sun Studio Compiler 4 Compute Nodes: X4100M 1 Master Node X4200M N1 Grid Engine + Manager Disks: twin 72 Gig on each node for OS twin 146 Gig on X4200 master node Connection: 2 ethernet networks 1 Infiniband network

8 C-NOOFS accessibility running. Webpage behind in comparison to C-NOOFS development Now have open boundaries New inputs from MERCATOR Model data will be available Fall 2007 Bilingual (French/English)

9 Domains in Development Global (1 º ) N Atlantic (1/4 º ) NW Atlantic (1/4º) EAST (1/12 º ) North Pacific (1 º, 1/4 º ) NE Pacific (1/4 º, 1/12 º ) Arctic (1 º, 1/4 º )

10 METRICS for the Labrador Shelf and Grand Banks Example April 14 th 2007 Salinity Temperature

11 AZMP August 4 2007 MERCATOR PSY 3V2

12 Supplementary regional observations

13 Example of profiles from one seal Distance Covered temperature

14 Spaceborne Ocean Intelligence Network (SOIN) SOIN Project Goals a)To advance Canada's ability to produce meteorology and oceanography products in support of maritime defence and civilian-security operations; b) to monitor mesoscale oceanographic fronts and eddies with spaceborne synthetic aperture radar sensors; c) To provide Canadian Forces MetOc Halifax with the operational tools to distribute resulting METOC products to civilian security-related operations.

15 Spaceborne Ocean Intelligence Network (SOIN) DND looking for real time oceanographic data

16 Canadian Participation GODAE Relatively young effort in OO Require data assimilation expertise 2 projects in place: Canadian Space Agency support GRIP program CFCAS (Keith Thomson) Lot’s of willing users: Coast Guard Oil Industry Canadian Ice Service Canadian Meteorological Center

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