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Actions taken by Consumer Organisations and its impact on Industry Dr. M.S. Kamath M.B.,B.S.; LL. M. Hon. Secretary, CGSI.

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Presentation on theme: "Actions taken by Consumer Organisations and its impact on Industry Dr. M.S. Kamath M.B.,B.S.; LL. M. Hon. Secretary, CGSI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actions taken by Consumer Organisations and its impact on Industry Dr. M.S. Kamath M.B.,B.S.; LL. M. Hon. Secretary, CGSI

2 Internet access Percent broadband household access1.18% of households (14.31 million) Broadband internet users14.31 million (May 2012) [2] [2] Internet Service ProvidersInternet Service Providers (2012)155 country code top-level


4 Key points: the fixed broadband market was growing at an annual rate of around 25% in early 2013; fixed broadband penetration (population) was around 2%; the take up rate for wireless broadband was accelerating rapidly; the government has prepared a National Broadband Plan, although it does not have the profile expected of such a key document; the government has placed a major emphasis on getting broadband into the rural areas.

5 Main problems faced by Consumers Mis-selling by DSAs – tall claims, bogus plans, special rewards etc. Speed Issues: The emphasis is to promise high speeds, which are never matched in reality. Billing Issues: Commonest problem is of huge rise in per MB charges after the Plan target is consumed.

6 How Our Organisation tackles these issues We are a TRAI-empowered CAG, so we get direct access to the Grievance Redressal Mechanism of the Service Provider (SP) A detailed study of the issue of the consumer is then provided to the Service Provider. An approach of mediation/conciliation is used. The parties are encouraged to directly talk to each other – CGSI acts as a facilitator only.

7 Do we get Justice? Almost always, Yes. Success rate: almost 100%

8 Why the big success? Good study of the problem Rational approach to obtaining a solution. Most Important: Credibility of the Mediator. Attitude: Respect is commanded, not demanded.

9 Thank you for a patient Hearing!

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