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Traditional Medicine. Summary Preliminary report - Definitions - Types of TM - The State of the Art. Regulation. The ethics of working with indigenous.

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Medicine. Summary Preliminary report - Definitions - Types of TM - The State of the Art. Regulation. The ethics of working with indigenous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Medicine

2 Summary Preliminary report - Definitions - Types of TM - The State of the Art. Regulation. The ethics of working with indigenous communities Science Sector Work - PSD/ SII - EES: IPABS and IPR, Biocultural community protocol - BES: SIDS of Indian Ocean and Madagascar workshop Ethical Implications and Recommendations

3 Preliminary Report: Definitions The importance of TM for billions The increasing popularity of CAM They are not synonymous

4 Preliminary report: Definitions TM has developed in particular social, cultural and environmental contexts Is dynamic and syncretic To change it from outside may have wide ranging and unforeseen consequences

5 Preliminary report: Definitions Conceptual domains of medical systems Biomedicin e Traditional Medicine

6 Preliminary report: Definitions Conceptual domains of medical systems Biomedicine Traditional Medicine

7 Preliminary report: Definitions Conceptual domains of medical systems Evaluation Biomedicine Traditional Medicine

8 TMs are: - Generally empirical - But complex systems of testing and adjusting that are unknown from outside the tradition. - Accessed based on pragmatic and astute understandings of contingencies - Clinical legitimacy vs. scientific legitimacy - Willis and White 2004 Preliminary Report: Types of TM

9 Preliminary Report: State of the Art Regulating TM: mixed results - Legal frameworks in 9 Latin American countries: “Regulation of TM in…. is not achieved through the application of a body of laws... This irregular process has become more of one of control than of regulation which depends upon the asymmetric power between those who control... and those who are controlled...' Nigenda et al. 2001: 38-9

10 Preliminary Report: State of the Art The impact of regulation and validation: - Always changes TM - Changes may be welcomed ● e.g. Canadian CAM practitioners (Moss et al. 2007) - But may negatively affect access ● E.g. biochemical testing of Korean TM (Kim 2009)

11 Preliminary Report: State of the Art The ethics of working with Indigenous communities, including health research - Health oversight bodies: E.g. Canadian Institute of Aboriginal People’ s Health - Health research guidelines: Australian National Health and Medical Research Council ● Strategic Framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health through research ( 2002) ● Values and Ethics: Guidelines for ethical conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research ( 2003)

12 Division of Science Policy and Sustainable Development - Small Islands and Indigenous Knowledge Section.Ex: Pourchez, Laurence (in prep). Savoirs feminins lies a la nature, plantes medicinales et rnedecine traditionnelle dans les Mascareignes. UNESCO­LINKS

13 DIVISION of Ecological and Earth Sciences - International Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (to be adopted this week?) - Biocultural community protocols: Kruger to Canyons Biosphere Reserve

14 Conclusions Ethical Implications -Article 4: Difference between theory and reality. - Protecting IPR and ABS (Articles 10, 15) Article 5: Autonomy and individual responsibility - Article 17: Protection of biodiversity

15 Conclusions Recommendations - Learn from and take into account the experiences of other bodies that have attempted to regulate TM - Include TM practitioners on the working group - Include TM users into the process - Collaborative work at the local level may be most effective at ensuring ethical TM practice

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