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Engaging Employers: Improving Integration Outcomes by Partnering with Canadian Business National Metropolis Conference Friday, March 14, 2014 Corinne Prince-St-Amand.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Employers: Improving Integration Outcomes by Partnering with Canadian Business National Metropolis Conference Friday, March 14, 2014 Corinne Prince-St-Amand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Employers: Improving Integration Outcomes by Partnering with Canadian Business National Metropolis Conference Friday, March 14, 2014 Corinne Prince-St-Amand

2 Labour market integration is critical to newcomers’ long-term success in Canada, and employment remains a key challenge for many We know that many newcomers continue to face key barriers: – Lack of Canadian work experience – Lack of recognition of foreign educational or professional credentials by regulatory authorities or employers – Lack of knowledge regarding Canadian workplace culture – Inadequate language proficiency and other skills – Discrimination exists in different domains of society, including the labour market 2 Immigration and the Canadian Labour Market

3 Settlement programming helps address barriers to the labour market integration of newcomers through: – Information and orientation sessions in Canada and abroad – Language training (including occupation-specific training) – Work placements – Services that facilitate credential recognition or licensure (e.g. Educational Credential Assessment, International Qualification Network) – Mentorships – Services that connect newcomers to the community and employers (e.g. job fairs including Destination Canada) 3 CIC-funded services

4 The Settlement Program does not work in isolation; employers have been integral to the success of leading settlement practices: – Adopting and/or funding networking, bridging and mentoring programs, internships, work placements, and creating welcoming workplaces – Playing a key role in local, multi-stakeholder initiatives such as Immigrant Employment Councils (IECs), Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) and Francophone Immigration Networks – Participating in CIC initiatives that link newcomers with employment including the Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) program – Sharing best practices through the International Qualification Network – Collaborating on joint priorities including Foreign Credential Recognition and Alternative Careers 4 Employers and Labour Market Integration

5 CIC is exploring how to increase the effectiveness of labour market integration programming by building on partnerships with the private sector, including new innovative approaches (e.g. social finance models) From a planning perspective, CIC continues to explore ways to engage employers in consultations on settlement priority setting 5 Moving Forward: Employer Engagement

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