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Laura Toppozini CAP Congress 2014 June 19, 2014 Cholesterol Structure in Lipid Rafts.

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Presentation on theme: "Laura Toppozini CAP Congress 2014 June 19, 2014 Cholesterol Structure in Lipid Rafts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laura Toppozini CAP Congress 2014 June 19, 2014 Cholesterol Structure in Lipid Rafts

2 Cholesterol in Lipid Membranes Singer and Nicholson, 1972 Simons, 1997 Mosaic model: Lipids, cholesterol, and proteins homogeneously mixed Lipid raft model: Cholesterol-rich domains What is cholesterol’s role in rafts?

3 Project Details 20,000- molecule simulations What is cholesterol’s role in lipid membranes? Can we see raft formation in a binary system? What can binary system rafts elucidate about rafts in biological membranes? Neutron experiment at Canadian Neutron Beam Centre Coarse-grained MD simulations from collaborators at University of Mainz Neutron diffraction with stacked, oriented bilayers L Toppozini, S Meinhardt, CL Armstrong, Z Yamani, N Kucerka, F Schmid, MC Rheinstadter. The Structure of Cholesterol in Lipid Rafts. Submitted, under review.

4 ~40Å 20 mol% ~100Å Liquid-ordered phase Simulation: CG Molecular Dynamics Liquid-ordered phase

5 Experiment: Neutron Scattering superresolution { nm Larger λ Smaller λ

6 Cholesterol in Lipid Membranes 32.5% cholesterol Liquid–ordered phase

7 Selective Deuteration Selectively highlight molecules

8 Cholesterol Structure

9 Liquid-Disordered Cholesterol-lipid complexes Umbrella model Huang & Feigenson. Biophys J. 1999 76(4):2142-57

10 Cholesterol Structure Cholesterol Plaques -Cholesterol bilayers/plaques -Triclinic unit cell a=b=12.8 Å α=95˚β=91.9˚γ=98.1˚ Ordered-Complexes -Ordered lipid-cholesterol complexes -Monoclinic unit cell a=b= 11Å α= 131˚

11 Cholesterol Structures in Rafts The liquid-ordered phase of a binary system is heterogeneous Domains in binary systems may be nuclei which lead to rafts in biological membranes. Small, (~10nm) transient (~100ns) structures are observed in lipid-cholesterol system Observation of three coexisting cholesterol structures in the l o phase: Liquid disordered Ordered lipid/cholesterol Cholesterol plaques

12 Acknowledgements Maikel C.Rheinstadter Clare Armstrong Norbert Kucerka Zahra Yamani Sebastian Meinhardt Friederike Schmid


14 Lipid Structure a lipid-raft b lipid-raft

15 Simulations: changing chemical potential

16 Lipid/cholesterol phase diagram

17 Membranes, Rafts, and Scattering ~3000 bilayers/wafer give larger signals Hydrated lipid bilayers have diffusive motion: signals are weak Typical neutron scattering setup gives large spatial averaging Gives bulk structure Are small structures being formed but averaged over?

18 Measurement of Rafts neutron Long coherence length ξ Short coherence length ξ wave package ξξ

19 Condensation and the Umbrella Model 0 Phospholipid head-group acts as umbrella, shields hydrophobic regions of cholesterol 0 Cholesterol proximity suppresses tail fluctuations 0 These complexes may form domains in l o phase at moderate cholesterol concentrations

20 Experiment: Neutron Scattering



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